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  • T/Ths @ 2:50 pm


    M     -   P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th - P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F - P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, Aug 27

    In class:

    What is Biotech?

    Go over How to maintain a Scientific Notebook in Biotech

    Lab Activity: Bleach Lab pgs 19-21 TB


    Read Ch 1.1-1.2 and do review questions Ch 1.1-1.2 in ED - write questions and answers on paper with black ink

    Read Cheese Lab before Thursday and bring whole milk and buttermilk on Thursday

    Do Biotech Online, B.O., pg 13 Glo Fish


    Day 2 Thursday, Aug 29

    In class:

    Complete and make final observations for Bleach Lab, lab report due on 9/7

    Review How to Notebook and how to write an effective conclusion

    Lab Activity: Cheese Lab 


    Read Ch 1.3 pgs 14-18 and do review questions 1.3 ED

    Do Biotech Online (B.O.) pg 18 Genentech

    Finish Bleach Lab report in Google Docs pgs 19-21 ED; lab report due on Th 9/7


  • *** Class only meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays


    Day 1 Wednesday, August 21

    In class:

    Rules and Policies

    Safety Rules


    Sign up for Google Classroom, Quizizz, Edpuzzle

    Study for Safety Test – Test on Thursday

    Wear shoes to class – Always!


    Day 2 Thursday, August 22

    In class:

    Safety Test

    What is Biotechnology


    Read Ch 1.1 Biotechnology ED (Ellyn Daugherty textbook)

    Read Bleach Lab pgs 19-21 ED, Lab on Tuesday

    Wear shoes, = please!



  • M     - Labor Day Holiday

    T/Th - P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F - P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Sept 2

    In Class:

    Review Scientific Method

    Correct Ch 1.2-1.3 review questions

    Lab Activity: Cheese Lab, make first observation, record in your notebook

    Biotech Live: Activity 1 What is Biotechnology? pgs 32-33

    Activity 2 Business Side pgs 33-34


    Read ED Ch. 1.4 and review questions pgs 19-23 ED

    Do B.O. Hot Jobs pg 26 

    Extra Credit: make cheese at home; DIY on

    Bleach Lab due Thurs 9/4; Did you send to intern to check for content/format?


    Thursday, Sept 4

    In Class:

    Cheese Lab – Make 2nd observation, record in your notebook🡪 ready for cheese cloth?

    Discuss Careers in Biotech

    Do Biotech Live Activity 1.4 How Biotech Industry Improving Human Life? pg 35

    Correct Ch 1.4 review questions

    Bleach Lab due today– Did you send to intern to check for content/format?


    Read ED Ch 1.5-1.6 and do review questions pgs 23-29 ED

    Do B.O. Code of Business Conduct pg 29 ED

    Read Summary and Lab Practices pgs 30-31

    Ch 1 Test – Thurs 9/12





  • M/W – P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th – P2, P4, P6, P7

    Friday – Minimum Day


    Tuesday, Sept 10

    In class:

    Review Ch 1.3-1.6 and correct review answers

    Discuss careers and Biotethics in Biotechnology- watch video on Biochemist

    Check cheeseball – make final observation: color, texture, smell

    Go over Microscope Lab – due on Thurs, 9/12

    Lab Activity: Organic Lab – lab report due on Thurs, 9/19


    Read Summary and Lab Practices on pgs 30-31 to review for Ch 1 Test

    Study for Ch 1 Test – Test on Thurs, 9/12 (BRING CHROMEBOOK, charged)

    Cheese Lab is due on Tues, 9/17

    Read Ch 2.1, do review question 

    Remember to copy review questions and answer in complete sentences on a separate sheet


    Thursday, Sept 12 (BTSN)

    In class:

    Ch 1 Test in class on Quizziz

    Go over Ch 2.1 Review Questions, Organic Lab, and Microscope worksheet

    Lab Activity: Organic Lab on Tuesday


    Read Ch 2.2-2.3, do review questions; remember to copy questions and answer in complete sentences

    Complete cell structure and function worksheet

    Finish Cheese Lab - due on Tues, 9/17

    Read Organic Lab – lab on on Tues, 9/17


  • M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Sept 17

    In class:

    Go over Organic Lab 

    Correct Ch 2.1-2.3 review questions

    Due today: Cheese Lab, Microscope Lab (was due on Friday)

    Lab Activity – Bacteria Lab: collect bacteria, streak media plate, test against antibiotics


    Read Ch 2.4 New Biotechnology and do 2.4 review questions

    Do B.O. pgs 43 Kimchi, 46 Right Tool, 52 Molecular Models, and 82 Biotech Products

    Finish Organic Lab -  both are due on Thursday, 9/19

    Ch 2 Test on Thursday, 9/26


    Thursday, Sept 19

    In class:

    Due today: Organic Lab

    Correct Ch 2.4 review questions

    Go over Bacteria Lab and Gram Stain

    Lab Activity: Continue Bacteria Lab; Gram Staining of bacteria


    Finish Bacteria Lab Report – due on Thursday, 9/26

    Do Biotech Live Activity 2.1-2.3 pg 86

    Read Ch 2 Summary and Lab Practices pg 81-86

    Ch 2 Test on Thursday, 9/26


  • M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Sept 24

    In class:

    Review Ch 2 The Raw Materials

    Go over Bacteria Lab and Gram Stain

    Lab Activity – Restreak bacteria with antibiotics; Grams Stain

    Do SkillsUSA Certification Module


    Ch 2 Test on Thursday and Ch 2 packet due on Thursday

    Read Ch 3.1-3.2 pgs 71-82 and do review questions

    Do B.O. pg 74 on Metrics Conversion

    Finish Bacteria Lab with antibiotics– due on Tuesday, 10/1

    Gram Stain Lab – due on Thursday, 10/3


    Thursday, Sept 26

    In class:

    Ch 2 Test and Ch 2 packet due today

    Go over Ch 3.1-3.2 review questions and math problems

    Go over Gram Stain Lab

    Lab Activity – Pipetting Accuracy


    Read Ch 3.3-3.4 and do review questions

    Do Math Problems                                                                                          

    Bacteria Lab with antibiotics – due on Tuesday, 10/1

    Gram Stain Lab – due on Thursday, 10/3

    Pipetting Lab due Thursday, 10/3



  • M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Oct 1

    In class:

    Correct all Ch 3.1 – 3.3 review questions and math problems

    Go over Math Problems

    Lab Activity – Pipetting Accuracy part 1 and 2

    Due today: Bacteria Lab with antibiotics; Gram Stain Lab – due on Thurs, 10/3


    Read Ch 3.4 - 3.5 and do review questions

    Do B.O. 150 Meter Homer pg 74, Positive Displacement pg 79,

    Pipetting Accuracy Lab parts 1 and 2 – due on Tues, 10/8

    Work on Math problems


    Thursday, Oct 3

    In class:

    Go over Ch 3.5 review questions and math problems

    Go over Pipetting Accuracy

    Lab Activity – Micropippetting Exercise with colored dyes – due Thurs 10/10


    Read Ch 3.6 and do review questions

    Read Summary and Lab Practices pgs 92-93

    Pipetting Accuracy Lab parts 1 and 2 - due Tues, 10/8

    Ch 3 Test – Thurs 10/10

    Finish Math Problems

  • M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Oct 8

    In class:

    Correct Ch 3.3-3.6 review questions and Math Problems

    Ch 3 Test on Tues, 10/15

    Continue Pipetting Accuracy Lab, part 2

    Go over Math problems

    Lab Activity: Micro-pipetting Lab with colored dyes – due Thurs, 10/17


    Study for Ch 3 Test – Test on Tues, 10/15

    Finish Biotech Live – Activity 3.1-3.4 pgs 95-97 and Math problems

    Pipetting Accuracy Lab, parts and 2 – due Tues, 10/15

    Micro-pipetting Lab with colored dyes – due Thurs, 10/17


    Thursday, Oct 10

    In class:

    Ch 3 Test

    Continue with Biotech Live – Activity 3.5-3.6 pgs 98-100

    Go over Math/MW of compounds

    Activity: more practice on micro-pipetting


    Study for Ch 3 test - Test on Tues, 10/15

    Read Ch 4.1 Studying DNA and do review questions

    Pipetting Accuracy Lab, parts and 2 – due Tues, 10/15

    Micro-pipetting Lab with colored dyes – due Thurs, 10/17


  • M/W P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7

    F P1 - P7    Minimum Day 


    Tuesday, Oct 15

    In class:

    Go over Math Problems, Ch 3.5-3.6 review questions

    Ch 4.1 DNA Structure

    Lab Activity: Isolation of Strawberry DNA 

    Due today: Pipetting Accuracy parts 1 and 2


    Read Ch 4.2 Sources of DNA, do review questions

    Do Biotech Online: Know your Genome pg 112, Baldness Gene pg 118

    Download Amgen Lab Manual – Read ABE Lab 1 Gel Electrophoresis and do prelab notes

    Strawberry DNA Lab – due on Thurs, 10/24

    Ch 3 Test on Thurs, 10/17


    Thursday, Oct 17

    In class:

    Ch 3 Test and Ch 3 packet due today

    Ch 4.2 Sources of DNA, correct review questions

    Activity: Cast a Gel for Gel Electrophoresis; make 1x SB buffer and 1% agarose gel; 

    - ABE Lab 1 – Gel Electrophoresis

    Due today: Micropipetting Lab with red dye


    Read Ch 4.3 Isolating and Manipulating DNA

    Do Biotech Online Recombinant Pharmaceuticals and Therapies, pgs 118-119

    Read Lab 2 Amgen Lab Manual – pKan and pARA Digest with restriction enzymes

    Strawberry DNA Lab – due on Thurs, 10/24

    ABE Lab 1 – Gel Electrophoresis – due on Tues, 10/29


  • M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, Jan 9

    In class:

    Review Ch 5 Proteins and PAGE, Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis

    Go over Synthetic Biology Project –due in 10 weeks

    Assign chapters for group presentations


    Read up on PAGE – protein analysis (Dr. Coba will lecture on how PAGE is used in their lab to analyze proteins

    Read Ch 6.1 Assays and Do review questions 6.1; write questions on separate sheet and answer in complete sentences

    Brainstorm ideas for Synthetic Biology Project

    Click here:


    Day 2 Thursday, Jan 11

    In class:

    Set up PAGE experiment – Fish protein analysis with special guest, Dr. Coba and Mrs. Coba

    Go over Synthetic Biology – go to

    Ch 6.1 Potential Products

    Lab Activity: PAGE


    Read Ch 6.2 Assays and Do review questions 6.2

    PAGE Fish Proteins – Lab report due on Thurs, Jan 18

    Brainstorm ideas for Synthetic Biology Project

    Click here:

    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a Powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp 6 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp 7 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp 8 – Ch 9.1-9.5

    Grp 1,2,3 – Ch 12

    Grp 6,7,8 – Ch 13

  • T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 1/16

    In class:

    Review PAGE – staining and destaining gel

    Review Ch 6.1 Potential Biotech Product and Ch 6.2 The use of Assays, correct review questions

    Group 1 Presentation - Ch 6.3 ELISA, correct review questions

    Lab Activity – Finish destaining PAGE gel; Rapid ELISA, TRU RSV - Due on Tues 1/23


    Read Ch 6.3 ELISA and do review questions 6.3

    Do Biotech Online ELISA Technology in Diagnostic Kits pg 173

    PAGE Lab report – due on Tues, 1/23

    Due on Thurs, 1/23 – Rapid ELISA, TRU RSV


    Day 2 Thursday, 1/18

    In class:

    Review Ch 6.2 Assays

    Group 1 Presentation - Ch 6.2 The use of Assays, and Ch 6.3 ELISA, correct review questions

    Lab Activity: Lab 6b and c Assaying for Starch, Sugar and Amylase Activity – due Tue 1/30


    Read ELISA Lab

    Finish Lab 6c Amylase Activity – due Thurs 1/30

    Edpuzzle – ELISA

    Continue working on Synthetic Biology Project


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a power point presentation for each section.

    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp 6 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp 7 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp 8 – Ch 9.1-9.5

    Grp 1,2,3 – Ch 12

    Grp 6,7,8 – Ch 13

  • M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 1/23

    In class:

    Review Ch 6.3 ELISA and Amylase

    Lab Activity: Lab 6b Assay for Starch and Sugar and Lab 6c Amylase Lab


    Read ELISA Lab – Lab on Thursday

    Read Ch 6.4 Western Blots and do review questions

    Lab 6b Assay for Starch and Lab 6c Assaying for Amylase Activity – due Tues 1/30


    Day 2 Thursday, 1/25

    In class:

    Review Lab 6c Amylase

    Group Presentation – Ch 6.4 Western Blot

    Lab Activity: Anti-Heparin ELISA Assay


    Read Ch 6.5 Looking for new products

    Do B.O. pg 178 Amazon Hide and Seek

    Lab 6b Assay for Starch and Lab 6c Assaying for Amylase Activity – due Tues 1/30

    Continue working on Synthetic Biology Project

    Bring Herbs for Tuesday and read Lab 6d Looking for Potential Medicine


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp 1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp 2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp 3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp 6 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp 7 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp 8 – Ch 9.1-9.5

    Grp 1,2,3 – Ch 12

    Grp 6,7,8 – Ch 13


  • M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 1/30               Stem Cell PCC Module: Feb 6-Feb 20

    In class:

    Review Ch 6.3 and 6.4 Western Blot and go over ELISA Lab

    Group presentation – Ch 6.4 and 6.5 Looking for new products

    Due today: Lab 6g HRP Isolation, Lab 6h Confirm HRP with TMB

    Lab Activity – Lab 6h Confirm HRP with TMB

    Lab 6d Looking for new products, continue on Thurs


    Read Ch 6.6 Producing rDNA and do review questions

    Read ELISA Anti-Heparin Lab – lab on Thursday 2/1

    Lab 6g HRP Isolation – due on Tues 2/6


    Day 2 Thursday 2/1

    In class:

    Lab Activity: ELISA Anti-Heparin Lab

    Group Presentation – Ch 6.6 Producing rDNA and correct review questions

    Lab Activity: ELISA Anti-Heparin Lab


    Do Biotech Live Activity 6.1-6.4 – due on Thurs 2/8

    Read Lab 6d Looking for new products – Do on Tues

    Ch 6 Test – Thurs 2/8; Ch 6 review questions - due on Thurs 2/8


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    In class:

    Go over Ch 6.4 Western Blot

    Group Presentation – Ch 6.5 Looking for New Products, do review questions

    Lab Activity: Lab 6d Looking for new products – bring herbs


    Read Ch 6.6 Producing rDNA and do review questions

    Do Biotech Online pg 163 Quality Not and Quantity

    Finish Lab 6g and 6h Isolation of HRP and testing against TMB (on same lab report)- due on Tues 2/8


    Day 2 Thursday 2/8

    In class:

    Group Presentation – Ch 6.6 Producing rDNA and correct review questions

    Due today: Lab 6g and 6h Isolation of HRP and testing against TMB (on same lab report)-

    Lab Activity: Continue Lab 6d Looking for new products, test against bacteria



    Finish Biotech Live Activity 6.1-6.4 – due on Tues 2/13

    Ch 6 Test – Tues 2/13; Ch 6 review questions-  due on Tues 2/13


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13


  • T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 2/13

    In class:

    Go over Ch 6 and correct all assignments

    Ch 6 Assay Test; Ch 6 packet – due today

    Lab Activity: Lab 6d Looking for new products - make final observations, lab report due on Tues 2/20


    Read Ch 7.1 Spectrophotometer and do review questions pgs 195-197

    Do B.O. 7.1 FTIR, pg 200

    Edpuzzle: Spectrophotometer – take notes; turn in on Tue 2/20

    Read Lab 7a and 7b How to Use a Spectrophotometer


    Day 2 Thursday, 2/15

    In class:

    Go over Lab 6d Antimicrobial properties

    Group presentation on Ch 7. 1 Spectrophotometer

    Lab Activity - Lab 7a and 7b How to Use a Spectrophotometer


    Read Ch 7.4 and 7.5 Use of Spectrophotometers to measure Protein Concentration

    Do 7.4 and 7.5 Review questions

    Finish Lab 7a and 7b lab reports – due on Thurs 2/22


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13


  • T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 2/20

    In class:

    Review Ch 7.1 Spectrophotometers

    Review Labs 7a and 7b How to use a spectrophotometer

    Lab Activity: Soda Lab using the Spectrophotometer; create excel file, convert %T to A

    Due today: Lab 6d Looking for Potential Medicine lab reports

    Quiz on Ch 7.1 Spectrophotometer


    Read Ch 7.4 and 7.5 Use of Spectrophotometers to measure Protein Concentration

    Do 7.4 and 7.5 Review questions

    Finish Lab 7a and 7b lab reports – due on Thurs, 2/22

    Soda Lab using the Spectrophotometer lab report – due Tues, 2/27


    Day 2 Thursday, 2/22

    In class:

    Review Spectrophotometers, Soda Lab using the Spectrophotometer and conversion A to %T

    Group Presentation today: Ch 7.4 and 7.5 Using Spectrophotometers to measure Concentration

    Due today: Lab 7a and 7b lab reports


    Read Ch 7.2 and do review questions

    Do B.O pg 203

    Soda Lab using the Spectrophotometer lab report – due Tues, 2/27


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 2/27

    In class:

    Grp presentation 7.5 Using Spectrophotometers to measure Concentration and

    Ch 7.2 pH and correct review questions pgs 200-203

    Learn how a pH meter electrode works

    Lab Activity – pH Lab – due on Tues, 3/5

    Due today -- Soda Lab using the Spectrophotometer lab report


    Finish Ch 7.2 review questions and B.O. 200 and 203

    Finish pH Lab – due on Tues, 3/5

    Do pH problems – due on Thurs, 2/29


    Day 2 Thursday, 2/29

    In class:

    Review 7.2 review questions and B.O. 200 and 203

    Go over pH problems

    Group presentation on Ch 7. 3 Buffer

    Video: Buffer Balancing Acts,


    Read Ch 7.3 Buffers and do review questions

    Do B.O. pg 208 How and why proteins are purified from cells

    Do Biotech Live Activity 7.1 Spectrophotometer and 7.2 Phun at Home with pH


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7

    Fri Minimum day



    Day 1 Tuesday, 3/5

    In class:

    Review Ch 7.3 Buffer

    Read Ch 7 Summary and Lab Practices

    EP: Buffer Balancing Acts, take notes and take quiz

    Due today: pH Lab


    Study Ch 7 Summary and Lab Practices – Ch 7 Test on Thurs 3/7

    Do Thinking Like a Biotechnician #1-10 pg 216

    Finish Biotech Live Activity 7.1-7.2 pg 216-217

    Ch 7 packet – due on Thurs 3/7

    Soda Lab – due on Thurs 3/7

    Electrophoresis, Buffer, and pH Lab – due on Tues 3/12


    Day 2 Thursday, 3/7

    In class:

    Grp presentation – Ch 7.3 Buffers

    Ch 7 Spectrophotometers Test

    Ch 7 Packet due today

    Due today - Soda Lab


    Read Ch 8.1 The Production of Recombinant Biotech Product; do review questions

    Do B.O. Some Say Genetic Engineering.. pg 226

    Electrophoresis, Buffer, and pH Lab – due on Tues 3/12


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • M/W P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7

    Fri P1-P7 Minimum day


    Day 1 Tuesday, 3/12

    In class:

    Group Presentation: Ch 8.1 The Production of Recombinant Biotech Product; correct review questions

    Lab Activity: Lab 1 Gel Electrophoresis to practice pipetting micro-volumes; calculate and pour gel

    Work on Synthetic Biology Project – learn how to use Tinker Cell


    Read Ch 8.2 Transforming Cells pgs 227-234 and do review questions

    Do B.O. BACs and YACs pg 239; Endonucleases pg 230; RFLPs pg 231

    Read ABE Lab 2 Restriction Digest pGrn and pDrk with HindIII and Lab 3 Ligation

    Continue working on Synthetic Biology Project


    Day 2 Thursday, 3/14

    In class:

    Grp presentation – Ch 8.2 Transforming Cells and correct review questions

    Lab Activity: ABE Lab 2 Restriction Digest - Digest pGrn and pDrk with HindIII

    Work on Synthetic Biology and Tinker Cell


    Read ABE Lab 3 Ligation to create a recombinant rpGlo

    Complete ABE Lab 2 Restriction Digest pGrn and pDrk  report – due on Tues 3/26

    Work on Synthetic Biology project – due on Tues April 2


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13



    HW from Tuesday, 3/12

    Read Ch 8.2 Transforming Cells pgs 227-234 and do review questions

    Do B.O. BACs and YACs pg 239; Endonucleases pg 230; RFLPs pg 231

    Read ABE Lab 2 Restriction Digest pGrn and pDrk with HindIII and Lab 3 Ligation

    Continue working on Synthetic Biology Project

    HW from Thursday, 3/14

    Read ABE Lab 3 Ligation to create a recombinant rpGlo

    Complete ABE Lab 2 Restriction Digest pGrn and pDrk  report – due on Tues 3/26

    Work on Synthetic Biology project – due on Tues April 2


    If you have not turned in your lab reports, please post them soon! Thanks!


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Ch 8.2 and 8.3 Don't forget to make a ppt presentation ready to present on Tuesday

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

    Have a restful Spring Break!

  • M Professional Development; No students on campus

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 (Thursday – Health/Wellness Assembly)

    W/Fri P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 3/26

    In class:

    Review ABE (Green) Lab 2 Restriction Digest of pDrk and pGrn

    Lab Activity: ABE (Green) Lab 3 Ligation of cut pDrk and pGrn – lab report due Tues, 4/2

    Group Presentation – Ch 8.2 Transformation and review questions

    Work on Synthetic Biology

    Due today: ABE Lab 2 Restriction Digest of pDrk and pGrnf


    Review Ch 8.2 Transforming Cells

    Finish B.O. BACs and YACs pg 239; Endonucleases pg 230; RFLPs pg 231

    Read Ch 8.3 After Transformation and do review questions

    Do B.O pg 238 You can Try This at Home

    Read ABE (Green) Lab 5 Transformation


    Day 2 Thursday 3/28

    In class:

    Review ABE (Green) Lab 3 Ligation to construct rpGLO

    Review Transformation, Ch 8.2 and Lab 5 Transformation

    Lab Activity: ABE (Green) Lab 5 Transformation of HB101 with rpGLO - lab report due Tues, 4/2


    ABE Labs 3 Ligation to construct rpGLO – lab report due Thurs, 4/4

    Read Ch 8.4 Fermentation, Manufacturing, and GMP and do review questions

    Read ABE(Green) Lab 4 Confirmation of Restriction Digest of pGRN and pDRK

    Synthetic Biology Project, Group presentations begin on Tues, 4/9


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp 1,2,3,6,7,8 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/2

    In class:

    Review ABE (Green) Lab 5 Transformation of HB101 with rpGLO - lab report due today, Tues, 4/2

    Grp Presentation - Ch 8.4 Fermentation, Manufacturing, and GMP and do review questions

    and Ch 8.3 After Transformation and do review questions

    Lab Activity: Lab 4 Confirmation of Digest of pDrk and pGrn and do prelab notes,

    Continue Lab 5 Transformation – look for green glowing cells


    ABE Labs 3 Ligation to construct rpGLO – lab report due Thurs, 4/4

    ABE (Green) Lab 5 Transformation of HB101 with rpGLO - lab report due Tues, 4/9

    ABE Lab Activity: Lab 4 Confirmation of Digest of pGRN and pDrk, due Thurs, 4/11

    Read Ch 8.5 Retrieving Plasmids after Transformation


    Day 2 Thursday, 4/4

    In class:

    Review ABE Lab 4 Confirmation of Digest of pDrk and pGrn

    Grp Presentation - Ch 8.5 Retrieving Plasmids after Transformation correct review questions

    Do Biotech Live 8.1-8.4 pgs 248-250

    Due today:  ABE Labs 3 Ligation to construct rpGLO lab report


    Finish Biotech Live 8.1-8.4 pgs 248-250 and all assignments

    ABE (Green) Lab 5 Transformation of HB101 with rpGLO - lab report due Tues, 4/9

    ABE Lab Activity: Lab 4 Confirmation of Digest of pGRN and pDrk, due Thurs, 4/11

    Ch 8 Test on Tuesday, 4/9; Ch 8 packet due 4/9


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/9

    In class:

    Review Ch 8 and ABE Labs 1-5

    Ch 8 test today

    Lab Activity: ABE Lab 4 Confirmation of restriction digest

    Due today: Ch 8 packet includes review questions, B.O. 8.1-8.5, and Biotech Live 8.1-8.5

    Due today: ABE (Green) Lab 5 Transformation of HB101 with rpGLO - lab report

    Set up culture for Mini-prep


    Read Ch 9. 1 Bringing Product to Market, do review questions

    Read Mini-prep lab - Lab on Thursday


    Day 2 Thursday 4/11

    In class:

    Group presentation: Ch 9.1 Bringing Product to Market

    Lab Activity: Mini-prep lab


    Finish Mini Prep lab – lab report due on Thurs 4/18

    Read Ch 9.2 Using Chromatography to study molecules and do review questions

    Get ready for DNA Barcoding – read isolating DNA from bees


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13


  • M P1-P7

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/16

    In class:

    Go over ABE Lab 4 Confirmation of Restriction Digest

    Review Ch 9.1 Bringing Product to Market

    Group Presentation – Ch 9.2 Using Chromatography to study molecules

    Lab Activity: Mini-prep


    ABE Lab 4 Confirmation of Restriction Digest Lab Report – due on Thurs 4/18

    Read Ch 9.3 Column Chromatography: An expanded discussion; do review questions

    Do B.O. Got Gas pg 268

    Mini-prep lab report – due Tues, 4/23


    Day 2 Thursday, 4/18

    In class:

    Review Ch 9.2 Chromatography and mini-prep

    Group Presentation – Ch 9.3 Column Chromatography

    Lab Activity: Column Chromatography


    Finish Mini-prep lab report – due Tues, 4/23

    Column Chromatography lab report – due Thurs, 4/25

    Read Ch 9.4 Product Quality Control and do review questions

    Do B.O. Approved Biotechnology Drugs pg 273


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13


  • M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    Wednesday – No School

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/23

    In class:

    Intro to DNA Barcoding

    DB Lab 1 and Lab 2 – Isolate DNA from Bees

    Due today: ABE Lab 4 Confirmation of Digest


    Read Intro to DNA Barcoding: DB Lab 1 and Lab 2 – Isolate and purify DNA from Bees

    Do Ch 9 Biotech Live Activity 9.1-9.3

    Ch 9 Test on Tues 4/30


    Day 2 Thursday 4/25

    In class:

    Go over Purifying DNA from Bees

    Lab Activity: DB Lab 2 Purify DNA from Bees


    Read DB Lab 3 Casting Gel and DB Lab 4 Gel Electrophoresis

    Read Ch 9 Summary and Lab Practices

    Ch 9 Test on Tues 4/30


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13


  • M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/30

    In class:

    Review DB Labs 1 and 2 Purifying gDNA

    Lab Activity DB Lab 1 and Lab 2 – Purifying total DNA (gDNA) from tissue lysates

    Ch 9 Test today


    DB Labs 1 and 2 Isolate and Purify DNA from Bees – due Thursday 5/9

    Read DB Lab 3 and 4 Examining gDNA using Gel Electrophoresis


    Day 2 Thursday 5/2

    In class:

    Go over Purifying DNA from Bees using spin column (chromatography)

    Go over Chromatography

    Lab Activity: DB Lab 3 and 4 Examining gDNA using Gel Electrophoresis


    Read DB DB Lab 5 Targeted amplification of the COI barcode region from a gDNA template

    DB Labs 1 and 2 Isolate and Purify DNA from Bees lab report – due Thursday 5/9

    DB Lab 3 and 4 Examining gDNA using Gel Electrophoresis lab report – due on Tue, 5/14

    Read DB Lab 5 Targeted amplification of the COI barcode region from a gDNA


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • Monday – P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 5/7

    In class:

    Go over DB Labs 3 and 4 Confirming gDNA by gel electrophoresis

    Lab Activity: DB Labs 3 and 4 Confirming gDNA by gel electrophoresis


    DB Labs 1 and 2 Isolate and Purify DNA from Bees lab report – due Thurs 5/9

    DB Labs 3 and 4 Confirming gDNA by gel electrophoresis – due Thurs 5/16

    Read DB Lab 5 Amplification of CO1 by PCR


    Day 2 Thursday 5/9

    In class:

    Go over DB Lab 5 Targeted amplification of the COI by PCR

    Lab Activity: DB Lab 5 Amplification of CO1 by PCR

    Due today: DB Labs 1 and 2 Isolate and Purify DNA from Bees lab report


    Read DB Lab 6: Spin Column to purify CO1 amplicons

    DB Labs 3 and 4 Confirming gDNA by gel electrophoresis – due Thurs 5/16


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13


  • M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 5/14

    In class:

    Lab Activity today: DB Lab 5 CO1 Amplification

    Go over DB Lab 3 and 4 Spin Column to purify gDNA and confirm by gel electrophoresis


    DB Labs 3 and 4 Confirming gDNA by gel electrophoresis lab report – due Thurs 5/16

    Read DB Lab 6 Spin Column to purify CO1 gene

    DB Lab 5 CO1 Amplification lab report – due Thurs 5/23

    Synthetic Biology Project due on Thurs 5/23


    Day 2 Thursday 5/16

    In class:

    Go over DB Lab 5 CO1 Amplification

    Due today: DB Labs 3 and 4 Confirming gDNA by gel electrophoresis lab report

    Lab Activity: DB Lab 6 Spin Column to purify CO1 gene


    Read DB Lab 7 and 8 Gel Electrophoresis to Confirm CO1

    DB Lab 5 CO1 Amplification lab report – due Thurs 5/23

    Read Ch 12.1 Medical Biotechnology Synthesis and do review questions

    Do Ch 12.1 B.O. New Medications and Penicillin pgs 344-345


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp 1,2,3 – Ch 12

    Grp 6,7,8 – Ch 13


  • M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 5/21

    In class:

    Go over DB Lab 6 pin Column to purify CO1 gene – due Thurs 5/23

    Lab Activity today: B Lab 7/8 Confirmation of CO1 by Gel Electrophoresis

    Group Presentation – Ch 12.1 Drug Discoveries


    Read Ch 12.1-12.2 Medical Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals Synthesis and do review questions

    Do Ch 12.1 B.O. New Medications and Penicillin pgs 344-345

    DB Lab 7/8 Confirmation of CO1 by Gel Electrophoresis – due on Tues, 5/28


    Day 2 Thursday 5/23

    In class:

    Go over DB Lab 7/8 Confirmation of CO1 by Gel Electrophoresis

    Group Presentation - Ch 12.2 Creating Pharmaceuticals and 12.3 Creating Pharmaceuticals

    Due today: DB Lab 6 pin Column to purify CO1 gene – due Thurs 5/23


    Read 12.3 Creating Pharmaceuticals; do review questions

    Read Ch 12.4 Creating Pharmaceuticals by Peptide/Antibody Engineering and do review questions

    Do B.O. Getting Sick is No Laughter pg 354 and B.O. Eating Vegetables pg 355

    DB Lab 7/8 Confirmation of CO1 by Gel Electrophoresis – due on Tues, 5/28

    Study for LAMC finals – Finals: Friday, 5/29


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp 1,2,3 – Ch 12

    Grp 6,7,8 – Ch 13


  • Monday – Memorial Day Holiday – No School

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, May 28

    In class:

    Group Presentation on Ch 12.3 Creating Pharmaceuticals

    Presentation on Synthetic Biology Project


    Finish your Career Exploration Project – presentations on Thursday, May 30

    Finish your resume

    Study for Finals Ch 1-9, 12 - Finals on Monday, June 3


    Day 2 Thursday May 30

    In class:

    Career Exploration Project – presentations on today

    Due today: Resume


    Study for Finals – Finals on Monday, June 3

  • M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Oct 17

    In class:

    Go over 4.3 DNA Structure and Isolation of DNA

    Quiz on Ch 4.1-4.3

    Go over ABE Lab 1 Gel Electrophoresis

    Lab Activity: ABE Lab 2 Restriction Digest of pKan and pAra

    Due today: Strawberry DNA Isolation Lab


    Read Ch 4.4 Gel Electrophoresis and do review Questions

    Read ABE Lab 3 Ligation

    Finish ABE Lab 2,3 Prelab Notes

    Do B.O. Chop and Go Electrophoresis pg 124

    Do Ch 4 Biotech Live 4.1-4.2

    ABE Lab 1 Gel Electrophoresis – due on Tuesday 10/24


    Thursday, Oct 19

    In class:

    Go over Ch 4.4 Gel Electrophoresis

    Quiz on Gel Electrophoresis

    Go over ABE Lab 2 Restriction Digest of pKan and pAra

    Lab Activity: ABE Lab 3 Ligation


    Do Biotech Online Chop and Go pg 124

    Finish ABE Lab 1 Gel Electrophoresis – due on Tuesday 10/24

    Read ABE Lab 4 and 5 Confirmation of Digest and Transformation of HB101 with pAra-R

    Do ABE Lab 4,5 Prelab Notes

    Read Ch 4 Summary and Lab Practices pgs 126-127

    Do Ch 4 Biotech Live 4.4-4.6

    Ch 4 Test on Thursday, 10/26

  • M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W PSAT 8:30-12:30

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Oct 9

    In class:

    Go over Math Problems

    Ch 4.1 DNA Structure

    Lab Activity: Isolation of Strawberry DNA

    Due today: Student-written procedure on micropipetting  with red dye; Math Problems


    Read Ch 4.2 Sources of DNA, do review questions

    Do Biotech Online: Know your Genome pg 112, Baldness Gene pg 118

    Download Amgen Lab Manual – Read ABE Lab 1 Gel Electrophoresis and do prelab notes

    Strawberry DNA Lab – due on Tues, 10/17


    Thursday, Oct 11

    In class:

    Ch 4.2 Sources of DNA, correct review questions

    Activity: Cast a Gel for Gel Electrophoresis; make 1x SB buffer and 1% agarose gel;

    - ABE Lab 1 – Gel Electrophoresis


    Read Ch 4.3 Isolating and Manipulating DNA

    Do Biotech Online Recombinant Pharmaceuticals and Therapies, pgs 118-119

    Read Lab 2 Amgen Lab Manual – pKan and pARA Digest with restriction enzymes

    Strawberry DNA Lab – due on Tues, 10/17

  • 08/28/202308/28/2023

    M     -   P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th - P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F - P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, August 29


    In Class:

    What is Scientific Method?

    Correct Ch 1.2-1.3 review questions

    Lab Activity: Cheese Lab, make first observation, record in your notebook

    Biotech Live:  Activity 1 What is Biotechnology? pgs 32-33

    Activity 2 Business Side pgs 33-34

    Bleach Lab due today– Did you send to intern to check for content/format?



    Read ED Ch. 1.4 and review questions pgs 19-23 ED

    Do B.O. Hot Jobs pg 26

    Extra Credit: make cheese at home; DIY on



    Thursday, August 31


    In Class:

    Cheese Lab - Make 2nd observation, record in your notebook ready for cheese cloth?

    Discuss Careers in Biotech

    Do Biotech Live Activity 1.4 How Biotech Industry Improving Human Life? pg 35

    Correct Ch 1.4 review questions



    Read ED Ch 1.5-1.6 and do review questions pgs 23-29 ED

    Do B.O. Code of Business Conduct pg 29 ED

    Read Summary and Lab Practices pgs 30-31



    Please share your lab report with your intern to get it checked before turning it in to me.


    Biotech Interns: Here are your interns:

    Caris ( names A-Hovanes
    Ani ( Last names I-Markarian
    Irene ( and Emily ( Last names Montecello-V


    You can also get help from Stella ( and Emi (

  • 08/21/202308/21/2023

    M     -   P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th - P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F - P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Tuesday, Aug 22


    In class:

    What is Biotech?

    Go over How to maintain a Scientific Notebook in Biotech

    Lab Activity: Bleach Lab pgs 19-21 TB



    Read Ch 1.1-1.2 and do review questions Ch 1.1-1.2 in ED - write questions and answers on paper with black ink

    Read Cheese Lab before Thursday and bring whole milk and buttermilk on Thursday

    Do Biotech Online, B.O., pg 13 Glo Fish



    Day 2 Thursday, Aug 24


    In class:

    Complete and make final observations for Bleach Lab, lab report due on Th 8/31

    Review How to Notebook and how to write an effective conclusion

    Lab Activity: Cheese Lab



    Read Ch 1.3 pgs 14-18 and do review questions 1.3 ED

    Do Biotech Online (B.O.) pg 18 Genentech

    Finish Bleach Lab report in Google Docs pgs 19-21 ED; lab report due on Th 8/31

  • 08/15/202308/15/2023

    Day 1 Wednesday, August 16


    In class:

    Rules and Policies

    Safety Rules



    Sign up for Google Classroom, Quizizz, Edpuzzle

    Study for Safety Test – Test on Thursday

    Wear shoes to class – Always!



    Day 2 Thursday, August 17


    In class:

    Safety Test

    What is Biotechnology



    Read Ch 1.1 Biotechnology ED (Ellyn Daugherty textbook)

    Read Bleach Lab pgs 19-21 ED, Lab on Tuesday

    Wear shoes, = please!

  • M/W P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7

    F No School


    Tuesday, Oct 24

    In class:

    Go over ABE Lab 3 Ligation of pAra and pKan

    Lab Activity today: ABE Lab 5 Transformation

    Do/Finish CTE Modules 2 & 3

    Due today: ABE Lab 1 Gel Electrophoresis


    Read ABE Lab 5 Transformation and Lab 4 Confirmation of pAra and pKan

    Finish Biotech Live 4.1-4.6

    Do/Finish CTE Modules 2 & 3

    Study for Ch 4 Test – Test on Thursday, 10/26


    Thursday, Oct 26

    In class:

    Ch 4 Test

    Go over ABE Lab 5 Transformation Ligation and Lab 4 Confirmation of pAra and pKan

    Lab 4: Lab 4 Confirmation of pAra and pKan by Gel Electrophoresis


    Do/Finish CTE Modules 2 & 3

    Due: ABE Lab 4 Confirmation of Restriction Digest by Gel Electrophoresis

    Finish ABE Labs 2 and 3 report – due Thursday, 11/2

    Finish Ch 4 Packet – Review Questions Ch 4.1-4.4, Biotech Online 4.1-4.4, Biotech Live 4.1-4.6 – due on Tuesday, 11/2



  • M/W P1, P3, P5

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7

    F P1-P7 Shakeout Assembly Schedule


    Tuesday, Oct 31

    In class:

    Review ABE Labs 2-4 –Restriction Digest of pAra and pKan-R and Ligation

    Lab Activity: ABE Lab 5 Transformation of E.coli with pAra-R

    ABE Labs 2 and 3 lab reports due on Thursday, 11/2

    Due today: Ch 4 Packet

    Quiz on ABE Labs 1 -3


    Read ABE Lab 5 Transformation of E.coli with pAra-R

    Complete ABE Labs 2 and 3 lab reports due on Thursday, 11/2

    ABE Lab 4 Confirmation – Due Tue 11/7

    Finish Ch 4 Packet – due Thurs 11/2


    Thursday, Nov 2

    In class:

    Finish ABE Lab 5 – screen for red colonies and go over Bacterial Transformation

    Hands-on Activity – HASPI Diagnosing Genetic Disease Through Gel Electrophoresis

    Bioinformatics NCBI and Blast – If time permits or we will do on Tue 11/7

    Due today: ABE Labs 2 and 3 lab reports and Ch 4 packet

    Quiz on Restriction digest and Gel Electrophoresis


    Finish Activity on Diagnosing Genetic Disease Through Gel Electrophoresis – Due on Tue 11/7

    Read ABE Lab 6 Overnight Culture of Transformed E.coli

    Finish ABE Labs 4 Confirmation of Digest lab report – Due Tue 11/7

  • M/W P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7

    Friday – Veteran's Day, No School


    Tuesday, Nov 7

    In class:

    Review ABE Lab 6 Set up Overnight Culture of Transformed Cells

    Lab Activity today – ABE Lab 7 Isolation of RFP by Column Chromatography

    Quiz on ABE Lab 4, 5 Confirmation, and Transformation

    Due today: ABE Lab 4 Confirmation of Digest lab report


    Read Ch 5.1 Protein structure and function and do review questions

    B.O. Antibody Producing Companies

    ABE Lab 5, Transformation due Thursday, 11/9

    Read ABE Lab 7 Isolation of RFP by Column Chromatography; do prelab questions


    Thursday, Nov 9

    In class:

    Go over ABE Lab 7 Isolation of RFP by Column Chromatography;

    Activity: Paper Plasmid – constructing recombinant DNA

    Due today: ABE Lab 5, Transformation


    Finish ABE Lab 7 Isolation of RFP by Column Chromatography lab report – due Thursday, 11/16

    Read Ch 5.2 Protein Production and Protein Activity

    B.O. Couch Potatoes pg 146

  • M –  Banking Day, P1-P7

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Nov 14

    In class:

    Ch 5.1 and 5.2 Protein Structure and Function

    Go over HASPI Diagnosing Genetic Disorders by Electrophoresis – due today

    Activity – Paper recombinant plasmid construction

    Quiz Ch 5.1 Protein Structure


    Read Ch 5.3 Protein Catalysts and do review questions

    B.O. Catalysts for Better Health pg 151

    ABE Lab 6/7 Isolation of RFP by Column Chromatography – due on Thurs 11/16


    Thursday, Nov 16

    In class:

    Ch 5.2 and 5.3 Protein Production and Protein Activity; correct review questions

    Activity: Genetic Disorders from NCBI/BLAST activity – Presentations will be on Tues, 11/28

    Due today: ABE Lab 6/7 Isolation of RFP by Column Chromatography


    Read Ch 5.4 Studying Proteins and Ch 5.5 Analyzing Proteins and do review questions

    B.O. Protein Sequencers – pg 156

    Genetic Disorders from NCBI/BLAST activity – Presentations will be on Tues, 11/28


  • Thanksgiving Week – No School


    Reminder: Read Ch 5.4 Studying Proteins and Ch 5.5 Analyzing Proteins and do review questions

    B.O. Protein Sequencers – pg 156

    Genetic Disorders from NCBI/BLAST activity – Presentations will be on Tues, 11/28


    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • M –  Banking Day, P1-P7

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Nov 28

    In class:

    Review Ch 5.1-5.3 Protein Enzymes and correct assignments

    Due today -– Genetic Disorders from NCBI/BLAST activity – Presentations begin today

    Lab Activity – Antibody-Antigen Test


    Read/review Ch 5.1-5.3 more on Proteins

    Complete Antibody-Antigen Test lab report – due Tues, 12/5


    Thursday, Nov 30

    In class:

    Review Enzymes and Studying Proteins

    Continue Genetic Disorders Presentations

    Lab Activity – Catalase Lab, parts A-D


    Graph results of Catalase Lab

    Read PAGE Lab (Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis)

    Review Ch 5.4 and Study for Ch 5 Test

    Ch 5 Test – Thurs, 12/7

  • M –  Banking Day, P1-P7

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Dec 5

    In class:

    Due today -– Antibody-Antigen: HCG and iFOBT (Occult Blood) Lab reports

    Correct Ch 5.3-5.4 Protein Analysis

    Go over Enzymes and studying proteins

    Catalase Lab – Lab report due Tues 12/12

    Continue with Genetic Disorder Presentations


    Study for Ch 5 Test and Complete Ch 5 Packet – Test on Thurs 12/7

    Read Ch 5.5 Applications of Protein Analysis and PAGE

    Read Ch 5 Summary and Lab Practices pgs 158-159

    Do Biotech Live Activity 5.1-5.3


    Thursday, Dec 7

    In class:

    Go over Graphing Data from Catalase; Continue Catalase Lab

    Review Ch 5 Proteins, Enzymes

    Ch 5 Test


    Finish Catalase Lab – due Tues, 12/13

    Read PAGE Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis – do on Tues, Dec 12

    Study for Finals, Ch 1-5 – Finals on Thurs 12/14                          

  • 06/05/202306/05/2023

    M Finals in P1, P2

    Review in P3, P4


    T Finals in P3, P4

    Review in P5, P6


    W Finals in P5, P6


    Please bring back your textbook to room 2205. We need it for our summer class.



    No meeting this week for Biotech


    Have a Great Summer Vacation!

  • 05/29/202305/29/2023

    Monday – Memorial Day Holiday – No School

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Wednesday, 5/31


    In class:

    DNA Barcoding: Bioinformatics; Look at Trace Files and barcodes, enter metadata

    Group Presentation on Ch 12.3 Creating Pharmaceuticals



    Study for Finals Ch 1-9, 12 - Finals on Friday, 6/2


    Day 2 Thursday 6/1


    In class:

    DNA Barcoding: Bioinformatics; Finish editing and uploading Barcodes



    Read DB Lab 7 Confirmation of CO1 Amplicons

    Study for Finals – Finals on Friday, 6/2


    Day 3 Friday, 6/2


    In class:


  • 05/22/202305/22/2023

    M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Tuesday, 5/23


    In class:

    Group Presentation – Ch 12.1 Drug Discoveries

    DNA Barcoding – go over PCR




    Read Ch 12.2 Creating Pharmaceuticals and 12.3 Creating Pharmaceuticals; do review questions

    Start studying for LAMC finals


    Day 2 Thursday 5/25


    In class:

    Group Presentation - Ch 12.2 Creating Pharmaceuticals and 12.3 Creating Pharmaceuticals



    Read Ch 12.4 Creating Pharmaceuticals by Peptide/Antibody Engineering and do review questions

    Do B.O. Getting Sick is No Laughter pg 354 and B.O. Eating Vegetables pg 355

    Study for LAMC finals




    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp 1,2,3 – Ch 12

    Grp 6,7,8 – Ch 13

  • 05/15/202305/15/2023

    M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 5/16


    In class:

    Due today: DB Lab 5 CO1 Amplification

    DB Lab 7 and 8 Gel Electrophoresis to Confirm CO1



    Read Ch 9 Summary and Lab Practices

    Study for Ch 9 Test – Test on Thursday

    DB Lab 6 Spin Column to purify CO1 gene - due on Thurs



    Day 2 Thursday 5/18


    In class:

    Due today: DB Lab 6 pin Column to purify CO1 gene

    Ch 9 Test today

    Go over Bioinformatics



    Read Ch 12.1 Medical Biotechnology Synthesis and do review questions

    Do Ch 12.1 B.O. New Medications and Penicillin pgs 344-345

    DB Lab 7/8 Confirmation of CO1 by Gel Electrophoresis – due on Tues, 5/23


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 05/08/202305/08/2023

    Monday – P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 5/9


    In class:

    Review DB Labs 3 and 4 Confirming gDNA by gel electrophoresis

    Lab Activity: DB Lab 5 Amplification of CO1 by PCR

    Due today: DB Labs 1 and 2 Isolating and purifying gDNA



    DB Labs 3 and 4 Confirmation by gel electrophoresis – due Thursday 5/11

    Read DB Lab 6 Spin Column to purify CO1 Amplicon

    Finish Ch 9.4 Using Chromatography to Study Molecules and do review questions

    Do B.O. Pipeline pg 270

    Read Ch 9.5 Marketing and Sales, do review questions

    Do B.O. Biotech Drugs pg 273



    Day 2 Thursday 5/11


    In class:

    Go over DB Lab 5 Targeted amplification of the COI by PCR

    Lab Activity: DB Lab 6: Spin Column to purify CO1 amplicons

    Due today: DB Lab 3 and 4 Confirmation of gDNA by gel electrophoresis



    Read DB Lab 7 and 8 Confirmation of COI amplicons by gel electrophoresis

    Finish all Biotech Live Ch 9.1-9.3 pg 276-277 and all B.O.s

    DB Lab 5 Amplification of CO1 lab report – due on Tues, 5/15



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 05/01/202305/01/2023

    Monday – P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 5/2


    In class:

    Review DB Labs 1 and 2 Purifying gDNA

    DB Lab 1 and Lab 2 – Isolate DNA from Bees

    Lab Activity: DB Lab 3 and 4 Examining gDNA using Gel Electrophoresis



    DB Labs 1 and 2 Isolate and Purify DNA from Bees – due Thursday 5/4

    Read Ch 9.3 Column Chromatography: An Expanded Discussion, do review questions

    Do Ch 9.3 B.O. Got Gas pg 268

    Read DB Lab 5 Targeted amplification of the COI barcode region from a gDNA template



    Day 2 Thursday 5/4


    In class:

    Go over Purifying DNA from Bees using spin column (chromatography)

    Go over Chromatography

    Lab Activity: DB Lab 5 Targeted amplification of the COI barcode region from a gDNA template




    Read DB Lab 6 Spin-column purification of COI amplicons

    Read Ch 9.4 Using Chromatography to Study Molecules and do review questions

    DB Lab 3 and 4 Examining gDNA using Gel Electrophoresis – due on Tue, 5/9

    DB Lab 5 Targeted amplification of the COI barcode region from a gDNA template – due Thurs, 5/11




    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 04/24/202304/24/2023

    Monday – No School

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/25


    In class:

    Intro to DNA Barcoding

    DB Lab 1 and Lab 2 – Isolate DNA from Bees



    Read Ch 9.1 Bringing Product to Market, do review questions

    Read Intro to DNA Barcoding: DB Lab 1 and Lab 2 – Isolate and purify DNA from Bees


    Day 2 Thursday 4/27


    In class:

    Go over Purifying DNA from Bees

    Lab Activity: DB Lab 2 Purify DNA from Bees



    Read DB Lab 3 Casting Gel and DB Lab 4 Gel Electrophoresis

    Read Ch 9.2 Using Chromatography to Study Molecules and do review questions


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 04/17/202304/17/2023

    M/W P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7  Open House

    Fri P1-P7 (Minimum Day)



    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/18


    In class:

    ABE Lab 5 Transformation of HB101 with rpGLO

    Group Presentation – Ch 8.4 Fermentation and Manufacturing and Ch 8.5 Retrieving Plasmids



    Read Ch 8 Summary and Lab Practices pg 246-248

    Do Biotech Live Activity 8.1-8.4 and finish all Ch 5 review questions and Biotech Online

    Study for Ch 8 Test – Test on Thurs 4/20



    Day 2 Thursday, 4/20


    In class:

    Ch 8 Test

    Lab Activity: Screen for Green Fluorescent Colonies

    DNA Barcoding Starts!



    Watch and learn about DNA Barcoding – PPT presentation in GC

    Read DB Lab 1 Isolating Genomic DNA from Bees

    ABE Lab 5 Transformation – Due on Tues, 4/25



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 04/10/202304/10/2023

    M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/11


    In class:

    Due today: ABE Lab 2 and 3 Restriction Digest and Ligation of pDrk and pGrn

    Go over ABE Lab 4 Confirmation of Restriction Digest of pGRN and pDRK

    Grp Presentation: Ch 8.3 After Transformation and do review questions

    Lab Activity: ABE green Labs 5 Transformation of HB101 with rpGLO



    Do B.O. pg 238 You can Try This at Home

    Read Ch 8.4 Fermentation, Manufacturing, and GMP and do review questions

    Due on Thursday: ABE Lab 4 Confirmation of Restriction Digest of pGRN and pDRK

    Synthetic Biology Project, Group presentations begin on 4/21


    Day 2 Thursday 4/13


    In class:

    Due today: ABE Lab 4 Confirmation of Restriction Digest of pGRN and pDRK

    Go over ABE Lab 5 Transformation of HB101 with rpGLO

    Do Biotech Live: Activity 8.1-8.4 pgs 248-250



    Read Ch 8.5 Retrieving Plasmids after Transformation and do review questions

    Finish ABE Lab 5 Transformation of HB101 with rpGLO – due Tues 4/17

    EP: Transformation and Mini Prep – take notes and take quiz



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 04/03/202304/03/2023

    M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/4


    In class:

    Group presentation - Ch 8.1 Recombinant Biotechnology

    Set up ABE Lab 2 Restriction Digest of pDrk and pGrn and ABE Lab 3 Ligation

    Due in two weeks: Synthetic Biology Project, Group presentations begin on 4/21



    Read Ch 8.2 Transforming Cells and do review questions

    Do B.O. BACS and YACS pg 228

    Read ABE (green) Labs 2 and 3 Restriction Digest and Ligation of pDrk and pGrn

    Read ABE Lab 4 Confirmation of Digest of pDrk and pGrn and do prelab notes

    ABE Lab 2 Restriction Digest and Ligation of pDrk and pGrn – lab report due on Tue 4/11



    Day 2 Thursday, 4/6


    In class:

    Group presentation – Ch 8.2 Transforming Cells and correct review questions

    Lab Activity: ABE Lab 4 Confirmation of Digest of pDrk and pGrn



    Read Ch 8.3 After Transformation and do review questions

    Read ABE green Labs 5 Transformation of HB101 with rpGLO

    Due in two weeks: Synthetic Biology Project, Group presentations begin on 4/21

    ABE Lab 2 Restriction Digest and Ligation of pDrk and pGrn – lab report due on Tue 4/11



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 03/27/202303/27/2023

    Mon P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 3/28


    Review Ch 7.4 and 7.5

    Due today: Lab 7a and 7b Lab reports

    Group Presentation – Ch 7.2 pH and Ch 7.3 Buffers, correct review questions

    Lab Activity: pH Lab next Tuesday



    Finish Ch 7 review questions, Biotech Live and Biotech Online – due on Thurs 3/30

    Read Ch 7 and Lab Practices to get ready for Ch 7 Test

    Ch 7 Test on Thurs 3/30

    Soda Lab Reports – due on Thurs 3/30

    Read ABE Lab 2 Restriction Digest pGrn and pDrk with HindIII and Lab 3 Ligation

    Lab Activity - ABE Lab 2 Restriction Digest pGrn and pDrk with HindIII



    Day 2 Thursday, 3/30


    In class:

    Ch 7 Test today

    Due today - Ch 7 review questions, Biotech Live and Biotech Online

    Due today - Soda Lab Report

    Ch 8.1 Overview of Genetic Engineering

    Lab Activity: ABE Lab 3 Ligation



    Read Ch 8.1 Overview of Genetic Engineering and do review questions

    Read ABE Lab 3 and 4 Ligation and Confirmation of Restriction Digest

    ABE Lab 2 and Lab 3 Restriction Digest pGrn and pDrk with HindIII and Ligation – due on Thurs 4/6



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 03/20/202303/20/2023

    Monday – Professional Development; no students

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 3/21


    In class:

    Review Ch 7.1 Spectrophotometers

    Group Presentation today: Ch 7.4 and 7.5 Using Spectrophotometers to measure Concentration

    Lab Activity: Soda Lab using the Spectrophotometer; create excel file, convert %T to A

    Due today: Lab 6g and 6h lab reports

    Quiz on Ch 7.1 Spectrophotometer



    Read Ch 7.2 and do review questions

    Do B.O pg 203

    Finish Labs 7a and 7b – How to use a spectrophotometer – due on Thur 3/23



    Day 2 Thursday, 3/23


    In class:

    Virtual Simulation on Buffer/pH

    Review Ch 7.5 Use of Spectrophotometer to measure DNA Concentration

    Finish Biotech Live 7.1 and 7.2 pgs 216-217

    Read Biotethics pg 217-218: Test Results: who should have access to them?



    Finish Lab 7a and 7b Lab reports due on Tues 3/28

    Read Ch 7.3 Buffers and do review questions

    Do B.O. pg 208

    Finish Biotech Live 7.1 and 7.2 pgs 216-217

    Read Biotethics pg 217-218: Test Results: who should have access to them?

    Lab Activity: pH Lab next Tuesday


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 03/13/202303/13/2023


    Read Ch 7.4 and 7.5 Use of Spectrophotometers to measure Protein Concentration

    Do 7.4 and 7.5 Review questions

    Finish Lab 7a and 7b lab reports – due on Tues 3/21


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 03/06/202303/06/2023

    M/W  P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7

    Fri P1-P7  (minimum day)



    Day 1 Tuesday, 3/7


    In class:

    Review Lab 6g and 6 h Isolate HRP and Test HRP Activity using TMB

    Review Ch 7.1 Spectrophotometer

    Lab Activity: Lab 7a and 7b How to Use a Spectrophotometer



    Finish Lab 7a and 7b How to Use a Spectrophotometer

    Read Ch 7.4 Use of Spectrophotometers to measure Protein Concentration

    Do 7.4 Review questions

    Finish Lab 6g and 6h lab reports – due on Thurs 3/9

    Finish Lab 7a and 7b lab reports – due on Tues 3/21



    Day 2 Thursday, 3/9


    In class:

    Review Labs 7a and 7b How to use a spectrophotometer

    Lab Activity: Soda Lab using the Spectrophotometer; create excel file, convert %T to A

    Due today: Lab 6g and 6h lab reports

    Quiz on Ch 7.1 Spectrophotometer



    Read Ch 7.4 and 7.5 Use of Spectrophotometers to measure Protein Concentration

    Do 7.4 and 7.5 Review questions

    Finish Lab 7a and 7b lab reports – due on Tues 3/21




    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 02/27/202302/27/2023

    M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Tuesday, 2/28


    In class:

    Read Ch 7.1 Spectrophotometer and do review questions pgs 195-197

    Do B.O. 7.1 FTIR, pg 200

    Read Ch 7.2 and do review questions pgs 200-203

    Do B.O. pg 203 Learn how a pH meter electrode works



    Edpuzzle: Spectrophotometer (in the library from 3:30 – 4:30 pm)

    Finish Ch 7.1 and 7.2 review questions and B.O. 200 and 203

    Read Lab 6h Testing for HRP with TMB – lab on Thurs 3/2

    Finish Lab 6d Looking for a new product report – due on Thurs 3/2



    Day 2 Thursday, 3/2


    In class:

    Group presentation on Ch 7. 1 Spectrophotometer

    Lab Activity: Lab 6h Testing for HRP with TMB

    Due today: Lab 6d Looking for a new product report



    Finish Lab 6h Testing for HRP with TMB – due Thurs 3/9

    Read Ch 7.3 Buffers and do review questions

    Do B.O. pg 208 How and why proteins are purified from cells

    Read Lab 7a and 7b How to Use a Spectrophotometer


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 02/20/202302/20/2023

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 2/21



    In class:

    Review Ch 6.4 Western Blot and Ch 6.5 Looking for new products

    Group Presentation on Ch 6.6 Producing rDNA and correct review questions

    Lab Activity -Lab 6d Looking for new product, part 2 – test extract against E.coli



    Finish Biotech Online pg 183 Quality Not and Quantity

    Finish Biotech Live Activity 6.1-6.4 – due on Thurs 2/23

    Ch 6 Test – Thurs 2/23; Ch 6 packet with review questions, B.O., Biotech Live -  due on Thurs 2/23


    Day 2 Thursday, 2/23


    In class:

    Review Ch 6.6 Producing rDNA

    Ch 6 Test

    Due today: Ch 6 Packet with review questions, B.O., Biotech Live

    Lab Activity: Finish Lab 6d - look for anti-microbial activity – due on Thurs 3/2

    Read Lab 6g and 6h Isolation and Testing for HRP with TMB Lab – lab on Tues 2/28



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 02/13/202302/13/2023

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Tuesday, 2/14


    In class:

    Stem Cell Lecture # 5 by Dr. Lu – last day

    Stem Cell Debate



    Group presentation on Thurs, 2/16 – 6.4 Western Blot and Ch 6.5 Looking for new products

    Do Biotech Online pg 178 Amazon Hide and Seek

    Read Lab 6d Looking for new product – lab on Thurs, 2/23

    Bring your herbs



    Day 2 Thursday, 2/16


    In class:

    Group presentation – Ch 6.4 Western Blot and Ch 6.5 Looking for new products

    Lab Activity -Lab 6d Looking for new product, part 1



    Read Ch 6.6 Producing rDNA and do review questions

    Do Biotech Online pg 183 Quality Not and Quantity

    Do Biotech Live Activity 6.1-6.4 – due on Thurs 2/23

    Group Presentation – Ch 6.6 Producing rDNA and correct review questions – on Tues, 2/21

    Ch 6 Test – Thurs 2/23; Ch 6 review questions-  due on Thurs 2/23



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 02/06/202302/06/2023

    M P1-P7  Banking Day

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 2/7


    In class:

    Stem Cells – Lecture #3 by Dr. Lu



    Stem Cell #3 Blog

    Read Ch 6.6 Producing rDNA and do review questions

    Do Biotech Online pg 163 Quality Not and Quantity



    Day 2 Thursday 2/9


    In class:

    Stem Cells – Lecture #4



    Stem Cells #4 Blog

    Do Biotech Live Activity 6.1-6.4 – due on Thurs 2/14

    Group Presentation – Ch 6.6 Producing rDNA and correct review questions (will do on 2/11)

    Ch 6 Test – Thurs 2/9; Ch 6 review questions-  due on Thurs 2/16



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 01/30/202301/30/2023

    M P1-P7  Banking Day

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 1/31 (PCC Stem Cell Module Starts today)


    In class:

    Review Ch 6.3 and go over ELISA Lab

    Group presentation – 6.4 Western Blot, Ch 6.5Looking for new products

    Due today: Lab 6c Amylase Lab

    Lab Activity – Lab 6d Looking for new products, continue on Thurs



    Read Ch 6.6 Producing rDNA and do review questions

    Finish ELISA Anti-Heparinv Lab – due on Thurs 2/2



    Day 2 Thursday 2/2


    In class:

    Review Lab 6e Looking for new products

    Due today: ELISA Anti-Heparin Lab

    Group Presentation – Ch 6.6 Producing rDNA and correct review questions

    Lab Activity: continue Lab 6d part 2 - Test plant extract against E. coli



    Do Biotech Live Activity 6.1-6.4 – due on Thurs 2/9

    Lab 6d Looking for new products – due on Thurs 2/9

    Ch 6 Test – Thurs 2/9; Ch 6 review questions-  due on Thurs 2/9



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 01/23/202301/23/2023

    M P1-P7  Banking Day

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 1/24


    In class:

    Review Ch 6.3 ELISA and Amylase

    Finish Lab 6c Amylase Lab

    Due today: Lab 6b Assay for Starch and Sugar



    Read ELISA Lab – Lab on Thursday

    Read Ch 6.4 Western Blots and do review questions


    Day 2 Thursday, 1/26


    In class:

    Review Lab 6c Amylase

    Group Presentation – Ch 6.4 Western Blot

    Lab Activity: Anti-Heparin ELISA Assay



    Read Ch 6.5 Looking for new products

    Do B.O. pg 178 Amazon Hide and Seek

    Lab 6c Assaying for Amylase Activity – due Tues 2/1

    Continue working on Synthetic Biology Project

    Bring Herbs for Tuesday and read Lab 6d Looking for Potential Medicine


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp 6 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp 7 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp 8 – Ch 9.1-9.5

    Grp 1,2,3 – Ch 12

    Grp 6,7,8 – Ch 13

  • 01/16/202301/16/2023

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F  P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Tuesday, 1/17


    In class:

    Review Ch 6.1 Potential Biotech Product and Ch 6.2 The use of Assays, correct review questions

    Lab Activity: Lab 6b Assay for Starch and Sugar – due Tue 1/24



    Read Ch 6.3 ELISA and do review questions 6.3

    Do Biotech Online ELISA Technology in Diagnostic Kits pg 173

    Due on Thurs, 1/19 – Rapid ELISA, TRU RSV



    Day 2 Thursday, 1/19


    In class:

    Review Ch 6.2 Assays

    Group 1 Presentation - Ch 6.3 ELISA, correct review questions

    Due today: Rapid ELISA, TRU RSV

    Lab Activity: Lab 6c Assaying for Amylase Activity



    Read ELISA Lab

    Finish Lab 6c Amylase Activity – due Thurs 1/26

    Edpuzzle – ELISA

    Continue working on Synthetic Biology Project



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp 6 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp 7 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp 8 – Ch 9.1-9.5

    Grp 1,2,3 – Ch 12

    Grp 6,7,8 – Ch 13

  • 01/09/202301/09/2023

    M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F  P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Tuesday, Jan 10


    In class:

    Review Ch 5 Proteins and PAGE, Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis

    Go over Synthetic Biology Project –due in 10 weeks

    Assign chapters for group presentations



    Read Ch 6.1 Assays

    Do review questions 6.1

    Brainstorm ideas for Synthetic Biology Project

    Click here:



    Day 2 Thursday, Jan 12


    In class:

    Go over Synthetic Biology – go to

    Ch 6.1 Potential Products

    Lab Activity: Rapid ELISA antibody assay



    Read Ch 6.2 Assays

    Do review questions 6.2

    Rapid ELISA antibody Assay – Lab report due on Thurs, Jan 19

    Brainstorm ideas for Synthetic Biology Project

    Click here:


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a Powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp 6 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp 7 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp 8 – Ch 9.1-9.5

    Grp 1,2,3 – Ch 12

    Grp 6,7,8 – Ch 13

  • 12/12/202212/12/2022

    Monday P1– P7 regular schedule

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, - Final exam P7



    Day 1 Tuesday, 12/13


    In class:

    Due today: Ch 5 Packet

    Hands on Activity: Constructing a paper recombinant plasmid

    Review for Finals



    Study for Finals, Units 1-4 – Finals on Tuesday

    Finish Study Guide for Finals



    Day 2 Thursday Dec 15


    Final Exam – Chapters 1-5


    Good luck on the rest of your finals!

  • 12/05/202212/05/2022

    M –  Banking Day, P1-P7

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F  P2, P4, P6, P7



    Tuesday, Dec 6


    In class:

    Due today -– Antibody-Antigen: HCG and iFOBT (Occult Blood) Lab reports

    Go over Graphing Data from Catalase Lab – Lab report due Tues 12/13

    Correct Ch 5.3-5.4 Protein Analysis

    Lab Activity: PAGE – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis simulation:



    Study for Ch 5 Test – Test on Thurs 12/9

    Read Ch 5.5 Applications of Protein Analysis

    Read Ch 5 Summary and Lab Practices pgs 158-159

    Finish Catalase Lab – due Tues, 12/13



    Thursday, Dec 8


    In class:

    Go over PAGE – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis

    Do Biotech Live Activity 5.1-5.3 and correct Ch 5.4 Review Questions

    Ch 5 Test



    Complete Ch 5 Packet – due Tues 12/13

    Finish Catalase Lab – due Tues, 12/13

    Finish PAGE Lab report – due Thurs 12/15

    Study for Finals, Ch 1-5 – Finals on Thurs 12/15

  • 11/28/202211/28/2022

    M –  Banking Day, P1-P7

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F  P2, P4, P6, P7



    Tuesday, Nov 29


    In class:

    Review Ch 5.1-5.3 Protein Enzymes and correct assignments

    Due today -– ABE Lab 7 Isolation of RFP by Column Chromatography

    Lab Activity – Antibody-Antigen Test



    Read Ch 5.1-5.3 more on Proteins

    Complete Antibody-Antigen Test lab report – due Tues, 12/6



    Thursday, Dec 1


    In class:

    Review Enzymes and Studying Proteins

    Lab Activity – Catalase Lab, parts A-D



    Graph results of Catalase Lab

    Read PAGE Lab (Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis)

    Review Ch 5.4 and Study for Ch 5 Test

    Ch 5 Test – Thurs, 12/8

  • 11/21/202211/21/2022

    Reminder:  Finish ABE Lab 7 Isolation of RFP by Column Chromatography – due on Tue 11/29

    Read Ch 5.4 Studying Proteins and Ch 5.5 Analyzing Proteins and do review questions

    B.O. Protein Sequencers – pg 156




    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • 11/14/202211/14/2022

    M –  Banking Day, P1-P7

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F  P2, P4, P6, P7



    Tuesday, Nov 15


    In class:

    Presentations on Genetic Disorders from NCBI/BLAST activity

    Ch 5.1 and 5.2 Protein Structure and Function

    Lab Activity today – ABE Lab 7 Isolations of RFP by Column Chromatograpy; do prelab questions

    Quiz on Ch 5.1 Proteins



    Read Ch 5.3 Protein Catalysts and do review questions

    B.O. Catalysts for Better Health pg 151

    Read ABE Lab 7 Overnight Cultures of Transformed E.coli; do prelab questions

    Read ABE Lab 7 Isolations of RFP by Column Chromatography

    ABE Lab 6 Overnight Culture of transformed E.coli cells – due on Thurs 11/17


    Thursday, Nov 17


    In class:

    Go over ABE Lab 7 Isolations of RFP by Column Chromatography

    Ch 5.2 and 5.3 Protein Production and Protein Activity; correct review questions

    Finish Genetic Disorder presentations

    Due today: ABE Lab 6 O/N Culture of transformed E.coli cells



    Finish ABE Lab 7 Isolation of RFP by Column Chromatography – due on Tue 11/29

    Read Ch 5.4 Studying Proteins and Ch 5.5 Analyzing Proteins and do review questions

    B.O. Protein Sequencers – pg 156


  • 11/07/202211/07/2022

    M/W  P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th  P2, P4, P6, P7

    Friday – Veteran's Day, No School



    Tuesday, Nov 8


    In class:

    Review ABE Lab 4 and 5 – Confirmation of Digest and Transformation

    Lab Activity today – ABE Lab 6 Set up Overnight Culture of Transformed Cells; Screen for Transformed, red cells

    Quiz on ABE Lab 4, 5 Confirmation, and Transformation



    ABE ABE Lab 4, 5 Confirmation, Transformation due Thursday, 11/10

    Read Ch 5.1 Protein structure and function and do review questions

    B.O. Antibody Producing Companies

    Read ABE Lab 6 Overnight Cultures of Transformed E.coli; do prelab questions



    Thursday, Nov 10


    In class:

    Go over ABE Lab 6 Overnight Culture

    Lab Activity: ABE Lab 6 Set up Overnight Culture.

    Ch 5.2 Protein Production and Protein Activity

    Due today: ABE Lab 4 Confirmation of Restriction Digest



    Read ABE Lab 7 Isolation of RFP by Column Chromatography

    Read Ch 5.2 Protein Production

    B.O. Couch Potatoes pg 146

  • 10/31/202210/31/2022

    M/W  P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th  P2, P4, P6, P7

    F P1-P7 Shakeout Assembly Schedule



    Tuesday, Nov 1


    In class:

    Review ABE Lab 4 – Confirmation of Restriction Digest of pAra and pKan-R and Ligation

    Hands-on Activity – HASPI Diagnosing Genetic Disease Through Gel Electrophoresis

    ABE Labs 2 and 3 lab reports due on Thursday, 11/4

    Quiz on ABE Labs 1 -3



    Read ABE Lab 5 Transformation of E.coli with pAra-R

    Finish Activity on Diagnosing Genetic Disease Through Gel Electrophoresis – Due on Tue 11/8

    Complete ABE Labs 2 and 3 Ligation – Due on Thurs 11/4

    ABE Lab 4 Confirmation – Due Tue 11/8

    Finish Ch 4 Packet – due Thurs 11/4



    Thursday, Nov 3


    In class:

    Go over Bacterial Transformation

    Lab Activity: ABE Lab 5 Transformation of E.coli with pAra-R

    Activity: Bioinformatics NCBI and Blast

    Due today: ABE Labs 2 and 3 lab reports and Ch 4 packet

    Quiz on Restriction digest and Gel Electrophoresis



    Read ABE Lab 6 Overnight Culture of Transformed E.coli

    Finish ABE Labs 4 report – due Thurs 11/11

    Finish Activity on Diagnosing Genetic Disease Through Gel Electrophoresis – Due on Tue 11/8

    Finish : Bioinformatics NCBI and Blast – due on Tues, Nov 8

  • 10/24/202210/24/2022

    M/W  P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th  P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Oct 25


    In class:

    Go over Gel Electrophoresis

    Correct 4.4 review questions; Ch 4 Test on Thursday, 10/27

    Set up ABE Lab 3 Ligation of pAra and pKan

    Do/Finish CTE Modules 2 & 3

    Due today: ABE Lab 1 Gel Electrophoresis



    Read ABE Lab 3 Ligation and Lab 4 Confirmation of pAra and pKan

    Finish Biotech Live 4.1-4.6

    Study for Ch 4 Test – Test on Thursday, 10/27



    Thursday, Oct 27


    In class:

    Ch 4 Test

    Go over ABE Lab 3 Ligation and Lab 4 Confirmation of pAra and pKan

    Lab 4: Lab 4 Confirmation of pAra and pKan by Gel Electrophoresis



    Due: ABE Lab 4 Confirmation of Restriction Digest by Gel Electrophoresis

    Finish ABE Labs 2 and 3 report – due Thursday, 11/3

    Finish Ch 4 Packet – Review Questions Ch 4.1-4.4, Biotech Online 4.1-4.4, Biotech Live 4.1-4.6 – due on Thursday, 11/3

  • 10/17/202210/17/2022

    M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F  P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Oct 18


    In class:

    Go over 4.3 DNA Structure and Isolation of DNA

    Quiz on Ch 4.1-4.3

    Lab Activity: ABE Lab 1 Gel Electrophoresis

    Due: Strawberry DNA Isolation Lab



    Read Ch 4.4 Gel Electrophoresis and do review Questions

    Finish ABE Lab 1 Prelab Notes

    Do B.O. Chop and Go Electrophoresis pg 124

    Do Ch 4 Biotech Live 4.1-4.2

    ABE Lab 1 Gel Electrophoresis – due on Tuesday 10/26



    Thursday, Oct 20


    In class:

    Go over Ch 4.4 Gel Electrophoresis

    Quiz on Gel Electrophoresis



    Do Biotech Online Chop and Go pg 124

    Finish ABE Lab 1 Gel Electrophoresis – due on Tuesday 10/26

    Read ABE Lab 2 Restriction Digest of pKan and pARA

    Read Ch 4 Summary and Lab Practices pgs 126-127

    Do Ch 4 Biotech Live 4.4-4.6

    Ch 4 Test on Thursday, 10/28

  • 10/10/202210/10/2022

    M  P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7

    W PSAT 8:30 am - 12:57 pm

    F P1-P7 Minimum Day


    Tuesday, Oct 11


    In class:

    Ch 4.1 DNA Structure

    Lab Activity: Isolation of Strawberry DNA

    Due today: Ch 3 Packet and Math Problems; packet should include review questions, Biotech Online, and Biotech Live



    Read Ch 4.2 Sources of DNA, do review questions

    Do Biotech Online Know your Genome pg 112, Baldness Gene pg 118

    Download Amgen Lab Manual

    Strawberry DNA Lab – due on Tuesday, 10/18


    Thursday, Oct 13


    In class:

    3 pm: Special Guest: Ms. Samantha Male – presentation on her own project on Stem Cells

    Ch 4.2 Sources of DNA, correct review questions

    Activity: Cast a Gel for Gel Electrophoresis; make 1x SB buffer and 1% agarose gel



    Read Ch 4.3 Isolating and Manipulating DNA

    Do Biotech Online Recombinant Pharmaceuticals and Therapies, pgs 118-119

    Read Lab 1 Amgen Lab Manual

    Strawberry DNA Lab – due on Tuesday, 10/18

  • 10/03/202210/03/2022

    M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F  P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Oct 4


    In class:

    Correct Ch 3.6 review questions and Math Problems

    Ch 3 Test on Thursday

    Due today: Pipetting Accuracy Lab, parts 1 and 2

    Classwork: Biotech Live – Activity 3.1-3.4 pgs 95-97 (work on Chromebook)




    Study for Ch 3 Test – Test on Thursday

    Finish Biotech Live – Activity 3.1-3.4 pgs 95-97 and finish Math problems

    Micro-pipetting Lab with colored dyes – due Thurs, 10/6



    Thursday, Oct 6


    In class:

    Ch 3 Test

    Continue with Biotech Live – Activity 3.5-3.6 pgs 98-100

    Go over Math/MW of compounds

    Activity: more practice on micro-pipetting



    Read Ch 4.1 Studying DNA and do review questions

    Read Lab 1 Amgen Lab Manual

    Bring Strawberries for Tuesday

  • Date Assigned: 09/19/2022
    Date Due: 09/19/2022
    M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F  P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Sept 20


    In class:

    Correct all Ch 2.4 and 2.5 review questions

    Go over Bacteria Lab and Gram Stain

    Lab Activity – Gram Stain and use microscope to view bacteria




    Ch 2 Test on Thursday and Ch 2 packet due on Thursday

    Read Ch 3.1-3.2 pgs 71-82 and do review questions

    Do B.O. pg 74 on Metrics Conversion

    Finish Bacteria Lab– due on Tuesday, 9/27

    Microscope Lab – due on Thursday, 9/22



    Thursday, Sept 22


    In class:

    Ch 2 Test and Ch 2 packet due today

    Go over Ch 3.1-3.2 review questions and math problems

    Go over Gram Stain Lab

    Lab Activity – Pipetting Accuracy

    Due today: Microscope Lab



    Read Ch 3.3-3.4 and do review questions

    Do Math Problems

    Grams Stain Lab – due on Thurs, 9/29

    Pipetting Lab due Thurs, 9/29

  • 09/12/202209/12/2022

    M         P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th    P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F     P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Sept 13


    In class:

    Go over Organic Lab and complete Microscope Lab

    Correct Ch 2.1-2.3 review questions

    Due today: Cheese Lab

    Lab Activity – Bacteria Lab: collect bacteria, streak media plate, test against antibiotics



    Read Ch 2.4 New Biotechnology and do 2.4 review questions

    Do B.O. pgs 43 Kimchi, 46 Right Tool, 52 Molecular Models, and 82 Biotech Products

    Finish Cheese Lab with Chymax and Organic Lab -  both are due on Thursday, 9/15

    Microscope Lab – due on Thursday, 9/22

    Ch 2 Test on Thursday, 9/22


    Thursday, Sept 15


    In class:

    Due today: Cheese Lab with Chymax and Organic Lab

    Correct Ch 2.4 review questions

    Go over Bacteria Lab and Gram Stain

    Lab Activity: Gram Staining of bacteria



    Finish Bacteria Lab – due on Thursday, 9/22

    Do Biotech Live Activity 2.1-2.3 pg 86

    Read Ch 2 Summary and Lab Practices pg 81-86

    Ch 2 Test on Thursday, 9/22

  • 09/05/202209/05/2022

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W P2, P4, P6, P7

    F P1-P7 (Minimum Day)



    Tuesday, Sept 6


    In class:

    Review Ch 1.3-1.6 and correct review answers

    Discuss careers and Biotethics in Biotechnology- watch video on Biochemist

    Check cheeseball – make final observation: color, texture, smell

    Lab Activity: Organic Lab – lab report due on



    Read Summary and Lab Practices on pgs 30-31 to review for Ch 1 Test

    Study for Ch 1 Test – Test on Thursday, Sept 8

    Cheese Lab is due on Tuesday, Sept. 13

    Cheese Lab with Chymax – due on Thursday, Sept 15

    Read Ch 2.1, do review question and Label parts of Microscope (worksheet) due on Thursday 9/8

    Remember to copy review questions and answer in complete sentences on a separate sheet



    Thursday, Sept 8


    In class:

    Ch 1 Test in class on Quizziz

    Go over Ch 2.1 Review Questions, Organic Lab, and Microscope worksheet

    Lab Activity: Microscope Lab and do cells worksheet on structures and function



    Read Ch 2.2-2.3, do review questions; remember to copy questions and answer in complete sentences

    Complete cell structure and function worksheet

    Finish Cheese Lab – due on Tues, 9/13

    Cheese Lab with Chymax – due on Thurs, Sept 15

    Finish Organic Lab – due on Thurs, 9/15

  • 08/29/202208/29/2022

    M     -   P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th - P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F - P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, August 30


    In Class:

    What is Scientific Method?

    Correct Ch 1.2-1.3 review questions

    Lab Activity: Cheese Lab, make first observation, record in your notebook

    Biotech Live:  Activity 1 What is Biotechnology? pgs 32-33

    Activity 2 Business Side pgs 33-34

    Bleach Lab due today– Did you send to intern to check for content/format?



    Read ED Ch. 1.4 and review questions pgs 19-23 ED

    Do B.O. Hot Jobs pg 26

    Extra Credit: make cheese at home; DIY on



    Thursday, Sept 1


    In Class:

    Cheese Lab - Make 2nd observation, record in your notebook ready for cheese cloth?

    Discuss Careers in Biotech

    Do Biotech Live Activity 1.4 How Biotech Industry Improving Human Life? pg 35

    Correct Ch 1.4 review questions



    Read ED Ch 1.5-1.6 and do review questions pgs 23-29 ED

    Do B.O. Code of Business Conduct pg 29 ED

    Read Summary and Lab Practices pgs 30-31



    Please share your lab report with your intern to get it checked before turning it in to me.


    Biotech Interns: Here are your interns:
    Kayleen Yang                   A-Cabrera
    Rosalia Park -                      

    Rachel Lee                         Chang to H

    Claire Yang -
    Nate Jaramillo J to L

    Michelle Chung -
    Milena and Astgik         P-V

    Nathan Pang -

    These are our presidents and will help if your intern is too busy. So don't hesitate to send it to them.

    Rosalia Park -       Nate Jaramillo                
    Claire Yang -    Rachel Lee                   
    Michelle Chung -              
    Nathan Pang -           

  • 08/22/202208/22/2022

    T/Ths – 2:40-4:50 pm



    M     -   P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th - P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F - P2, P4, P6, P7



    Tuesday, Aug 23


    In class:

    What is Biotech?

    Go over How to maintain a Scientific Notebook in Biotech

    Lab Activity: Bleach Lab pgs 19-21 TB



    Read Ch 1.1-1.2 and do review questions Ch 1.1-1.2 in ED - write questions and answers on paper with black ink

    Read Cheese Lab before Thursday and bring whole milk and buttermilk on Thursday

    Do Biotech Online, B.O., pg 13 Glo Fish



    Day 2 Thursday, Aug 25


    In class:

    Complete and make final observations for Bleach Lab, lab report due on Th 9/1

    Review How to Notebook and how to write an effective conclusion

    Lab Activity: Cheese Lab



    Read Ch 1.3 pgs 14-18 and do review questions 1.3 ED

    Do Biotech Online (B.O.) pg 18 Genentech

    Finish Bleach Lab report in Google Docs pgs 19-21 ED; lab report due on Th 9/1

  • 08/15/202208/15/2022

    Day 1 Wednesday, August 17


    In class:

    Rules and Policies

    Safety Rules



    Sign up for Google Classroom, Quizizz

    Study for Safety Test – Test on Thursday

    Wear shoes to class – Always!


    Day 2 Thursday, August 18


    In class:

    Safety Test

    What is Biotechnology



    Read Ch 1.1 Biotechnology ED (Ellyn Daugherty textbook)

    Read Bleach Lab pgs 19-21 ED, Lab on Tuesday

    Wear shoes, = please

  • 06/06/202206/06/2022

    M P1, P3, P5, P7

    T P2, P4, P6, P7, Senior Finals

    W P1, P3, P5, P7

    Th P1- P6, Finals in P7 

    F P1, P3, P5



    Day 1 Tuesday, 6/7


    In class:

    Lab Activity: DB Lab 6 Spin Column to purify CO1 Amplicon 

    Group Presentation on Ch 13.3-13.4 Applications of PCR



    Read DB Lab 8 Gel Electrophoresis to confirm CO1 Amplicons

    Study for Finals, Ch 6-9, 12, 13 – Finals on Thursday, 6/9



    Day 2 Thursday 6/9


    In class:

    Lab Activity: DB Lab 8 Gel Electrophoresis to confirm CO1 Amplicons

    Finals today! - Ch 6-9, 12, 13

  • 05/30/202205/30/2022

    Monday – Memorial Day Holiday – No School

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 5/31


    In class:

    Lab Activity: DB Lab 4 Gel Electrophoresis 

    Go over DB Lab 5 Amplifying CO1 by PCR, Polymerase Chain Reaction

    Group Presentation on Ch 12.5 Recent Advances



    Read DB Lab 6 Spin Column to Isolate CO1 Amplicons

    Read Ch 13.1-13.2 Making DNA Molecules, do review questions

    Study for Finals – Finals on Friday, 6/10



    Day 2 Thursday 6/2


    In class:

    Lab Activity: DB Lab 6 Spin Column to Isolate CO1 Amplicons

    Group Presentation on Ch 13.3-13.5 Polymerase Chain Reaction



    Read DB Lab 7 Confirmation of CO1 Amplicons

    Study for Finals – Finals on Friday, 6/10

  • 05/23/202205/23/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 5/24


    In class:

    Group Presentation – Ch 12.4 Pharmaceuticals

    Lab Activity: DB Lab 2 Isolating Genomic DNA and Lab 2 Casting Gel 



    Read DB Lab 3 Casting Gel and DB Lab 4 Gel Electrophoresis

    Do B.O. Getting Sick pg 354

    Do B.O. Eat Veggies pg 355



    Day 2 Thursday 5/26


    In class:

    Lab Activity: DB Lab 4 Gel Electrophoresis



    Read DB Lab 5 and Lab 6 Amplifying CO1 and Confirmation

    Read Ch 12.5 Recent Advances in Medical Biotechnologies

    Do B.O. Medicine for you pg 357



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 05/16/202205/16/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 5/17


    In class:

    Group Presentation - Ch 9.5 Marketing and Sales

    Group Presentation – Ch 12.1 Drug Discoveries

    DNA Barcoding




    Read Ch 12.2 Creating Pharmaceuticals and do review questions

    Read Intro to DNA Barcoding: DB Lab 1 and Lab 2 – Isolate DNA from Bees



    Day 2 Thursday 5/19


    In class:

    Group Presentation - Ch 12.2 Creating Pharmaceuticals

    Lab Activity: DB Lab 2 Isolate DNA from Bees



    Read DB Lab 3 Casting Gel and DB Lab 4 Gel Electrophoresis

    Read Ch 12.3 Creating Pharmaceuticals through Peptide Synthesis and do review questions



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 05/09/202205/09/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 5/10


    In class:

    Check Protein Concentration of isolated RFP

    Review Column Chromatography 

    Column Chromatography to isolate RFP lab report – due on today

    Group Presentation: Ch 9.4 Product Quality – correct HW

    Lab Activity: Check protein concentration of isolated RFP

    Ch 9 Test on Thursday




    Review Ch 9.5 and finish Ch 9.5 review questions

    Read Ch 9 Summary and Lab Practices pgs 274-275

    Do Biotech Live: Activity 9.1 Protein Manufacturing and 9.2 Setting Standard


    Day 2 Thursday 5/12


    In class:

    Group Presentation: Ch 9.5 Marketing and Sales and correct review questions

    Do Biotech Live: Activity 9.3 Reading Annual Reports

    Read Bioethics Part I pg 278 and Part II pg 27

    Ch 9 Test – Today, Thursday



    Ch 9 Packet – due on Tuesday 5/17

    Read Ch 12.1-12.2 Drug Discoveries pg 343-348 and do review questions

    B.O. pg 344 New Medicines

    B.O. pg 345 Penicillin



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 05/02/202205/02/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 5/3


    In class:

    Due today: Mini Prep Lab Report

    Review Mini prep, check for DNA

    Lab Activity: Column Chromatography to isolate RFP



    Review Ch 9.3 more on Column Chromatography and finish 9.3 review questions

    Do Ch 9.3 B.O. pg 268 Got Gas

    Read Ch 9.4 Product Quality and do review questions

    Do Ch 9.4 B.O. pg 279 Products in the Pipeline 


    Day 2 Thursday 5/5


    In class:

    Group Presentation: Ch 9.3 more on Column Chromatography

    Group Presentation: Ch 9.4 Product Quality

    Check Protein Concentration of isolated RFP

    Quiz on Ch 9.3-9.4 today



    Read Ch 9.5 Marketing and Sales and do review questions

    Do Ch 9.5 B.O. Biotech Drugs pg 273

    Column Chromatography lab report – due on Tues 5/10



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 04/25/202204/25/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/26


    In class:

    Review Mini/Maxi Prep

    Group presentation – Ch 9.1 Harvesting a Protein Product

    Lab Activity: Mini Prep using BioRad kit; also set up an overnight culture for column chromatography



    Read Ch 9.2 Column Chromatograpy and do review questions pgs 253-258

    EP: Column Chromatography – due on Thurs 4/28 @ 8 am



    Day 2 Thursday 4/28


    In class:

    Review Ch 9.1 and correct review questions

    Group presentation Ch 9.2 Column Chromatography

    Lab Activity: Column Chromatography to isolate a protein



    Read Ch 9.3 more on Column Chromatography

    EP: HPLC due Tues 5/4

    Mini-Prep lab report – due on Tues 5/4



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 04/18/202204/18/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/19


    In class:

    Go over Karyotype

    Stem Cell Module #5 by Dr. Karol Lu – Day #5 @ 2:45 pm

    Final Activity: Stem Cell Debate



    Study for Ch 8 Test – Test on Tues 4/20

    Read Ch 8 Summary and Lab Practices pgs 246-248

    Do Thinking Like a Biotechnician pg 248

    Do Biotech Live Activity – 8.1-8.5

    Ch 8 packet due on Wednesday



    Day 2 Wednesday 4/20


    In class:

    Group presentation Ch 8.5 and correct Ch 8.5 review questions

    Ch 8 Test and Ch 8 packet due today



    Read Ch 9.1 Bringing product to market and do review questions



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13


  • 04/11/202204/11/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 


    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/12


    In class:

    Correct Ch 8.5 Retrieving Plasmids and do review questions

    Stem Cell Module #3 by Dr. Karol Lu – Day #3 @ 2:45 pm



    Stem Cells HW #3 – Study for Stem Cells Quiz

    Study for Ch 8 Test – Test on Tues 4/19

    Read Ch 8 Summary and Lab Practices pgs 246-248

    Do Thinking Like a Biotechnician pg 248



    Day 2 Thursday 4/14


    In class:

    Stem Cell Module #4 by Dr. Karol Lu – Day #3 @ 2:45 pm



    Stem Cells HW #3 – Study for Stem Cells Quiz

    Study for Ch 8 Test – Test on Tues 4/19

    Do Biotech Live Activity 8.1-8.4 pgs 248-250


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 04/04/202204/04/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/5


    In class:

    Correct Ch 8.2-8.3 Transformation and After Transformation assignments 

    Quiz on Ch 8.2-8.3 Transformation and After Transformation

    Go over Lab 4 Confirmation of Restriction Digest

    Stem Cell Module #1 by Dr. Karol Lu from PCC CIRM program



    Read Ch 8.5 Retrieving Plasmids and do review questions

    Stem Cells HW #1

    Ch 8 Test on Tues, 4/12



    Day 2 Thursday 4/7


    In class:

    Review Ch 8.4 and 8.5 Fermentation and correct assignments

    Stem Cell Module #2 by Dr. Karol Lu from PCC CIRM program



    Read Ch 8 Summary and Lab Practices pg 246-248

    Do Biotech Live Activity 8.1-8.4 

    Stem Cells HW #2



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 03/28/202203/28/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 3/29


    In class:

    Go over ABE Labs 2 and 3 Restriction Digest and Ligation of pDrk and pGrn

    Group presentation - Ch 8.2 Transformation

    Do prelab notes ABE Lab 5

    Lab Activity: ABE Lab 5 Transformation

    Due today: Synthetic Biology Project, Group presentations begin 



    Review Ch 8.3 After Transformation

    Finish ABE Labs 2 and 3 – due Thurs 3/31

    Read Amgen (ABE) Manual green Labs 4 and do pre lab notes


    Day 2 Thursday, 3/31


    In class:

    Due: ABE Labs 2 and 3  and go over ABE Lab 5 Transformation and screen for green glowing cells

    Set up ABE green Lab 4 Confirmation of Digest

    Group presentation: Ch 8.3 After Transformation



    Read Ch 8.4 After Transformation and do review questions

    Finish ABE green Labs 4 and 5 Confirmation of Digest and Transformation lab report – due Thurs 4/7


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13


  • 03/21/202203/21/2022

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7 


    Day 1 Tuesday, 3/22


    In class:

    Group presentation - Ch 8.1 Recombinant Biotechnology

    Set up Restriction Digest of pDrk and pGrn

    Due today: Synthetic Biology Project, Group presentations begin 



    Read Ch 8.2 Transforming Cells and do review questions

    Do B.O. BACS and YACS pg 228

    Read Amgen (ABE) Manual green Labs 2 and 3 Restriction Digest and Ligation of pDrk and pGrn


    Day 2 Wednesday, 3/23


    In class:

    More group presentation Synthetic Biology Project 

    Set up ABE green Lab 3 Ligation to construct rpGlo.



    Read Ch 8.3 After Transformation and do review questions

    Read ABE green Labs 4 and 5 Confirmation of Digest and Transformation


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 03/14/202203/14/2022

    Just a friendly remember:


    Finish Synthetic Biology Project – due on Tues 3/22

    Read Ch 8.1 Production of Recombinant Biotech Prod and do review questions - due on Tues 3/22

    Do B.O. Genetic Engineering pg 226 – due on Tues 3/22

    Group Presentation on Ch 8.1 – on Tuesday 3/22





    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13




  • 03/07/202203/07/2022

    M/W P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7 

    Fri P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 3/8


    In class:

    Due today: pH Lab

    Review Ch 7.2 and pH 

    Group presentation Ch 7.3 Buffers correct 7.3 review questions

    CW: Biotech Live: Do Activity 7.1-7.3 pg 216-277




    Review Ch 7.1-7.5

    Read Ch 7 Summary and Lab Practices pgs 214-216

    Finish Biotech Live: Do Activity 7.1-7.3 pg 216-277

    Ch 7 Test on Thursday 3/10



    Day 2 Thursday, 3/10


    In class:

    Ch 7 Test

    Work on Synthetic Biology Project – due on Tues 3/22



    Finish Synthetic Biology Project – due on Tues 3/22

    Read Ch 8.1 Production of Recombinant Biotech Prod and do review questions

    Do B.O. Genetic Engineering pg 226


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 02/28/202202/28/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 


    Day 1 Tuesday, 3/1


    In class:

    Due today: Soda Lab

    Group presentation: Ch 7.5 Use of Spectrophotometer to measure DNA Concentration

    Activity: Virtual Simulation on Buffer/pH



    Read Ch 7.2 and do review questions

    Do B.O. pg 203 Learn how a pH meter electrode works

    Due on Tuesday, 3/8 – Virtual Simulation on Buffer/pH


    Day 2 Thursday, 3/3


    In class:

    Review Ch 7.5 Use of Spectrophotometer to measure DNA Concentration

    Group presentation on Ch 7. 2 Buffers/pH

    Lab Activity: pH Lab



    Finish pH Lab report due on Tues 3/10

    Read Ch 7.3 Buffers and do review questions 

    Do B.O. pg 208 How and why proteins are purified from cells


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 02/21/202202/21/2022

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7 


    Day 1 Tuesday, 2/22


    In class:

    Due today: Lab 6g and 6h Isolation and Testing for HRP with TMB Lab report due today

    Review Lab 7a and 7b How to Use a Spectrophotometer

    Lab Activity: Soda Lab using the Spectrophotometer; create excel file, convert %T to A

    Quiz on Ch 7.1 Spectrophotometer



    Finish Lab 7a and 7b How to Use a Spectrophotometer lab reports – due on Thurs 2/24

    Soda Lab report due on Tues 3/1

    Review Ch 7.4 and finish review questions


    Day 2 Thursday, 2/24


    In class:

    Review Lab Activity: Soda Lab

    Group presentation on Ch 7. 4 Using Spectrophotometer to find concentration of protein

    Due today Lab Activities: Lab 7a and 7b – How to Use a Spectrophotometer

    Lab Activity: Virtual Simulation on Using Spectrophotometer to measure concentration of molecules



    Finish Soda Lab report due on Tues 3/1

    Read Ch 7.5 Use of Spectrophotometers to DNA and do 7.5 Review questions

    Finish Virtual Simulaltion on Spectrophotometer – due on Tue 3/1


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 02/14/202202/14/2022

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 2/15


    In class:

    Review Lab 6d Looking for new product; Lab report due today

    Lab Activity 6g and 6 h Isolate HRP and Test HRP Activity using TMB



    Read Ch 7.1 Spectrophotometer and do review questions

    Do B.O. 7.1 FTIR, pg 200

    Lab 6g and 6h lab reports – due on Tue 2/22

    Read Lab 7a and 7b How to Use a Spectrophotometer


    Day 2 Thursday, 2/17


    In class:

    Review Lab Activity: Lab 6g Isolate HRP

    Group presentation on Ch 7.1 Spectrophotometers

    Lab Activities: Lab 7a and 7b – How to Use a Spectrophotometer



    Read Ch 7.4 Use of Spectrophotometers to measure Protein Concentration

    Do 7.4 Review questions

    Finish Lab 6g and 6h lab reports – due on Tue 2/22

    Finish Lab 7a and 7b lab reports – due on Thurs 2/24


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 02/07/202202/07/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W P1, P3, P5, P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 2/8


    In class:

    Review Ch 6.6 Production of recombinant protein

    Lab Activity – Lab 6d Looking for new products, part 2, test extract against E.coli



    Read Ch 6 Summary pgs 184-185, due on Thurs 2/3

    Do Lab Practices pgs 185, due on Thurs 2/3

    Finish Biotech Live Activity 6.1-6.4 – due on Thurs 2/3

    Ch 6 Review questions - due on Thurs 2/3

    Ch 6 Test – Thurs 2/10



    Day 2 Thursday, 2/10


    In class:

    Ch 6 Test

    Lab Activity: continue Lab 6d part 2 – check for zone of inhibition

    Lab Activity: Lab 6g Isolate HRP



    Read Lab 6g and 6 h Isolating HRP and Testing HRP using TMB

    Finish Lab 6d New Products Lab Report – due on Tues 2/15


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 01/31/202201/31/2022

    M/W P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7 (Open House)

    F P1, P3, P5, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 2/1


    In class:

    Review Ch 6.3 and 6.4 Western Blot and go over ELISA Lab

    Group presentation – Ch 6.5 Looking for new products

    Due today: Lab 6c Amylase Lab

    Lab Activity – Lab 6d Looking for new products, continue on Thurs



    Read Ch 6.6 Producing rDNA and do review questions

    Finish ELISA Lab – due on Thurs 2/3



    Day 2 Thursday, 2/3


    In class:

    Review Lab 6e Looking for new products

    Due today: ELISA Lab

    Group Presentation – Ch 6.6 Producing rDNA and correct review questions

    Lab Activity: continue Lab 6d part 2 - Test plant extract against E.coli



    Do Biotech Live Activity 6.1-6.4 – due on Thurs 2/10

    Lab 6d Looking for new products – due on Thurs 2/10

    Ch 6 Test – Thurs 2/10; Ch 6 review questions-  due on Thurs 2/10



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 01/24/202201/24/2022

    M/T P1, P3, P5, P7

    W Banking Day P1-P7

    Th/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 1/25


    In class:

    Review Ch 6.3 ELISA and Amylase

    Finish Lab 6c Amylase Lab

    Due today: Lab 6b Assay for Starch and Sugar



    Read ELISA Lab – Lab on Thursday

    Read Ch 6.4 Western Blots and do review questions


    Day 2 Thursday, 1/27


    In class:

    Review Lab 6c Amylase

    Group Presentation – Ch 6.4 Western Blot 

    Lab Activity: Anti-Heparin ELISA Assay



    Read Ch 6.5 Looking for new products

    Do B.O. pg 178 Amazon Hide and Seek

    Lab 6c Assaying for Amylase Activity – due Tues 2/1

    Continue working on Synthetic Biology Project

    Bring Herbs for Tuesday and read Lab 6d Looking for Potential Medicine 


    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 01/17/202201/17/2022

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Tuesday, 1/18


    In class:

    Review Ch 6.1 Potential Biotech Product

    Group 1 Presentation – Ch 6.2 The use of Assays, correct review questions

    Due today: PAGE gel report

    Lab Activity: Lab 6b Assay for Starch and Sugar



    Read Ch 6.3 ELISA and do review questions 6.3

    Do Biotech Online ELISA Technology in Diagnostic Kits pg 173

    Due on Thurs – Rapid ELISA, iFOBT



    Day 2 Thursday, 1/20


    In class:

    Review Ch 6.2 Assays 

    Group 1 Presentation - Ch 6.3 ELISA, correct review questions

    Due today: Rapid ELISA, iFOBT report

    Lab Activity: Lab 6c Assaying for Amylase Activity



    Read ELISA Lab

    Finish Lab 6c Amylase Activity – due Thurs 1/27

    Edpuzzle – ELISA

    Continue working on Synthetic Biology Project



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.


    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 01/10/202201/10/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, Jan 11


    In class:

    Review Ch 5 Proteins and PAGE, Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis – lab report due on Tues, 1/18

    Go over Synthetic Biology Project –due in 10 weeks 

    Assign chapters for group presentations



    Read Ch 6.1 Assays

    Do review questions 6.1

    Brainstorm ideas for Synthetic Biology Project



    Day 2 Thursday, Jan 13


    In class:

    Go over Synthetic Biology – go to 

    Ch 6.1 Potential Products

    Lab Activity: Rapid ELISA antibody assay



    Read Ch 6.2 Assays

    Do review questions 6.2

    Finish PAGE Report, due Tues 1/18



    Chapter Assignments: Please prepare a powerpoint presentation for each section.

    Grp1 - Ch 6.1-6.3

    Grp2 – Ch 6.4-6.6

    Grp3 – Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5

    Grp4 – Ch 7.2, 7.3

    Grp6 – Ch 8.1-8.5

    Grp7 – Ch 9

    Grp8 – Ch 12

    Grp9 – Ch 13

  • 12/13/202112/13/2021

    Monday P1, P3, P5, P7 – regular schedule

    Tuesday P1-P7 Final Exam in P7 only

    Wednesday P1, P3, P5 Final Exam

    Thursday P2, P4, P6 Final Exam

    Friday No School Winter Break Begins



    Day 1 Monday, Dec 13 P7 2:39 pm - 3:29 pm


    In class:

    Review for Finals



    Study for Finals, Units 1-4 – Finals on Thursday

    Finish Study Guide for Finals



    Day 2 Tuesday, Dec 14 P7 1:33 pm – 3:29 pm


    Final Exam – Chapters 1-5



    Enjoy your Winter Break!  

    Happy Holidays

  • 12/06/202112/06/2021

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W –  Banking Day, P1-P7

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Tuesday, Dec 7


    In class:

    Due today -– Antibody-Antigen Flu Test 

    Go over Catalase Lab – Lab report due Thurs 12/9

    Lab Activity: PAGE – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis

    Correct Ch 5.4 Protein Analysis



    Study for Ch 5 Test – Test on Thurs 12/9

    Complete Catalase Lab – due Thurs, 12/9



    Thursday, Dec 9


    In class:

    Finish PAGE – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis

    Due today – Catalase Lab report

    Ch 5 Test



    Finish PAGE Lab report – due Tues, 12/14

    Study for Finals, Ch 1-5 – Finals on Tues 12/14

  • 11/29/202111/29/2021

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W –  Banking Day, P1-P7

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Tuesday, Nov 30


    In class:

    Review Ch 5 Protein Enzymes and correct assignments

    Due today -– ABE Lab 6 and ABE Lab 7 Isolation of RFP by Column Chromatography

    Lab Activity – Antibody-Antigen Test 



    Read Ch 5.1-5.3 more on Proteins

    Complete Antibody-Antigen Test lab report – due Tues, 12/6



    Thursday, Dec 2


    In class:

    Review Enzymes and Studying Proteins 

    Lab Activity – Catalase Lab, parts A-D



    Graph results of Catalase Lab

    Read PAGE Lab (Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis)

    Review Ch 5.4 and Study for Ch 5 Test

    Ch 5 Test – Thurs, 12/9

  • 11/22/202111/22/2021

    Reminder: Complete ABE Lab 6 Overnight Culture and Lab 7 Isolation of MFP by Column Chromatography – due on 11/30




    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • 11/15/202111/15/2021

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W –  Banking Day, P1-P7

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Tuesday, Nov 16


    In class:

    Presentations on Genetic Disorders

    Ch 5.1 Protein Structure and Function

    Lab Activity today – ABE Lab 6 Set up Overnight Culture of Transformed Cells

    Quiz on Ch 5.1 Proteins 




    ABE ABE Lab 4, 5 Confirmation, Transformation due Thursday, 11/18

    Read Ch 5.3 Protein Catalysts and do review questions

    B.O. Catalysts for Better Health pg 151

    Read ABE Lab 7 Overnight Cultures of Transformed E.coli; do prelab questions



    Thursday, Nov 18


    In class:

    Go over ABE Lab 7 Overnight Cultures of Transformed E.coli

    Ch 5.2 and 5.3 Protein Production and Protein Activity; correct review questions

    Lab Activity: ABE Lab 7 Overnight Cultures of Transformed E.coli

    Due today: ABE Lab 4 and 5



    Finish ABE Lab 6 and 7 Isolation of RFP by Column Chromatography – due on Tue 11/30

    Read Ch 5.4 Studying Proteins and do review questions

  • 11/08/202111/08/2021

    M/W       P1, P3, P5, P7

    Thursday – Veteran's Day, No School

    T/F           P2, P4, P6, P7



    Tuesday, Nov 9


    In class:

    Review ABE Lab 4 and 5 – Co Confirmation of Digest and Transformation

    Lab Activity today – ABE Lab 6 Set up Overnight Culture of Transformed Cells; Screen for Transformed, red cells

    Quiz on ABE Lab 4, 5 Confirmation, and Transformation

    Due today- Ch 4 Packet



    ABE ABE Lab 4, 5 Ligation, Transformation due Thursday, 11/8

    Read Ch 5.1 Protein structure and function and do review questions

    B.O. Antibody Producing Companies

    Read ABE Lab 6 Overnight Cultures of Transformed E.coli; do prelab questions


    Wednesday, Nov 10


    In class:

    Go over ABE Lab 6 Overnight Culture

    Ch 5.2 Protein Production and Protein Activity



    Read ABE Lab 7 Isolation of RFP by Column Chromatography

    Read Ch 5.2 Protein Production

    B.O. Couch Potatoes pg 146

  • 11/01/202111/01/2021

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Tuesday, 11/2


    In class:

    Review ABE Lab 2 and 3 – Restriction Digest of pAra and pKan-R and Ligation

    Lab Activity today – ABE Lab 4 Confirmation of Digest

    Ch 4 Biotech Live – do Activities 4.1-4.3

    ABE Labs 2 and 3 lab reports due on Thursday, 11/4

    Quiz on ABE Lab 1 and 2



    Read ABE Lab 5 Transformation of E.coli with pAra-R

    Complete ABE Lab 3 Ligation – Due on Tues, 11/9

    Complete Ch 4 Biotech Live Activities 4.1-4.3



    Thursday, Nov 4


    In class:

    Go over ABE Lab 4 Confirmation of Digest of pAra and pKan-R and Ligation

    ABE Lab 5 Transformation

    Complete Ch 4 Biotech Live Activities 4.4-4.6

    Due today: ABE Labs 2 and 3 lab reports



    Read ABE Lab 6 Overnight Culture of Transformed E.coli

    Finish ABE Labs 4 report – due Thurs 11/11

    Complete Ch 4 Biotech Live Activities 4.4-4.6

    Ch 4 packet due on Tue 11/9

  • 10/25/202110/25/2021

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Monday, Oct 25


    In class:

    Go over Gel Electrophoresis

    Correct 4.3-4.4 review questions; Ch 4 Test on Friday, 10/29

    Set up ABE Lab 2 Restriction Digest of pAra and pKan

    Due today: Gel Electrophoresis and Restriction Enzyme Activity, 

    ABE Lab 1 Gel Electrophoresis – due on Thurs, 10/26



    Read ABE Lab 2 and 3

    Do Biotech Live 4.1-4.6

    Study for Ch 4 Test – Test on Fri, 10/29



    Friday, Oct 29


    In class:

    Ch 4 Test

    Go over ABE Lab 2 and set up ABE Lab 3 Ligation



    Read ABE Lab 4 Confirmation of Restriction Digest

    Finish ABE Labs 2 and 3 report – due Thurs 11/5

  • 10/18/202110/18/2021

    M/Th   P1, P3, P5, P7

    W        P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/F      P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Oct 19


    In class:

    Go over Math Problems and Ch 4.1 - 4.3 DNA Structure and Isolation of DNA

    Quiz on Ch 4.1-4.3

    Lab Activity: ABE Lab Gel Electrophoresis

    Due: Strawberry DNA Isolation Lab



    Read Ch 4.4 Gel Electrophoresis and do review Questions

    Strawberry DNA Lab – due on Tuesday



    Thursday, Oct 21


    In class:

    Go over Ch 4.4 Gel Electrophoresis

    Quiz on Gel Electrophoresis



    Do Biotech Online Chop and Go pg 124

    Finish ABE Lab 1 Gel Electrophoresis – due on Tuesday 10/26

    Read Ch 4 Summary and Lab Practices pgs 126-127

    Ch 4 Test on Thursday, 10/28


  • 10/11/202110/11/2021

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W PSAT 8:30-12;30

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Oct 12


    In class:

    Go over Math Problems

    Ch 4.1 DNA Structure

    Lab Activity: Isolation of Strawberry DNA 

    Due today: Ch 3 Review questions and Math Problems



    Read Ch 4.2 Sources of DNA, do review questions

    Do Biotech Online Know your Genome pg 112, Baldness Gene pg 118

    Download Amgen Lab Manual

    Strawberry DNA Lab – due on Tuesday


    Thursday, Oct 14


    In class:

    Ch 4.2 Sources of DNA, correct review questions

    Activity: Cast a Gel for Gel Electrophoresis; make 1x SB buffer and 1% agarose gel



    Read Ch 4.3 Isolating and Manipulating DNA

    Do Biotech Online Recombinant Pharmaceuticals and Therapies, pgs 118-119

    Read Lab 1 Amgen Lab Manual

    Strawberry DNA Lab – due on Tuesday

  • 10/04/202110/04/2021

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Oct 5


    In class:

    Correct Ch 3.6 review questions and Math Problems

    Ch 3 Test on Thursday

    Due today: Pipetting Lab and DNA Lab

    Lab Activity: Biotech Live – Activity 3.1-3.4 pgs 95-97 (work on Chromebook)




    Study for Ch 3 Test – Test on Thursday

    Work on Math problems/Find MW of compounds



    Thursday, Oct 7


    In class:

    Ch 3 Test

    Continue with Biotech Live – Activity 3.5-3.6 pgs 98-100

    Go over Math/MW of compounds



    Read Ch 4.1 Studying DNA and do review questions

    Read Lab 1 Amgen Lab Manual

    Bring Strawberries for Tuesday

  • 09/27/202109/27/2021

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Sept 28


    In class:

    Correct all Ch 3.1 – 3.2 review questions and math problems

    Go over Pipetting Lab part 1

    Lab Activity – Pipetting Accuracy part 2




    Read Ch 3.5 and do review questions

    Pipetting Accuracy Lab parts 1 and 2 – due on Tuesday, 10/5

    Work on Math problems



    Thursday, Sept 30


    In class:

    Go over Ch 3.5 review questions and math problems

    Go over Pipetting Accuracy

    Lab Activity – Micropippetting Exercise with colored dyes



    Read Ch 3.6 and do review questions

    Read Summary and Lab Practices pgs 92-93

    Pipetting Accuracy Lab parts 1 and 2 - due Tuesday, 10/5

    Ch 3 Test – Tuesday, 10/5

    Finish Math Problems

  • Date Assigned: 09/20/2021
    Date Due: 09/20/2021
    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W P1-P7 

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Sept 21


    In class:

    Correct all Ch 2.4 and 2.5review questions

    Go over Bacteria Lab and Gram Stain

    Ch 2 Test – today; Ch 2 packet due 

    Lab Activity – Gram Stain and use microscope to view bacteria



    Read Ch 3.1-3.2  pgs 71-82 and do review questions

    Do B.O. pg 74

    Finish Bacteria Lab and Gram Stain Lab – due on Tuesday, 9/28



    Thursday, Sept 23


    In class:

    Go over Ch 3.1-3.2 review questions and math problems

    Go over Gram Stain Lab

    Lab Activity – Pippeting 



    Read Cj 3.3-3.4 and do review questions

    Do Math Problems

    Grams Stain Lab – due on Monday, 9/28

    Pipetting Lab due Tuesday, 9/29

  • 09/13/202109/13/2021

    M/Th   P1, P3, P5, P7

    W          P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/F        P2, P4, P6, P7


    Tuesday, Sept 14


    In class:

    Go over Organic Lab and complete Cheese Lab

    Go over Microscope Lab

    Correct Ch 2.1-2.3 review questions

    Lab Activity – Bacteria Lab: collect bacteria, streak media plate, test against antibiotics



    Read Ch 2.4 New Biotechnology and do 2.4 review questions

    Do B.O. pg 52 and 82

    Finish Cheese Lab and Organic Lab -  both are due on Thursday, 9/14

    Microscope Lab – due on Tuesday 9/14

    Ch 2 Test on Tuesday



    Thursday, Sept 16


    In class:

    Due today: Cheese Lab and Organic Lab

    Correct Ch 2.4 review questions

    Go over Bacteria Lab

    Lab Activity: Gram Staining



    Finish Bacteria Lab – due on Tuesday

    Microscope Lab – due on Tuesday 9/14

    Read Ch 2 Summary and Lab Practices pg 81-86

    Ch 2 Test on Tuesday

  • 09/06/202109/06/2021

    Tuesday, Sept 7


    In class:

    Review Ch 1.3-1.6 and correct review answers

    Discuss careers and Biotethics in Biotechnology- watch video on Biochemist

    Make 2nd Observation of Cheese Lab – after 5 days, make cheeseball using cheesecloth

    Lab Activity: Organic Lab



    Read Summary and Lab Practices on pgs 30-31 to review Ch 1Test

    Study for Ch 1 Test – Test on Thursday, Sept 9

    Cheese Lab is due on Tuesday, Sept. 14

    Read Ch 2.1, do review question and Label parts of Microscope (worksheet) due on Thursday 9/9

    Remember to copy review questions and answer in complete sentences on a separate sheet



    Thursday, Sept 9


    In class:

    Ch 1 Test in class on Quizziz

    Go over Ch 2.1 Review Questions, Organic Lab, and Microscope worksheet

    Lab Activity: Organic Microscope and do cells worksheet on structures and function



    Read Ch 2.2-2.3, do review questions; remember to copy questions and answer in complete sentences

    Complete cell structure and function worksheet

    Finish Cheese Lab – due on Tues, 9/14

    Finish Organic Lab – due on Thur, 9/16

  • 08/30/202108/30/2021

    Tuesday, August 31


    In Class:

    What is Scientific Method?

    Correct Ch 1.3 review questions

    Lab Activity: Cheese Lab

    Bleach Lab due – send to intern to check for content/format/completion; see below



    Read ED Ch. 1.4 and review questions pgs 19-23 ED

    Extra Credit: make cheese at home; DIY on



    Thursday, Sept 2


    In Class:

    Cheese Lab - Make 1st observation, record in your notebook

    Discuss Careers in Biotech

    Correct Ch 1.4 review questions



    Read ED Ch 1.5-1.6 and do review questions pgs 23-29 ED

    Do B.O. Hot Jobs pg 26 and Code of Business Conduct pg 29 ED

    Read Summary and Lab Practices pgs 30-31


    Please share your lab report with your intern to get it checked before turning it in to me.


    Biotech Interns:


    Rosalia Park -                           A-C  (Last names)

    Iris Milanovich-Rooney -        D-H      

    Kalia Manayan -                   J-K

    Claire Yang -                           L-M

    Michelle Chung -                  P-S                      

    Nathan Pang -                        W-Y

  • 08/23/202108/23/2021

    Day 1 Tuesday, August 24


    In class:

    What is Biotech?

    Go over How to maintain a Scientific Notebook in Biotech

    Lab Activity: Bleach Lab  pgs 19-21 TB



    Read Ch 1.1-1.2 and do review questions Ch 1.1-1.2 in TB

    Read Cheese Lab before Thursday and bring whole milk and buttermilk on Thursday



    Day 2 Thursday, August 26


    In class:

    Make final observations for Bleach Lab, lab report due on Tues 8/31

    Review How to Notebook

    Lab Activity: Cheese Lab



    Read Ch 1.3 pgs 14-18 and do review questions 1.3 TB

    Do Biotech Online (B.O.) pg 18

    Finish Bleach Lab report in Google Docs pgs 19-21 TB; lab report on Tuesday

  • 08/18/202108/18/2021

    Week 1 Semester 1 August 18-20, 2021 Assignments in Biotech


    Day 1 Wednesday, August 18


    In class:

    Rules and Policies

    Safety Rules



    Sign up for Google Classroom, Quizizz

    Study for Safety Test – Test on Thursday

    Wear shoes to class – Always!


    Day 2 Thursday, August 19


    In class:

    Safety Test

    What is Biotechnology



    Read Ch 1.1 Biotechnology ED (Ellyn Daugherty textbook)

    Read Bleach Lab pgs 19-21 ED, Lab on Tuesday

    Wear shoes please

  • 06/07/202106/07/2021

    Finals Week:   We will meet on T/Th at 1:30 pm


    Tuesday, June 8


    In class:

    Finish Career Exploration Project – Oral Presentations

    Final Exam – Part 1



    Study for Finals, Ch 6-9 – Finals Part 2 on Thursday  



    Thursday, June 10


    In class:

    Finals Part 2



    Have a great summer!

  • 05/31/202105/31/2021

    Tuesday, June 1


    In class:

    Career Exploration Project – Oral Presentations



    Study for Finals – Finals on Tuesday, June 8th and June 10th



    Thursday, June 3


    In class:

    Continue with Oral Presentations on Career Exploration



    Study for Finals – Finals on Tuesday, June 8th and June 10th

  • 05/24/202105/24/2021

    Tuesday, May 25


    In class:

    Resumes and Career Exploration Project – due today

    Presentations on Career Exploration Project – begin today



    Study for Finals – Finals on Tuesday, June 8th



    Thursday, May 27


    In class:

    Continue with Oral Presentations on Career Exploration



    Study for Finals – Finals on Tuesday, June 8th

  • 05/17/202105/17/2021

    Tuesday, May 18


    In class:

    Ch 13.1 and 13.2 DNA Synthesis – Groups 1 and 2 presentations

    Work on Career Exploration Project




    Read Ch 13.3 Polymerase Chain Reaction and do review questions

    EP: PCR



    Thursday, May 20


    In class:

    Ch 13.3 PCR – Group 3 and 4 presentations



    Read Ch 13.4 Applications of PCR and do review questions

    B.O. – CSI – your room pg 383

    EP: Karyotyping/DNA Fingerprinting

  • 05/10/202105/10/2021

    Tuesday, May 11


    In class:

    Review Ch 12 Medical Technologies

    Ch 13.1 DNA Synthesis – Group 10 presentation




    Read 13 DNA Synthesis pg 365-371 and do review question

    B.O. Telomeres pg 369

    B.O. Snip here, snip there pg 371

    Ch 12 Test on Thursday



    Thursday, May 13


    In class:

    Ch 12 Medical Technologies Test – today

    Ch 13.2 DNA Synthesis Products – Group 10 presentation



    Read Ch 13.2 DNA Synthesis Products and do review questions

    EP: PCR

  • 05/03/202105/03/2021

    Tuesday, May 4


    In class:

    Stem Cell Module Day 3 – instructions provided by Dr. Karol Lu from PCC CIRM Program




    Complete Stem Cell Assignment from Dr. Lu

    Read 12 Summary and Lab Practices pg 360-361



    Thursday, May 6


    In class:

    Stem Cell Module Day 4 – instructions provided by Dr. Karol Lu from PCC CIRM Program



    Complete Stem Cell Assignment from Dr. Lu

    Do Biotech Live Ch 12 Activities 12.1-12.3

    Study for Ch 12 Test – Ch 12 Test on Tuesday

  • 04/26/202104/26/2021

    Tuesday, April 27


    In class:

    Stem Cell Module Begins today, Day 1 – instruction provided by Dr. Karol Lu from PCC CIRM Program



    Complete Stem Cell Assignment from Dr. Lu

    Read 12.4 and do review questions 12.4

    Do B.O. pg 355 Eating Vegetables



    Thursday, April 29


    In class:

    Stem Cell Module Day 2 – instruction provided by Dr. Karol Lu from PCC CIRM Program



    Complete Stem Cell Assignment from Dr. Lu

    Read Ch 12.5 Recent Advances in Medical Biology and do review questions 12.5

    Do B.O. pg 357 Medicine for you

  • 04/19/202104/19/2021

    Tuesday, April 20


    In class:

    Review Ch 9 Taking Product to Market

    Ch 9 Test

    Ch 12.1- Drug Discoveries, Group 9 presentation



    Read 12.1-12.2 Drug Discoveries and Creating Pharmaceuticals

    Do review questions 12.1-12.2

    Do B.O. pg 344 New Medications

    Do B.O. pg 345 Penicillin

    Edpuzzle: Making Vaccines due on Thursday, April 22 @ 8 am

    Quiz on Thursday



    Thursday, April 22


    In class:

    Review Ch 12.1 Drug Discoveries

    Ch 12.2 Creating Pharmaceuticals - Group 9 Presentation



    Read Ch 12.3-12.4 Creating Pharmaceuticals Through Peptide and DNA Synthesis

    Do Review Questions

    Do B.O. pg 354 Getting Sick

    Do B.O. pg 355 Eat your Vegetables

    Edpuzzle: mRNA Vaccines due Fri 4/23

  • 04/12/202104/12/2021

    Tuesday, April 13


    In class:

    Due today: Amgen Lab 7 Isolation of GFP protein using Column Chromatography

    Due Thursday: Labster HPLC Lab Report

    Ch 9.4 Product Quality Control, correct review questions - Group presentation



    Read Ch 9.5 Marketing and Sales, do review questions

    Do B.O. pg 268 Got Gas

    Do B.O. pg 270 Products on Pipeline

    Quiz on Thursday, 4/15

    Edpuzzle: Quality Control due on Thursday, April 15 @ 8 am



    Thursday, April 15


    In class:

    Due today: Labster HPLC Lab Report

    Review Ch 9.4 Product Quality Control

    Group Presentation - Ch 9.5 Marketing and Sales        



    Do B.O. pg 273

    Read Summary pg 274 and Lab Practices pg 275

    Biotech Live: pg 276-277

    • Activity 9.1 Protein Manufacturing
    • Activty 9.2 Standard in Manufacturing
    • Activity 9.3 Annual Report Packet

    Ch 9 Test on Thursday, 4/22

  • 04/05/202104/05/2021

    Tuesday, April 6


    In class:


    Due today: LabXchange Activity – Column Chromatography Lab Report

    Go over Amgen Lab 6/Lab 7 O/N culture and Isolation of GFP protein using Column Chromatography

    Ch 9.2 Using Chromatography to Separate Molecules, correct review questions - Group presentation

    Lab Activity: Amgen Lab 7 Purification Unit Column Chromatography – Lab Report due Tues 4/13




    Read Ch 9.3 Column Chromatography, FPLC, HPLC, do review questions

    Edpuzzle: HPLC due on Thursday, April 8 @ 8 am



    Thursday, April 8


    In class:

    Review Amgen Lab 7 – Isolation of GFP using Column Chromatography

    Review Ch 9.2 Chromatography to separate molecules

    Group Presentation - Ch 9.3 more on Column Chromatography      



    Read Ch 9.4 Product Quality Control, do review questions

    Biotech Online 9.4 pg 279

    Amgen Lab 7 Purification of GFP by Column Chromatography Lab Report – due Tues, April 13

  • 03/29/202103/29/2021

    Tuesday, Mar 29


    In class:


    Due today: Labster Activity – Fermentation Lab Report

    Go over Amgen Lab 6 O/N culture of pGLO Transformed Cells

    Go over Ch 8.4 Fermentation and Ch 8.5 Retrieving Plasmids

    Ch 8 Test today

    Ch 8 packet - due today





    Read Amgen Lab 7 Purification Unit Column Chromatography

    Read Ch 9.1 Taking Product to Market and do review questions

    Labster Activity: Column Chromatography, Lab report due on Tues, 4/6



    Thursday, April 1


    In class:


    Group Presentation - Ch 9.1 Taking Product to Market and correct review questions

    Lab Activity: Amgen Lab 7 Purification Unit Column Chromatography




    Read Ch 9.2 Chromatography and do review questions

    Labster Activity: Column Chromatography, Lab report due on Tues, 4/6

  • 03/22/202103/22/2021

    Tuesday, Mar 23


    In class:


    Create Spreadsheet for LAMC Student Codes

    Continue Design Project Oral presentations

    Go over Scaling up and Amgen Lab 6 Overnight Culture

    Ch 8.4 Fermentation – Group presentation





    Labster Activity: Fermentation – Lab report due on Tuesday 3/30

    Read Ch 8.5 Retrieving Plasmids; do review questions

    Ch 8 Test on Tuesday 3/30

    Ch 8.1-8.3 Quiz on Thursday 3/25



    Thursday, Mar 25


    In class:


    Ch 8.1-8.3 Quiz Genetic Engineering and Transformation

    Go over Ch 8.4 Fermentation

    Ch 8.5 Retrieving Plasmids - Group Presentation





    Read Ch 8 Summary and Lab Practices pgs 246-248

    Do Biotech Live: Activity 8.1 Lambda phage, Activity 8.2 Gene Bank/NCBI, Activity 8.3 GMP due 3/30

    Finish Labster Activity: Fermentation – Lab report due on Tuesday 3/30

    Ch 8 Test on Tuesday 3/30

  • 03/08/202103/08/2021

    Tuesday, Mar 9


    In class:


    Design Project Oral presentations begin today - Synthetic Biology Design Project with Tinker Cell

    Go over Amgen Lab 4 and 5 Confirmation of Restriction Digest and Transformation

    Quiz on Amgen Lab 4 and 5

    Ch 8.3 After Transformation – presentation by Talin's Group

    Lab Activity: Set up O/N culture




    Finish Amgen Labs 4 and 5 Lab Reports – due on Thurs 3/11

    Read Amgen Lab 6 Overnight Culture

    Read Ch 8.3 After Transformation; do review questions



    Thursday, Mar 11


    In class:


    More Oral Presentations -Synthetic Biology Design Project with Tinker Cell

    Due today: Amgen Labs 4 and 5

    Go over Amgen Lab 6 Overnight Culture

    Go over Ch 8.3 After Transformation





    Read Ch 8.4 Fermentation, Manufacturing, and Production; do review qs

    Read Amgen Lab 6 O/N Culture of Transformed HB101

    Do prelab notes lab 6

  • 03/01/202103/01/2021

    Tuesday, Mar 2


    In class:


    Design Project due on Thursday, oral presentations on Tuesday 3/9

    Go over Ch 8.1-8.2 Genetic Engineering and Transformation

    Go over Amgen Lab 2 Restriction Digest, pDRK and pGRN and Amgen Lab 3 Ligation

    Lab Activity: Amgen Lab 5 Transformation




    Do Biotech Online pg 230 Real Cut Ups and Biotech Online RFLP pg 231

    Read Amgen Lab 4 Confirmation of Restriction Digest

    Do prelab notes 2-5



    Thursday, Mar 4


    In class:


    Due today: Synthetic Biology Design Project with Tinker Cell

    Go over Amgen Labs 2-5

    Go over Amgen Lab 5 Transformation – Screen for green colonies

    Lab Activity: Amgen Lab 4 – Confirmation Digest of pDRK and pGRN




    Complete Amgen Labs 2-3 lab report – due Tues 3/9

    Amgen Labs 4 & 5 due on Thurs 3/11

    Synthetic Biology Oral Presentation – due Tues 3/9

  • 02/22/202102/22/2021

    Tuesday, Feb 23


    In class:


    Questions on your Design Project on Synthetic Biology – Design Project due next week

    Ch 8.1 Genetic Engineering – ppt presentation by Grp 5

    Due on Thursday: pH Lab Activity: pHun at Home – due 2.25




    Read Ch 8.1 Genetic Engineering; do review questions 8.1 – copy questions, answer in complete sentences

    Do Biotech Online pg 226 Genetic Engineering

    Download Amgen Lab Green Manual

    Read Amgen Lab 2 Restriction Digest pGRN and pDRK and Lab 3 Ligation



    Thursday, Feb 25


    In class:


    Due today: pH Lab Activity: pHun at Home

    Correct Ch 8.1 review questions

    Ch 8.2 Transforming Cells – ppt presentation by Grp 5

    Lab Activity: Amgen Lab 2 – Restriction Digest of pGRN and pDRK

    Lab Activity: Amgen Lab 3 Ligation - to construct a recombinant DNA, rpGLO





    Read Ch 8.2 Transformation and do review questions 8.2

    Do Biotech Online pg 228 BACS vs YACS

    Read Amgen Lab 5 Transformation of E.coli using rpGLO

    EP: Watch Restriction Enzymes – DNA Learning Channel

  • 02/15/202102/15/2021

    Tuesday, Feb 16


    In class:


    Questions on your Design Project on Synthetic Biology – Design Project due in 2 weeks

    Ch 7.3 Buffers – ppt presentation by Grp 4; correct 7.1 review questions

    Quiz on pH and Buffers




    Review Chapter 7; Ch 7 Test on Thursday, 2/18

    Read Ch 7 Summary and Lab Practices, pg 214-216

    Finish Labster Acids and Bases Lab report due on Thursday, 2/18


    Thursday, Feb 18


    In class:


    Ch 7 Test

    Due today: Labster Acids and Bases Lab report due on Thursday, 2/18

    Do Activity 7.1 Biotech Live pg 216




    Do Biotech Live Activity 7.2 Phun at home – pg 216

    Do Biotech Live Activity 7.3 Buffer – pg 217

  • 02/08/202102/08/2021

    Tuesday, Feb 9


    In class:


    Questions on your Design Project on Synthetic Biology  – Design Project due in 2 weeks

    Due today: Lab 6d Potential Medicine Lab report

    Due today: Labster Activity: Spectrophotometers Lab Report

    Ch 7.5 Spectrophotometer – ppt presentation by Grp 3; correct 7.1 review questions

    Quiz on Ch 7.1, 7.4, 7.5 Use of Spectrophotometer to find concentration




    Read Ch 7.2 Introduction to pH meters and do review questions 7.2

    Do Biotech Online (BO) pH meters pg 203

    Edpuzzle: pH meters



    Thursday, Feb 11


    In class:


    Review Spectrophotometers

    Ch 7.2 pH meters  – Group 4 to present

    Quiz on pH meters




    Labster Activity: Acids and Bases and pH meters

    Read Ch 7.3 Buffers and do review questions 7.3

    pH meter Lab report due on Thursday, 2/18

    NEXT WEEK: Ch 7 Test – Thursday, 2/18

  • 02/01/202102/01/2021

    Tuesday, Feb 2


    In class:


    Questions on your Design Project on Synthetic Biology? – Please ask

    Go over Lab 6d Potential Medicine –Lab report due on Tuesday, Feb 9

    Ch 7.1 Spectrophotometer – ppt presentation by Grp 3; correct 7.1 review questions

    Quiz on Ch 7.1 Spectrophotometer




    Read Ch 7.4 recombinant protein and do review questions 7.4 pgs 209-211

    Do Biotech Online (BO) FTIR pg 200

    Labster Activity: Spectrophotometers  - Lab Report due on Tuesday, 2/9



    Thursday, Feb 4


    In class:


    Review Spectrophotometers

    Ch 7.4 Spec to measure protein concentration –Group 3 to present

    Quiz on Ch 7.4 Spectrophotometers




    Read Ch 7.5 Spectrophotometers to measure DNA Conc; do review qs 7.5, pgs 211-213

    Finish Lab report Lab 6d Potential Medicine – due Tuesday, 2/9

    Finish Lab report Labster Spectrophotometer Activity - due Tuesday, 2/9


    NEXT WEEK: we will cover Ch 7.2 and 7.3

  • 01/25/202101/25/2021

    Tuesday, Jan 26


    In class:


    Questions on your Design Project on Synthetic Biology? – Please ask

    Review Ch 6.3-6.4 ELISA Lab and Western Blot

    Quiz on Ch 6.3-6.5

    Ch 6.5 and 6.6 Potential Medicine and Recombinant protein – ppt presentation by Grp 2;

    correct 6.5 review questions

    Lab Activity: Potential Medicine – test your plant extract against E.coli

    ELISA Anti-heparin and Rapid ELISA Hemosure (IFOBT) – due on Thursday, Jan 28




    Finish Lab Activity to look for Potential Medicine against E.coli

    Read Ch 6.6 recombinant protein and do review questions 6.6

    Do Biotech Online (BO) pg 183

    Read Ch 6 summary pg 184 and Lab practices pg 185 – to review Ch 6

    Ch 6 Test – on Thursday




    Thursday, Jan 28


    In class:


    Due today: ELISA Lab Report – Anti-Heparin ELISA and Rapid ELISA

    Review Ch 6.6 and correct Ch 6.6 review qs

    Ch 6 Test

    Ch 6 packet due – should contain Ch 6.1-6.6 review questions/answers




    Read Ch 7.1 Spectrophotometers; do review qs 7.1

    Do Virtual Spectrophotometer Lab

  • 01/18/202101/18/2021

    Tuesday, Jan 19


    In class:


    Questions on your Design Project on Synthetic Biology? – Please ask

    Review Ch 6.2 Assays

    Ch 6.3 ELISA – ppt presentation by Grp 1; correct 6.3 review questions

    Lab Activity: Demo ELISA

    Lab Activity: Rapid ELISA Hemosure (IFOBT) you will do this assay at home (materials are in lab bag)




    Do Biotech Online (BO) pg 173

    Finish Labster ELISA Lab report – due Thurs

    Read Ch 6.4 Western Blot and do review questions 6.4

    Quiz on Thursday (Ch 6.3 and 6.4)

    EP: Western Blot

    Continue to work on building your biological system



    Thursday, Jan 21


    In class:


    Due today: ELISA Lab Report

    Update on your Design Project – start putting together your parts to build your device

    Review Ch 6.3 ELISA

    Ch 6.4 Western Blot presentation by Grp 2 and correct 6.4 review questions

    Quiz on 6.3 and 6.4

    Lab Activity: Looking for Potential Medicine – you will need to use fresh herbs, mortar and pestle




    Read Ch 6.5 New Products

    Do review questions 6.5 and BO pg 179

    Complete Lab report on Rapid ELISA Hemosure (IFOBT) – Lab report due on Thursday

    Continue to work on building your biological system

  • 01/11/202101/11/2021

    Tuesday, Jan 12


    In class:


    More on Synthetic Biology: Today, we will learn how to use the Registry of Standard Biological Parts to look for parts to build your device for your biological system. Work in breakout rooms.

    Ch 6.1 Identifying Potential Products – ppt presentation by Grp 1




    Read Ch 6.2 Assays

    Do review questions 6.2; quiz on Thursday (6.1 and 6.2)

    Continue to work on building your biological system


    Thursday, Jan 14


    In class:


    Update on your Design Project –review Registry of Standard Biological Parts build your device

    Ch 6. Identifying Potential Products – ppt presentation by Grp 1

    Quiz on Ch 6.1-6.2

    Edpuzzle: ELISA Assays




    Read Ch 6.3 ELISA

    Do review questions 6.3

    Labster Activity - ELISA

    Continue to work on building your biological system

  • 01/04/202101/04/2021

    Day 1 Thursday, Jan 7


    In class:


    More on Synthetic Biology: Go over Tinker Cell – a CAD program (Computer-Aided Design) to design your biological system

    Assign chapters for group presentations



    Read Ch 6.1 Assays

    Do review questions 16.1

    EP Basics of Tinker Cell - Watch the Tinker Cell Tutorial and practice with it

  • 12/07/202012/07/2020

    Tuesday, Dec 8 Agenda

    In class:

    What is Synthetic Biology?


    Synthetic Biology Design Group Project – breakout rooms to work on choosing a global problem to solve with your group and you will present your proposal during finals week.


    Continue to work on choosing a global problem – explore

    Group Presentations on Tuesday and Thursday, Dec 15 and 17 in class – create a power point presentation on your proposal

    Thursday, Dec 10 Agenda

    In class:

    Learn more about Synthetic Biology

    Work on Design Project proposal


    Continue Group Project: work on your proposal

    Group Presentations on Tuesday and Thursday, Dec 15 and 17 in class – create a power point presentation on your proposal

  • 11/30/202011/30/2020

    Tuesday, Nov 30 Agenda

    In class:

    Due today: Ch 5 packet, PAGE Lab report

    NCBI/Bioinformatics Activity – breakout rooms to work on genetic disorder


    Continue to work on genetic disorder using NCBI

    Group Presentations on Thursday, Dec 3 in class – create a power point presentation on your genetic disorder

    Thursday, Dec 3 Agenda

    In class:

    Group presentations on your genetic disorder and bioinformatics


    Group Project: Synthetic Biology

    Pick a global problem that your group will solve

    Groups will present your global problem during finals week

  • 11/16/202011/16/2020

    Tuesday, Nov 17 Agenda

    In class:

    Go over Ch 5.4 Analyzing Proteins and RFP Isolation by Column Chromatograph

    Correct Ch 5.4 review questions

    Edpuzzle – PAGE, Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis to analyze RFP


    Study for Ch 5 Test – Test on Thursday

    Read Summary pg 158-159 to get ready for the test

    Do B.O. pg 156

    Amgen Lab 7 Lab Report due on Thursday 11/19

    Catalase Lab Report due on Thursday 11/19, include 3 data tables and 3 graphs

    Thursday, Nov 19 Agenda

    In class:

    Ch 5 Test

    Go over PAGE results


    Do Biotech Live 5.1 Protein of Interest,

    5.2 AA Sequence of Insulin

    5.3 Prions

    PAGE Lab Report – due on Tuesday, Dec 1

  • 11/09/202011/09/2020

    Tuesday, Nov 10 Agenda

    In class:

    Go over Ch 5.3 Enzymes and Catalase Lab

    Correct Ch 5.3 review questions

    Lab report due today – Protein Synthesis by Labster


    Lab Activity Amgen Lab 7 – Isolation of protein RFP from the red colonies by Column Chromatography

    Read Ch 5.4 The production of proteins, do review questions 1-4

    Amgen Lab 7 due on 11/17

    Continue Catalase lab at home – this time investigate – Investigate the effect of temp and H202 concentration - Catalase lab due on Thursday 11/19

    Thursday, Nov 12 Agenda

    In class:

    Review Ch 5.4 Studying Proteins, correct review questions

    Go over Amgen Lab 7 Isolation of RFP protein


    Catalase lab due on Thursday 11/19

    Amgen Lab 7 due on 11/17

    Study for Ch 5 Test – Test on Thursday 11/19

    Read about PAGE – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis

  • 11/02/202011/02/2020

    Tuesday, Nov 3 Agenda

    In class:

    Ch 5.1 Structure and Function of Proteins

    Correct Ch 5.1 review questions

    Lab Activity – Antibody-Antigen test using rapid ELISA Test; this is in your bag of materials

    Amgen Lab 6 - Set up Overnight Culture of red colonies to produce RFP (in classroom)


    Read Amgen Lab 6 - Overnight Culture of red colonies to produce RFP (in classroom)

    Read Ch 5.2 The production of proteins, do review questions 1-4

    Labster Activity – Protein Synthesis; you will need to do a lab report on this, due on Tuesday, 11/10

    Thursday, Nov 5 Agenda

    In class:

    Go over Amgen Lab 6 Overnight Culture; get ready for Amgen Lab 7 Isolation of RFP protein

    Correct Ch 5.2 Production of proteins


    Read Ch 5.3 Enzymes: Protein Catalysts, do review questions 1-4

    Do B.O. Enzymes: Catalysts for Better Health pg 151

    Read Amgen Lab 7 Isolation of RFP protein

    Finish Protein Synthesis Lab Report due 11/9, and Antibody-Antigen Rapid ELISA lab due 11/9

  • 10/26/202010/26/2020

    Tuesday, Oct 27 Agenda

    In class:

    Go over Amgen Labs 4 and 5 Confirmation of Digest and Bacterial Transformation

    Quiz on Amgen Labs 4 and 5

    Due today: Amgen Lab 4 Confirmation of Digest and Lab 5 Transformation lab reports


    Review Ch 4 vocab words on Quizlet

    Study for Ch 4 Test – Test on Thursday, Oct 29

    Study Amgen Labs 1-5 – Test on Thursday, Oct 29

    Thursday, Oct 29 Agenda

    In class:

    Ch 4 Test and Amgen Labs 1-5 Test

    Ch 5 Proteins Structure and Function


    Read Ch 5.1 Proteins Structure and Function, do review questions 1-4

    B.O. pg Antibody-Producing Companies pg 141

    Khan Academy RNA and Protein Synthesis – log into your Khan Academy account

    Read Amgen Lab 6 Growing Overnight Culture

  • 10/19/202010/19/2020

    Tuesday, Oct 19 Agenda

    In class:

    Go over Amgen Lab 3 Ligation and Lab 4 Confirmation of Digest

    Quiz on Amgen Labs 1-4

    Today: Amgen Lab 5 Transformation –in class demo

    Due today: Amgen Lab 1 Gel Electrophoresis lab report


    Read Amgen Lab 5 Transformation; do prelab notes

    Amgen Labs 2 and 3 Lab Reports due on Thursday, 10/22

    EP – Intro to Transformation and Transformation Lab Biorad

    Thursday, Oct 21 Agenda

    In class:

    Review Amgen Lab 5 Transformation

    Activity: Screen for red colonies

    Quiz on Amgen Lab 5 Transformation


    Amgen Labs 4 and 5 Lab Reports due 10/27 Tuesday

    Study for Ch 4 Test – Test on Tuesday

    Amgen Labs 1-5 Test on Thursday

  • 10/12/202010/12/2020

    Tuesday, Oct 13 Agenda

    In class:

    Correct Ch 4.3-4.4 review questions

    Go over Amgen Lab 1 Gel Electrophoresis

    Quiz on Ch 4.1-4.2 DNA

    Amgen Lab 2 Restriction Digest –in class demo


    Read Amgen Lab 2 Restriction Digest and Lab 3 Ligation, do Lab 2 and 3 prelab questions

    Do B.O. pg 112, 116

    Amgen Lab 1 Gel Electrophoresis Lab Report due on Tuesday, 10/20

    Thursday, Oct 15 Agenda

    In class:

    Review Amgen Lab 2 Restriction Digest and Lab 3 Ligation

    Amgen Lab 3 Ligation – in class demo

    Amgen Lab 4 Confirmation of Digest – in class demo


    Read Amgen Lab 4 Confirmation of Digest and Lab 5 Transformation do prelab questions

    Do B.O. pg 118

    Amgen Labs 2 and 3 Lab Reports due 10/22 Thursday

  • 10/05/202010/05/2020

    Tuesday, Oct 5 Agenda

    In class:

    Go over Math Problems and correct Ch 3.5 review questions

    Ch 3 Test; Upload Ch 3 packet by Wednesday 8 am

    Ch 4.1-4.2 DNA

    Discuss Manipulating DNA, Amgen Recombinant DNA Curriculum


    Read Ch 4.2-4.3 ED and do review questions

    Download Amgen Red Lab Manual

    Read Amgen Lab 1 Gel Electrophoresis, do Lab 1 prelab questions

    Do DNA Isolation Lab at home – lab report due Tuesday, 10/13; I will demo this in class today.

    Thursday, Oct 9 Agenda

    In class:

    Go over Ch 4.1-4.3 review questions

    Go over Gel Electrophoresis

    In class demo: Gel Electrophoresis


    Review Ch 4.4 and do review questions

    Watch Gel Electrophoresis on DNALC


    Run Gel:

    Read Amgen Lab 2 Restriction Digest; do prelab questions

    Amgen Lab 1 Lab report due Tuesday, 11/13

  • 09/21/202009/21/2020

    Tuesday, Sept 22 Agenda

    In class:

    Review and correct Ch2.3 – 2.4 assignments; New Biotechnology

    Review Organic Lab, Bacterial Isolation Lab, and pH Lab

    Quiz on Organic molecules

    Due today: Organic Lab


    Study for Ch 2 Test; Test on Thursday on Quizziz

    Read Ch 3.1-3.2 ED  and do review questions 3.1-3.2

    Do B.O. pg 74 and 78 ED

    Labster Activity: Pipetting – Lab report due on 9/15

    Thursday, Sept 24 Agenda

    In class:

    Review Chapter 2

    Ch 2 Test

    Review pipetting by DNA Learning Channel (DNALC)

    Do Math problems


    Read Ch 3.3-3.4 ED and do review questions 3.3-3.4

    Work on Math Problems

    Edpuzzle on MSDS (SDS) – watch, take notes and be prepared for a quiz

  • 09/21/202009/21/2020

    Tuesday, Sept 22 Agenda

    In class:

    Review and correct Ch2.3 – 2.4 assignments; New Biotechnology

    Review Organic Lab, Bacterial Isolation Lab, and pH Lab

    Quiz on Organic molecules

    Due today: Organic Lab


    Study for Ch 2 Test; Test on Thursday on Quizziz

    Read Ch 3.1-3.2 ED  and do review questions 3.1-3.2

    Do B.O. pg 74 and 78 ED

    Labster Activity: Pipetting – Lab report due on 9/15

    Thursday, Sept 24 Agenda

    In class:

    Review Chapter 2

    Ch 2 Test

    Review pipetting by DNA Learning Channel (DNALC)

    Do Math problems


    Read Ch 3.3-3.4 ED and do review questions 3.3-3.4

    Work on Math Problems

    Edpuzzle on MSDS (SDS) – watch, take notes and be prepared for a quiz

  • 09/14/202009/14/2020

    Day 1 Sept 14

    In Class

    Ch 2 Macromolecules

    Lab Activity: Organic Lab

    Bacterial Isolation – learn how to isolate bacteria


    Read Ch 2.3 ED

    Do review questions 2.3

    Do B.O pgs 45 and 52

    Labster Activity: Bacterial Isolation; you will need to do

    Do at home: swab an area and inoculate your bacterial plate, incubate in a warm area

    Day 2 Sept 16

    In Class

    Ch 2 Cells

    Go over  Organic Lab

    pH Lab - demo


    Read Ch 2.4 ED

    Do review questions 2.4

    Do B.O pg 62

    Read pg 69 answer questions #1,2

    Do at home: pH Lab; round up some household liquids, use your spot plate and pH paper to conduct the lab 2 Test on Thursday

    Organic Lab – due on Tuesday, 9/22

  • 09/08/202009/08/2020

    Tuesday, Sept 8

    In class:

    Review Ch 1.3-1.5 and correct review answers

    Discuss careers in Biotechnology- watch video on Biochemist

    Discuss Bioethics - watch Edpuzzle Ted Talk on Bioengineering

    Bleach Lab due today


    Read Ch 1.6 and do review questions

    Read Summary and Lab Practices on pgs 30-31 to review Ch 1Test

    Study for Ch 1 Test – Test on Thursday, Sept 10

    Cheese Lab is due on Thursday, Sept 10

    Read Ch 2.1, do review question and Label parts of Microscope (worksheet in GC)

    Thursday, Sept 10

    Review and correct Ch 1.6 answers

    Ch 1 Test in class on Quizziz

    Go over Ch 2.1 Microscope, Cells: structures and function

    In class: do Virtual Lab Tour of a Microscope


    Read Ch 2.2, do review questions; remember to copy questions and answer in complete sentences

    Complete cell structure and function worksheet

    Labster Lab Activity: Microscope Lab – lab report due next Thursday

    Labster Lab Activity: Cell Structure – lab report due next Thursday

  • 08/31/202008/31/2020


    Read ED Ch. 1.3 pages 14-18 ED

    Do review questions pg 19

    Do B.O. pg 18     

    Bleach Lab due 9/3

    Cheese Lab due 9/8 DIY on


    Read ED Ch. 1.4 - 1.5 pages 19-23 ED

    Do B.O. pg 26,29 ED

    Read Summary and Lab Practices pg 30-31

    Due today: Bleach Lab

    Due on 9/8 Cheese Lab

  • 08/24/2020 08/24/2020

    Week 2 August 24-28, 2020 Assignments

    Tuesday: Check Google Classroom for due date

    1. I will go over how this week's agenda, how to maintain a scientific notebook, and model how to do the Bleach Lab.
    2. Overview: What is Biotechnology?
    3. Read Ch 1.1 ED. Answer review questions 1.1 – keep a log in notebook; will collect all at the end of Chapter; copy question and answer in complete sentences
    4. Read Bleach Lab pg 19-21 ED
    5. Lab Safety Exam – sign up at
    6. You will be conduction your Bleach Lab at home – I will model it in class

    Wednesday or Thursday ???? Check Google Classroom for due date

    ***Thursday is Back to School Night

    1. We may need to meet on Wednesday because of the Back to School Night
    2. Go over Bleach Lab – make final observations and record, analyze data
    3. Go over how to maintain a scientific notebook
    4. Read Ch 1.2 ED. Answer review questions 1.2
    5. Read Cheese Lab; get milk to do your own experiment