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The Living Earth

  • Day 1 Wednesday, August 21

    In class:

    Rules and Policies


    Sign up for Google Classroom, Edpuzzle, and Quizizz

    Read Lab Safety and Lab Symbols – pages XIV-XVI

    Lab Safety Test on Wednesday, 8/28

    Bring notebook for evidence notebook and journals on Monday


    Day 2 Friday, August 23

    In class:

    Go over the workbook, annotating, CER, and Lab Safety.


    Read pages xii-xiii on Claims, Evidence, and Reasoning in your TLE workbook and construct your own argument.

    Read handout on Scientific Method

    Lab Safety Test on Wednesday, 8/28












  • M     -   P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th - P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F - P2, P4, P6, P7

    Day 1 Monday, Aug 26

    In class:

    Review annotating article and CER

    Review Lab Safety

    Due today: Landscaping to Save Water worksheet; half-sheet parent/student info


    Study for Safety Test, read WB XIV-XVI; Test on Wed 8/28

    Read handout on CER

    Unit 1 Lesson 1 – Life in Earth System Predict: Read, annotate, and answer questions (RAAQ) on pg 2 WB and define words on pgs 3-4 WB


    Day 2 Wednesday, August 28

    In class:

    Safety Test – today

    CER and Graphing Activity: Heart Rate Lab


    Read handout on Scientific Method

    Complete on Heart Rate Lab Graphing and Analyzing Scientific notes – due on Mon 9/2

    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1 pgs 6-9 WB


    Day 3 Friday, August 30

    In class:

    Go over Scientific Method and Inquiry 

    Lecture on Graphing and Analyzing Scientific Data – take notes

    Continue Heart Rate Lab


    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 2, 1.1.2 pgs 10-13 WB

    Complete Heart Rate Lab Graphing and Analyzing Scientific Data Activity – due on Mon 9/2

    Quiz on Monday 9/2 – Scientific method, graphing, and Unit 1.1.1 pgs 2, 6-9


  • M     - Labor Day Holiday

    T/Th - P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F - P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Wednesday, Sept 4

    In class:

    Quiz on Graphing and Scientific Method

    Correct Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1-2 pgs 5-13

    Lab Activity : Aspirin Lab – to review Experimental Variables


    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 3 Analyzing Population pgs 14-20

    Due on Fri 9/6– Week 2 packet


    Day 2 Friday, Sept 6

    In class:

    Review Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1-3 to prepare for Quiz – Quiz on Tue, 9/10 

    -Biosphere, Characteristics of Life, Interactions in Ecosystem

    Correct Unit 1 Lesson 1 assignments

    Lab Activity: Aspirin Lab – make observations, collect data, analyze data, and make conclusion - due Tues 9/10

    Due today– Weeks 2 packet (see Week 2 packet list)


    Do Checkpoints, pgs 23-24

    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 2 Explore 1 Analyzing Population pgs 25-29

    Study for Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1-3 for Quiz; Quiz on Friday 9/1

    Answer questions on Experimental Variables (handout)


    Week 2 Sem 1 2024 TLE Packet  - due on Friday, Sept 6

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1 pgs 2, 5-9 WB 3 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 2 pgs 10-13 WB 3 pts

                    Total = 6 pts


  • M/W – P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th – P2, P4, P6, P7 Thursday, Sept 12 - BTSN

    Friday – Minimum Day


    Day 1 Tuesday, Sept 10

    In Class

    Quiz on Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1-3 today

    Review Lesson 2 Explore 1 Analyzing Population and correct answers

    CW: Pogil on Population Growth


    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 2 Explore 2 Population Growth pgs 32-34

    Edpuzzle: Logistic Curve, take notes to turn in on Thurs, 9/12

    Day 2 Thursday, Sept 12   Back to School Night

    In class:

    Go over Unit 1 Lesson 2 Explore 1 and 2 Questions – populations curves: exponential, logistic, carrying capacity

    Finish Pogil on Population Growth – due on Friday, 9/13

    Video: How did we get so big?

    Complete Edpuzzle: Logistic Curve, take notes to turn in on Thurs, 9/12


    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 2 Explore 3, pgs 35-37

    Remember: write in your Evidence Notebook

    Finish Pogil on Population Growth, due on Friday, 9/13

    Quiz on Unit 1 Lesson 2 Explore 1-3 on Friday, 9/13

    Due Friday: Week 3 Packet, Pogil: Population growth


    Day 2 Friday, Sept 13 (Minimum Day)

    In class:

    Review Carrying Capacity and correct Unit 1.2 Explore 3 HW

    Quiz on Unit 1 Lesson 2 Explore 1-3 – today

    CW: Modeling Carrying Capacity, pgs 38-39

    Start Unit 1 Lesson 3 Explore 1 Changes in Ecosystem

    Due today: Week 3 Packet 


    Do Checkpoints pgs 41-42

    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 1.3 Exploration 1 Disturbances in Ecosystems pgs 43-48

    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 1.3 Exploration 2 Stability in Ecosystems pgs 49-52

    Edpuzzle – Natural Wildfires – watch the video, take notes - due Mon 9/16

    Week 4 packet due on Wednesday, 9/18


  • M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday Sept 16

    In class:

    Go over 1.3 Explore 1 Disturbances pgs 43-48 and Explore 2 Stability and Changes in Ecosystems

    Introduce 1.3 Explore 2 Succession

    Finish Modeling Carrying Capacity, pg 38-39 – due on Wed, 9/18

    Due Friday: Week 4 Packet 


    Read, annotate, and answer questions Lesson 3 Explore 2 Data Analysis pgs 53-56

    Do Checkpoints pg 57-58

    Quiz on Unit 1 Lesson 3 Explore 1-3 Friday, 9/20

    Evidence Notebook, pg 53 - Write answers in your journal notebook


    Day 2 Wednesday, Sept 18

    In class:

    CW – Pogil: Succession

    Group work on Unit Performance Task – Analyzing Red Squirrel Pop pg 82– due Friday, 9/27


    Do Lesson Self Check on pg 56 – write in your Evidence Notebook

    Read, annotate, and answer questions Lesson 4 Explore 1, pgs 59-63

    Evidence Notebook, pg 56 - Write answers in your journal notebook

    Group Research: Unit Performance Task Analyzing Red Squirrel Population pg 82– due on Friday, 9/27

    Study for Quiz on 1.3 Explore 1-2 – Friday, 9/20


    Day 3 Friday, Sept 20

    In class:

    Quiz on Unit 1 Lesson 3 Explore 1-2

    Due today: Week 4 Packet

    Go over Lesson 4 Explore 1, pgs 59-63

    Group work on Unit Performance Task – Analyzing Red Squirrel Population pg 82


    Evidence Notebook, pg 59, 63 - Write answers in your journal notebook

    Read, annotate, and answer questions Lesson 4 Explore 2 Engineering in Science, pgs 64-70

    Do Checkpoints – pg 75-77

    Unit 1 Test – Test on Friday, 9/27

    Group work on Unit Performance Task – Analyzing Red Squirrel Pop pg 82 – due Friday, 9/27



    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN and in pen.

    Remember to do your Evidence Notebook (journal)


    Week 4 Sept 4-Sept 8 Packet List

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1. 2 Explore 2 pgs 32-34 3 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1. 2 Explore 3 pgs 35-37 3 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 41-42 4 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1. 3 Engage/Explore 1 pgs 43-48 3 pts

    Edpuzzle Logistic Growth Curve notes - watch video, take notes 4 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1.3 Exploration 2 pgs 49-52 3 pts

                                                Total = 20 pts    


  • M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, Sept 23

    In class:

    Go over Lesson 4 Explore 1 and 2 Engineering in Science, correct all assignments

    CW: Lesson 4 Explore 3 Burrowing Owl, pgs 71-72

    Due today: Pogil: Succession

    Due on Wednesday: Week 5 Packet


    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 4 Explore 3, pgs 71-72

    Read Thing Explainer pgs 78-81 to study for Unit 1 Exam

    Do Unit 1 Practice and Review – pg 83-84

    Continue to work on Group Research: Unit Performance Task – due on Fri 9/27; presentations begin on Friday

    Study for Unit 1 Exam – Exam on Wed, 9/25 (MC and Essay questions)


    Day 2 Wednesday Sept 25

    In class:

    Unit 1 Exam MC and Essay questions

    Go over Lesson 4 Explore 3 Burrowing Owl, pgs 71-72

    More on Careers in Engineering 

    Group work on Unit Performance Task – Analyzing Red Squirrel Population pg 82

    Due today: Week 5 Packet


    Finish Unit Performance Task – Analyzing Red Squirrel Population – presentations begin on Fri 9/27

    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 2 Lesson 1 pgs 86-87, define Vocab words  


    Day 3 Friday Sept 27

    In class:

    Due today: Unit 1 Performance Task on Red Squirrels – Presentations begin today

    Introduce Unit 2.1.1 Photosynthesis


    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 2 Lesson 1 Explore 1 Photosynthesis pgs 89-95

    Edpuzzle: Photosynthesis – due Wed, 10/3


    Week 5 Sept 23-27, 2024 Packet List – Due on Wednesday, 10/2

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1 Lesson 3 Explore 2, pgs 53-56 5 pts

    Do Checkpoints pg 57-58 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Lesson 4 Explore 1, pgs 59-63 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Lesson 4 Explore 2, pgs 64-70 5 pts

    Do Checkpoints – pg 75-77 5 pts

                                              Total = 25 pts    


  • M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, Sept 30

    In class:

    Unit 2.1 Photosynthesis and Macromolecules

    Unit 1 Performance Task Analyzing Red Squirrel Populations – presentations continue


    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 2 Lesson 1 Explore 2, Matter and Energy in Photosynthesis pgs 96-100

    Finish Vocab pg 88 and photosynthesis vocab chart

    Week 6 Packet – due on Wed 10/2


    Day 2 Wednesday, Oct 2

    In class:

    Unit 1 Performance Task Analyzing Red Squirrel Populations –  continue presentations, if needed

    Engage: The Martian Activity – watch video clip and answer questions, pgs 1-2 (in Google Classroom)

    Activity: Where does a potato plant's mass come from? pgs 3-4– answer questions- due on Fri, Oct 4

    Due today: Week 6 Packet


    Finish The Martian Activity and Potato Plant's mass, pgs 1-4 handout – due on Fri, Oct 4


    Day 3 Friday, Oct 4

    In class:

    Go over Carbon and Living Things - correct Unit 2 Lesson 1 Explore 1-2 assignments

    Due today: Where Does Mass of plant come from? Activity

    Activity: Macromolecules – read, annotate, and answer questions


    Complete Macromolecules Activity – due on Wed, Oct 9

    Organic Lab next Friday

    Quiz on Wed, Oct 9 on Unit 2.1.1 Carbon in Living Things and Macromolecules



    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN in black or blue ink.


    Week 6 Sept 19-Sept 23 Packet List – due on Wednesday, 10/2

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1 Lesson 4 Explore 3, pgs 71-72 5 pts

    Annotated Thing Explainer pgs 78-81 2 pts

    Unit 1 Practice and Review – pg 83-84 3 pts

    Total = 10 pts

  • M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, Oct 7

    In class:

    Go over Carbon-based molecule, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids

    Due today: Macromolecules (HASPI), annotated and review questions answered


    Read Organic Lab – lab on Wednesday; WEAR SHOES

    Review Unit 2.1.2 Matter and Energy in Photosynthesis pgs 96-100 (this was assigned last week)

    Quiz on Wed, 10/9 – Unit 2.1.1 and macromolecules

    Week 7 Packet – due on Wed 10/9

    Finish Evidence NB – pgs 89,95,96; do pgs 100, 105, 108 – EVIDENCE NOTEBOOK DUE on Monday, Oct 14


    Day 2 Wednesday, Oct 9

    In class:

    Organic Lab today

    Quiz today - Unit 2.1.1 and macromolecules

    Due today: Week 7 Packet


    Work on Organic Lab –complete analysis questions, lab report due on Wed, 10/16

    Unit 2.1.3 Photosynthesis pgs 101-105 and answer only analysis questions #1-3 on pg 105; do not carry out investigation

    Look at Fig 17 on pg 103 to answer and Fig 18 on pg 105 to answer analysis questions on pgs 104 and 105

    Do Checkpoints pgs 109-110


    Day 3 Friday, Oct 11

    In class:

    Review Macromolecules (Organic Molecules) and Organic Lab –  Organic Lab report due on Wed, 10/16

    Lecture on Unit 2.2.1 Matter and Energy in Cellular Respiration


    Finish Organic Lab – Lab report with lab analysis is due on Wed, 10/16

    R,A,A,Q Unit 2.2.1 Matter and Energy in Cellular Respiration pgs 111-115

    Quiz on Photosynthesis Unit 2.1 – Mon, Oct 14

    EVIDENCE NOTEBOOK DUE on Monday, Oct 14



    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN and in pen.

    Don't forget to write in your evidence notebook.


    Week 7 Sept 30-Oct 1 Packet List – due on Wednesday, 10/9

    Vocab definitions and chart completed, pg 88 s 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 2 Lesson 1 Explore 1, pgs 89-94 (include vocab) 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 2 Lesson 1 Explore 2, pgs 96-100 5 pts

      Total = 10 pts


  • M/W P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7

    F P2, P4, P6, P7    Minimum Day 


    Day 1 Tuesday, Oct 15

    In class:

    Go over Photosynthesis, complete handout pgs 5-8, due on Fri, Oct 18

    Quiz today: Unit 2.1 Carbon and Living in Living Things and Macromolecules

    Activity: How does CO2 get into the Leaves – look at images and answer questions

    Due today: Organic Lab and Evidence Notebook pgs 89, 95 ,96, 100, 105, 108


    Complete How does CO2 get into the Leaves, handout pgs 9-10 – answer questions, due on Friday, Oct 18

    Read Chromatography Lab to separate pigments – Lab on Thursday; wear shoes and bring spinach leaves

    Week 8 Packet – due on Thursday, Oct 17


    Day 2 Thursday - Oct 17

    In class:

    Chromatography Lab to separate pigments using spinach leaves

    Complete How does CO2 get into the Leaves?, handout pgs 9-10 – answer questions 

    Due today: Week 8 Packet 


    Complete How does CO2 get into the Leaves? pgs 9-10 – answer questions, due on Friday, Oct 13

    Complete Chromatography: Separating Pigments Lab – due on Monday, Oct 21


    Day 3 Friday, Oct 18 

    In class:

    Review Chromatography and pigments and do pages 10-12

    Due today: Photosynthesis, complete handout pgs 5-8 and How does CO2 get into the Leaves? pgs 9-10


    Complete Chromatography: Separating Pigments Lab – due on Monday, Oct 21

    Review Photosynthesis – get ready for Photosynthesis Lab – Friday, Oct 25

    Quiz on Photosynthesis and Pigments on Wednesday, Oct 23



    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN and in pen.

    Don't forget to write in your evidence notebook.


    Week 8 Oct 2 – Due on Thursday, Oct 17

    Answer only analysis questions #1-3 on pgs 104-105; do not carry out investigation 6 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 109-110 5 pts

          Total points = 11 pts


  • Mon P1-P7 (Banking Day) CAASSP TESTING

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, 4/1

    In class:

    Review Unit 6.2 Evolution of Population Explore 1 and 2 pgs 389-395, 396—398


    Finish Unit 6.2 Explore 3 and 4 Selection in Peppered Moth pgs 399-403

    Week 12 Packet and Worksheets #1-6, and Peppered Moth worksheet – due Wednesday, 4/5

    Quiz on Unit 6.1 Explore 1-4 -6.2 Explore 1-2, Friday,


    Day 2 Wednesday, 4/3

    In class:

    Review Unit 6.2 Explore 3 and 4 Selection in Peppered Moth pgs 399-403

    Due today: Week 12 Packet and Worksheets #1-6, and Peppered Moth


    R,A,A,Q  Unit 6.2 Explore 5 Mechanisms of Speciation pgs 404-407, pg 410

    Do Checkpoints pg 411-412

    Quiz on Unit 6.1 Explore 1-4 -6.2 Explore 1-2, Friday, 4/7


    Day 3 Friday, 4/5

    In class:

    Review Unit 6.2 Evolution of Population Explore 1-3 and correct assignments

    Today: Quiz on Unit 6.2 Explore 1-5


    R,A,A,Q  Unit 6. 3 Explore 1 Evolution of Behavior pgs 413-418

    Edpuzzle: Anole Lizard Evolution – due on Mon, 4/10 @ 8 am


    Week 12 Sem 2 2024 Packet – due on Wednesday, 4/3

    Annotated, answered questions 6.2.4 Effects of Gene Flow pgs 401-403 3 pts

    Unit 6.2 Worksheets #1-6 12 pts

            Total pts = 15  pts

  • M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, Jan 8

    In class:

    Review Unit 4.1.1 - 4.1.2 Geologic Time Scale

    Remember: The Fossil Record

    Fill in Unit 4.1 The Geologic Timescale – handout


    Read Unit 4.1.2 pgs 196-198 (use HMH TLE ebook online)

    Review and Remember: Unit 4.1.1 The Fossil Record pgs 192-195

    Finish Unit 4.1 The Geologic Timescale – handout, due on Friday


    Day 2 Wednesday, Jan 10

    In class:

    Review Unit 4.1.2 Geologic Time Scale

    Activity: Whale Evolution


    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 4.1.3 History of Life on Earth pgs 199-202

    Finish Whale Evolution worksheet – due on Fri, Jan 12

    Quiz on Thursday – 4.1.2-4.1.2


    Day 3 Friday, Jan 12

    In class:

    Due today: Unit 4.1 The Geologic Timescale worksheet (handout)

    Review Unit 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 Geologic Time Scale and History of Life on Earth

    Activity: Plate Tectonics – Due on Monday, 1/15

    Quiz today


    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 5.1 - pgs 255-256

    Do vocab page 257-258

    Complete Plate Tectonics Activity – Due on Monday, 1/15


  • T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Wednesday, 1/17

    In class:

    Review and Correct Unit 5.1.1 - pgs 259-262 and Unit 5.1.2 pgs 263-268

    Quiz on Unit 5.1 and Meiosis

    Finish Meiosis Pogil – due on Friday

    HW: R,A,A,Q Unit 5.1.3 pgs 269-271

    Quiz on Fri, 1/19 – Unit 5.1.1-5.1.3


    Day 2 Friday, 1/19

    In class:

    Go over Unit 5.1.3 Meiosis and Genetic Variation

    Due today: Meiosis Pogil

    Unit 5.2 Mendel and Heredity

    Quiz on Unit 5.1.1-5.1.3 – Meiosis and Genetic Variation

    HW: R,A,A,Q Unit 5.2.1 Mendel and Genetics pgs. 275-293 and

    Unit 5.2.2 Genes, Alleles, and Traits pgs 280--283


    Week 1 Sem 2 2024 Packet Lis- due on Friday, 1/19

    Handout on Chromosome Structure and complete drawing 2 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions - Unit 5.1 pgs 255-256 3 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions – Unit 5.1.1 - pgs 259-262 3 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions – Unit 5.1.2 pgs 263-268 3 pts

    Total 11 pts


  • M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, Jan 22

    In class:

    Go over Unit 5.2.1 Mendel and Genetics pgs. 275-293 and

    Unit 5.2.2 Genes, Alleles, and Traits pgs 280—283; correct assignments

    Classwork - Punnett Squares, due on Friday



    Complete 5.2.1 Worksheet #1-4 – due on Friday 1/26

    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – 5.2.3 Traits and Probability pgs 284-287, 291-292

    Week 2 Packet – due on Fri 1/26


    Day 2 Wednesday, Jan 24

    In class:

    Go over 5.2.3 Traits and Probability pgs 284-287, 291-292; correct assignments

    Complete the Worksheet 5.2.1-5.2.3 #1-8


    Complete Worksheet 5.2.1-5.2.3 #1-8 – due Friday

    Quiz on Unit 5.2.1-5.2.3


    Day 3 Friday, Jan 26

    In class:

    Go over Unit 5.2.3 Traits and Probability

    Due today: Week 2 Packet, Worksheets #1-8

    Quiz on Unit 5.2.1-5.2.3 Genes, Alleles, and Traits and Probability


    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – 5.3.1 DNA structure pgs 297-301


    Week 2 Sem 2 2024 Packet List- due on Wednesday, 1/24

    Handout on Meiosis 3 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions Unit 5.1.1 -5.1.2 pgs 259-262, 263-268 6 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions Unit 5.1.3 pgs 269-271 3 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions Unit 5.2.1 pgs. 275-293 3 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions Unit 5.2.2 pgs 280—283 3 pts

    Total 18 pts


  • M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, Jan 29

    In class:

    Go over Unit 5.3.1 DNA Function and correct HW

    Finish Baby Face Activity – due on Wed 1/31


    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 5.3.2 DNA Structure pgs 302-305

    and Unit 5.3.4 DNA Replication pgs 308-311 (Skip Unit 5.3.3)

    Read DNA Strawberry Isolation Lab Activity – lab on Wed, bring strawberries

    Week 3 Packet – due on Wed


    Day 2 Wednesday, Jan 31

    In class:

    Correct 5.3.2 and 5.3.4 DNA Structure and Replication

    Due: Week 3 Packet

    Lab: DNA Strawberry Isolation


    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 5.4.1 Protein Synthesis pgs 318-324

    Do Checkpoints pgs 315-316

    Complete Strawberry DNA Lab – due on Fri 2/2

    Quiz on Friday – Unit 5.3 Explore 1 and 2


    Day 3 Friday, Feb 2

    In class:

    Go over Unit 5.4.1 Protein Synthesis pgs 318-324

    Due today – Strawberry DNA Lab

    Quiz today


    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 5.4.3 Transcription pgs 328-329 and Unit 5.4.4 Translation pgs 330-333 (Skip Unit 5.4.2)


    Week 4 Sem 2 2024 Packet List- due on Wednesday, Jan 31

    Annotated, answered embedded questions Unit 5.2.3 pgs 284-287, 291-292 5 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions Unit 5.3.1 pgs 297-301 3 pts

    Total 8 pts

  • M P1, P3, P5, P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, 2/5

    In class:

    Due today: Strawberry DNA Lab

    Go over Unit 5.3.2-5.3.3 DNA Replication and correct assignments

    CW: Protein Synthesis Interactive and Transcription WS – due on Fri 2/9


    Review and finish Unit 5.4.3 Transcription and Unit 5.4.4 (skip 5.4.2) pgs 328-332

    Due on Wednesday: Week 4 Packet including DNA Structure Worksheets


    Day 2 Wednesday, 2/7

    In class:

    Review Unit 5.4.1-5.4.3 Mutations and Transcription, correct HW

    Activity: Work on Protein Synthesis Worksheet

    Due today: Week 4 Packet including DNA Structure Worksheets


    Review Unit 5.4.4 Translation and finish pgs 330-332

    Read Loss of Function Mutations pgs. 333-334

    Do Translation Worksheet – due on Friday

    Quiz on Friday Unit 5.4.1-5.4.3 (skip 5.4.2)


    Day 3 Friday, 2/9

    In class:

    Quiz on Friday Unit 5.4.1, 5.4.3 (skip 5.4.2)

    Review Unit 5.4 Protein Synthesis, Transcription and Translation

    CW: Decoding the Message


    Do Checkpoints pgs 335-336

    Study for a Test on Monday Unit 5.4

    Test on Monday Unit 5.4 Protein Synthesis, Transcription and Translation


    Week 4 Sem 2 Packet – Due on Wednesday, 2/7

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 5.3.2 DNA Structure pgs 302-305 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 5.3.4 DNA Replication pgs 308-311 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Checkpoints pgs 315-316 3 pts

    Total = 9 pts

  • T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Wednesday, 2/14

    In class:

    Quiz on Protein Synthesis (transcription and translation)

    Correct Checkpoints pgs 315-316

    Go over Unit 5.4.1-4 Stages of Protein Synthesis

    Due on Fri 2/16 – Week 5 Packet, and Protein Synthesis worksheets, interactive + translation

    Unit 5 Performance Task – Investigating Phenylketonuria, PKU pg 364 – presentations on Wed 2/21


    Due on Thursday: Week 5 Packet

    Study for Unit 5.1 to 5.4 Test – Meiosis, Heredity, DNA structure, and Protein Synthesis Test on Wed, 2/21

    Read Thing Explainer to review Unit 5 pgs 360-363

    Week 5 Packet and interactive + translation worksheets– due on Fri, 2/16

    Work on Unit 5 Performance Task – Investigating Phenylketonuria, PKU pg 364 – presentations on Wed 2/21


    Day 2 Friday, 2/16

    In class:

    Review Unit 5.4.1 Protein Synthesis, correct HW

    Unit 5 5.1 to 5.4 Test – Meiosis, Heredity, DNA structure, and Protein Synthesis Test today

    Due today: Week 5 Packet, and Protein Synthesis worksheets, interactive + translation

    Unit 5 Performance Task – Investigating Phenylketonuria, PKU pg 364


    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.4.3 Transcription (skip 5.4.2) pgs 328-329

    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.4.4 Translation pgs 330-332

    Study for Unit 5.4 Test – Unit test on Wed 2/21

    Work on Unit 5 Performance Task – Investigating Phenylketonuria, PKU pg 364 – presentations on Wed 2/21


    Week 5 Sem 2 Packet – Due on Friday, Feb 16, 2024

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 5.4.3 pgs 328-329 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 5.4.4 pgs 330-332 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Function Mutations pgs. 333-334 2 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 335-336 3 pts

    Total = 11 pts

  • T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Wednesday, Feb 21

    In class:

    Unit 5 Mechanism of Inheritance Test (5.1-5.4)

    Due today: Week 5 Packet and interactive + translation worksheets

    Due today Unit 5 PT: Phenylketonuria (PKU) presentations begin; please upload your ppt presentation in GC


    R,A,A,Q Unit 6.1 Explore 1 Mutation and Diversity pgs 368-378 and 6.1 Explore 2 pgs 378-380

    Pogil Activity: Genetic Mutations – due on Monday, 2/26

    Genetic Mutations Brochure – work in pairs; due on Wednesday 3/6


    Day 2 Friday, 2/23

    In class:

    Finish 6.1 Explore 1 pgs 368-378

    Do Data Analysis on CCR5 Protein Mutation pgs 385-386

    Continue Unit 5 PT: PKU presentations


    R,A,A,Q Unit 6.1 Explore 3 pgs-381-384

    Do Data Analysis on CCR5 Protein Mutation pgs 385-386

    Pogil Activity: Genetic Mutations – due on Monday, 2/26

    Do Checkpoints pgs 387-388

    Study for Quiz – quiz on Monday,

    Genetic Mutations Brochure – work in pairs; due on Wednesday 3/6


    Week 6 Sem 2 Packet – Due on Wednesday, 2/21

    Checkpoints pgs 315-316 3 pts

    Annotated Thing Explainer to review Unit 5 pgs 360-363 3 pts

    Total = 6 pts


  • M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, 2/26

    In class:

    Unit 6.1 Explore 1 Mutations and Genetic Diversity pgs 371-377

    Due today: Pogil Activity: Genetic Mutations


    R,A,A,Q Unit 6.1 Explore 2 Chromosomal Mutations pgs 378-380

    Week 7 Packet – due on Wed, 2/28

    Work on Genetic Brochure – due on Wed 3/6


    Day 2 Wednesday, 2/28

    In class:

    Due today: Week 7 Packet

    Go over Unit 6.1.2 Chromosomal Mutations

    Activity: Karyotype to diagnose Chromosomal Mutations


    Finish Karyotype to diagnose Chromosomal Mutations – due on Fri 3/1

    R,A,A,Q Unit 6.1 Explore 3 Effects of Mutations pgs 381-384

    Read CCR5 Protein Mutation pgs 385-385

    Do Checkpoints pgs 387-388

    Work on Genetic Brochure – due on Wed 3/6


    Day 3 Friday, 3/1

    In class:

    Go over Unit 6.1 Explore 3 Effects of Mutations pgs 381-384, checkpoints, and CCR5 Mutations

    Quiz on Unit 6.1.1-6.1.2 Mutations

    Due today: Karyotype Activity


    R,A,A,Q Unit 6.2.1 Evolution of Populations pgs 389-394

    Do Selection on Peppered Moth Populations pgs 395

    Work on Genetic Brochure – due on Wed 3/6


    Week 7 Sem 2 2023 Packet – Due on Wednesday, 3/6

    Karyotype to diagnose Chromosomal Mutations 10 pts


  • M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7

    Fri Minimum day


    Day 1 Monday, 3/4

    In class:

    Unit 5.5 Expl 1 Gene Expression in Prokaryotes pgs 337-341

    Do 5.5 Regulating Gene Expression worksheets #1-2; go to pgs 338-345

    Regulation of Lactase Gene – watch HHMI Video and answer questions in complete sentences

    HHMI Got Lactase Video Lactase Video


    Finish 5.5 Gene Expression and Regulation worksheets #1-2 – due on Wed 3/8

    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.5 Expl 2 Regulation in Eukaryotes pgs 342-345

    Work on Genetic Brochure – due on Wed 3/6

    Week 8 Packet – due on Wed 3/6


    Day 2 Wednesday, 3/6

    In class:

    Go over Unit 5.5 Expl 1-2 Gene Expression in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes and correct assignments

    Continue working on 5.5 Gene Expression and Regulation worksheets #3-4

    Due today: Genetic Brochure


    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.5 Expl 3 Factors that influence Gene Expression pgs 346-348

    Finish 5.5 Gene Expression and Regulation worksheets #3-4 – due Friday

    Review Unit 5.5.1-5.5.3 Gene Expression Study for quiz on Friday


    Day 3 Friday, 3/8

    In class:

    Go over Unit 5.5 Expl 3 Factors that influence Gene Expression; correct HW

    Unit 5.5 Expl 4 Genetic Engineering

    Quiz on Unit 5.5.1-5.5.3 Gene Expression


    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.5 Expl 4 Genetic Engineering pgs 349-356

    Do Checkpoints pgs 357-358

    EP: CRISPR – take notes and quiz


    Week 8 Sem 2 2024 Packet – Due on Wednesday, 3/6

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 6.1 Explore 1 pgs 371-377 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 6.1 Explore 2 pgs 378-380 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 6.1 Explore 3 pgs 381-384 3 pts

    Total Points =   9 pts

  • M/W P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7

    Fri P1-P7 Minimum day


    Day 1 Tuesday, 3/12

    In class:

    Go over 5.5.3-5.5.4 Regulating Gene Expression and Genetic Engineering

    Go over manipulating genes and CRISPR

    Correct Checkpoints


    Study for Ch 5.5.1-5.5.4 quiz – quiz on Thurs 3/14

    Week 9 Packet including worksheets #1-4 – due on Thurs 3/14


    Day 2 Thursday, 3/14

    In class:

    Ch 5.5.1-5.5.4 quiz today

    More genetic engineering activity

    Due today: Week 9 Packet including worksheets #1-4


    R,A,A,Q Unit 6.2 Evolution of Populations pgs 389-393


    Day 3 Friday, 3/15

    In class:

    Unit 6.2 Evolution of Population

    Do Calculating Genotypic Frequencies pg 394

    Do Selection on Peppered Moth Selection pg 395


    R,A,A,Q Unit 6.3 Selection on Populations pgs 396-399

    Have a restful Spring Break!


    Week 8 Sem 2 2024 Packet – Due on Thursday, 3/14

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 5.5.1 Explore 1 pgs 337-341 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 5.5.2 Explore 2 pgs 342-345 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 5.5.3 Explore 2 pgs 346-348 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 5.5.4 Explore 2 pgs 342-345 3 pts

    Unit 5.5 worksheets #1-4 12 pts

    Total Points =   24 pts

  • Spring Break


    HW from Thursday, 3/14

    R,A,A,Q Unit 6.2 Evolution of Populations pgs 389-393

    HW from Friday, 3/15

    Do Calculating Genotypic Frequencies pg 394

    Do Selection on Peppered Moth Selection pg 395

    R,A,A,Q Unit 6.3 Selection on Populations pgs 396-399


    Have a restful Spring Break!

  • M Professional Development; No students on campus

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 (Thursday – Health/Wellness Assembly)

    W/Fri P2, P4, P6, P7


    In class: Wednesday, 3/27

    Review Unit 6.2.1 Evolution of Populations pgs 389-393 and correct assignments

    Go over Calculating Genotypic Frequencies pg 394 and Selection on Peppered Moth Selection pg 395


    R,A,A,Q 6.2 Explore 2 Selection on Populations pgs 396-399

    Bring a deck of cards for Thursday

    Week 10/11 Packet – due on Fri 3/29


    Day 2 Friday, 3/29

    In class:

    Go over 6.2 Explore 2 Selection on Populations pgs 396-399

    Class Activity: Unit 6.2.3 Modeling Population Changes pg 400, answer questions

    Due today: Week 10/11 Packet


    R,A,A,Q 6.2.4 Effects of Gene Flow pgs 401-403

    Finish Unit 6.2.3 Modeling Population


    Week 10/11 Sem 2 2024 Packet – due on Friday, 3/29

    R,A,A,Q Unit 6.2 Evolution of Populations pgs 389-393 3 pts

    Do Calculating Genotypic Frequencies pg 394 3 pts

    Do Selection on Peppered Moth Selection pg 395 1 pt

    R,A,A,Q Unit 6.3 Selection on Populations pgs 396-399 3 pts

    Total = 10 pts



  • Mon P1-P7 (Banking Day) (CAASSP TESTING)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, 4/8 (CAASSP TESTING); TLE students go to the auditorium

    In class:

    Review Unit 6.2 Expl 5 Mechanisms of Speciation and checkpoints pg 411


    R,A,A,Q Unit 6.3 Explore 1 Adaptive Value of Behavior pgs 413-418

    Read Animal Behavior Lab – Lab on Friday; BRING PILL BUGS

    Week 13 Packet – due Fri, 4/12

    Worksheets Genetic Drift and Speciation – due Fri, 4/12


    Day 2 Wednesday, 4/10

    In class:

    Review Unit 6.3 Explore 1 Adaptive Value of Behavior pgs 413-418

    Pre Lab Activity: Animal Behavior Lab with Pill Bugs on Friday


    R,A,A,Q Unit 6.3 Explore 2 and 3  Social Interactions and Learned Behaviors pgs 419-425

    Read Animal Behavior Lab – Lab on Friday; BRING PILL BUGS

    Week 13 Packet – due Fri, 4/12

    Worksheets Genetic Drift and Speciation – due Fri, 4/12


    Day 3 Friday, 4/12

    In class:

    Lab Activity: Animal Behavior Lab with Pill Bugs on Friday– finish lab report

    Activity: HHMI How Animals use sound to communicate – go to Google Classroom

    Due today: Week 13 packet


    Activity: HHMI How Animals use sound to communicate – go to Google Classroom – due on Mon, 4/15

    Finish Animal Lab – lab report due on Mon 4/15

    Do Checkpoints pgs 427-428

    Get ready for Unit 6.3 quiz – quiz on Tuesday


    Week 13 Sem 2 2024 Packet – due on Friday 4/12

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 6.2 Explore 5 pgs 404-407, pg 410 6 pts

    Checkpoints pg 411-412 5 pts

    Unit 6. 3 Explore 1 pgs 413-418 3 pts

            Total pts = 14 pts

  • M P1-P7

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, 4/15 (CAST Testing – 11th graders)

    In class:

    Review and Correct Unit 6.3 Explore Animal 1, 2, 3 assignments

    FInish Animal Behavior Lab, graph data –  Due on Wed 4/17


    Week 15 Packet – due on Fri, 4/19

    Quiz on Unit 6.3.1-6.3.3 on Friday

    Finish Animal Behavior Lab, graph data and answer questions - Due on Wed 4/17

    Finish Unit 6.3 Worksheets #1-6


    Day 2 Wednesday, 4/17

    In class:

    Animal Behavior Lab includes graph - Due today

    Review Ch 6.3.2 Social Interactions and 6.3.3 Learned Behaviors


    Finish Unit 6.3 Worksheets #1-6

    Week 14 Packet and Unit 6.3 worksheets #1-6– due Fri 4/19

    Quiz on Unit 6.3 Animal Behavior on Friday, 4/19


    Day 3 Friday, 4/19

    In class:

    Due today: Week 14 Packet and Unit 6.3 worksheets #1-6

    Quiz on Unit 6.3 Animal Behavior


    Study for Unit 6 Test – Unit 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 – Test on Wed, 4/24

    R,A,A,Q Unit 7.1 pgs 442-445, 450-454 Mitosis and Cell Cycle and Cells


    Week 14 Sem 2 2024 Packet – due on Friday 4/19

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 6.3 Explore 1 pgs 413-418 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 6.3 Explore 2 and 3 pgs 419-425 6 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 427-428 3 pts

            Total pts = 12 pts   


  • M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    Wednesday – No School

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/23

    In class:

    Go over Unit 7.1 Mitosis and Cell Cycle and Cells 442-445

    Class Activity: Mitosis Activity


    Week 15 Packet – due on Friday, 4/26

    R,A,A,Q Unit 7.1.2 pgs 444-445, 448-450 Mitosis and Cytokinesis

    Finish Mitosis Activity – due on Fri 4/26

    Unit 6 Test – Test on Fri, 4/26


    Day 2 Friday 4/26

    In class:

    Review Unit 7.1.1-7.1-2 Mitosis and Cytokinesis

    Due today: Mitosis Activity

    Unit 6 Test – 6.1-6.3


    R,A,A,Q Unit 7.1.3 -7.1.4 Factors Affecting Cell Growth pgs 451-454, 455-460

    Do Checkpoints pgs 461-462


    Week 15 Sem 2 2024 Packet – due on Friday, April 26

    Define Vocab words pgs 439-440 4 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 7.1 pgs 441-442 2 pts

              Total pts = 6 pts

  • M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, April 29

    Unit 7.1.1-7.1.2 Mitosis Quiz

    Go over Mitosis Lab – due on Wednesday


    Do Notes on Controlling the Cell Cycle worksheet # 3 pgs 442-443, pgs 452-453

    Do Notes on Cancer worksheet # 4 pg 454

    R,A,A,Q Unit 7.2.1 Cells to Body Systems pgs 463-468

    Finish Mitosis Lab and graph data – due on Wednesday


    Day 2 Wednesday, May 1

    Go over Cell Cycle and Cancer

    Go over Unit 7.2.1 Cells

    Do Cancer worksheets pgs 10-12

    Activity: Microscope and Cells

    Due today - Week 16 Packet


    Do Cancer worksheets pgs 10-12

    R,A,A,Q Unit 7.2.2 Cell Membrane pgs 469-473

    Study for a quiz – Unit 7.1 Cell Cycle Control and Cancer quiz on Fri 5/3


    Day 3 Friday, May 3

    Quiz on Unit 7.1 Cell Cycle Control and Cancer

    Go over Unit 7.2.2 Cell Membrane

    Activity: Cell Membrane


    R,A,A,Q Unit 7.2.4 Cell Differentiation pgs 480-486

    Do worksheet #5-6 Stem Cells and Differentiation


    Week 16 Packet – due Wednesday 5/1

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 7.1.2 pgs 444-445, 448-450 6 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 7.1.3 -7.1.4 Fa pgs 451-454, 455-460 6 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 461-462 3 pts

    Total = 15 pts

  • M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, May 6

    Unit 7.2.1 Cells – pgs 463-468

    Do Cell Structure and Function worksheet

    Unit 7.2.2 Cell Membrane


    R,A,A,Q Unit 7.2.2 Cell Membrane pgs 469-473 (previously assigned)

    R,A,A,Q Unit 7.2.3 Interacting Systems pgs 474-483

    FInish worksheets #1-6 and 10-12 Stem Cells and Differentiation and Cancer – due Fri 5/10

    Week 17 Packet – due on Fri, May 10


    Day 2 Wednesday, May 8

    Review Unit 7.2.2-7.2.3 Cells and Cell Membrane and Systems

    Lab Activity: Microscope and Cells


    R,A,A,Q Unit 7.2.4 Cell Differentiation pgs 480-486

    Quiz on Fri 5/8 on Cells, Stem Cells, Cell Differentiation

    Due on: worksheets #1-6 and 10-12 Stem Cells and Differentiation and Cancer

    Finish Lab on Microscope and Cells


    Day 3 Fri, May 10

    Review Stem Cells and Differentiation

    Quiz: Unit 7.2.2-7.2.3 Cells, Stem Cells, Cell Differentiation

    Due today: Week 17 Packet


    Do Checkpoints pgs 487-488

    R,A,A,Q Unit 7.3.1 Mechanisms of Homeostasis pgs 489-491


    Week 17 Packet – due Friday 5/10

    Unit 7.1 Worksheets pgs #1-4, 7-8, 10-12; 20 pts

    Unit 7.2 Worksheets pgs #5-6 4 pts

    Total = 24 pts


  • M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, May 13

    Go over Unit 7.3.1 Homeostasis

    Finish Unit 7.3 Homeostasis notes pgs 1-4


    R,A,A,Q Unit 7.3.2 Homeostasis in the Human Body pgs 496-502

    Finish it 7.3 Homeostasis notes pgs 1-4

    Week 18 Packet – due on Fri 5/17

    Quiz on Fri 5/17


    Day 2 Wednesday, May 15

    Unit 7.3.2 Homeostasis in the Human Body

    Activity: Homeostasis Graphing, worksheets pgs 5-6


    R,A,A,Q Unit 7.3.3 Homeostasis in other organisms pgs 503-508

    Do Checkpoints pgs 509-510

    Week 18 Packet – due on Fri 5/17

    Quiz on Fri 5/17


    Day 3 Friday, May 17

    Quiz on Homeostasis Unit 7.3.1-7.3.2

    Lab Activity: Homeostasis and Exercise, Unit 7.3 worksheets pgs 7-9


    Finish Homeostasis and Exercise, Unit 7.3 worksheets pgs 7-9

    Do Unit 7.3 worksheet pg 10


    Week 18 Packet – due Friday 5/17

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 7.2.1 Cells – pgs 463-468     4 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 7.2.2 Cell Membrane pgs 469-473                4 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 7.2.3 Interacting Systems pgs 474-483 4 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 7.2.4 Cell Differentiation pgs 484-486 4 pts

    Do Checkpoints pgs 487-488 2 pts

    Total = 18 pts


  • M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, May 20

    More on Homeostasis, study for Unit 7 Test – test on Wed 5/22


    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.1.1 Human Impacts with on Climate pgs 523-528

    Week 19 Packet – due on Wednesday

    Unit 7 Homeostasis Worksheets #1-10 – due Wed 5/22

    Unit 7 Test on Wed 5/22


    Day 2 Wednesday, May 22

    Unit 7 Test today

    Due today: Week 19 Packet and Unit 7 Worksheets #1-10

    Unit 8.1.1 Engineering Solutions and correct HW


    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.1.2 8.1.3 Reducing Impacts on Land pgs 529-532, 533-536

    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.1.4 Effects of Global Climate Change pgs 537-542


    Day 3 Friday, May 24

    Go over Unit 8.2 Human Impacts on Biodiversity

    Activity on Human Impacts on Biodiversity and Careers on Engineering


    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.2.1 8.2.2 Human Impacts and Habitat Loss pgs 547-554

    R,A,A,Q Unit 82.3 Introduced Species pgs 555-556

    Quiz Unit 8.1 and 8.2 on Wed 5/29

    Week 20 Packet due on Wed 5/29


    Week 19 Packet – due Wednesday 5/22

    Do Checkpoints pgs 487-488 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 7.3.1 pgs 489-490 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 7.3.2 pgs 496-502 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 7.3.3 pgs 503-508 6 pts

    Total = 15 pts

  • M Memorial Day Holiday

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Wednesday, May 29

    In class:

    Due today: Week 20 Packet

    Quiz on Unit 8.2 today

    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.3.1 Engineering Solutions pgs 569-576

    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.3.3 Reducing Impacts on Land pgs 577-580 (skip 8.3.3)

    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.3.4 Human Impacts on Water pgs 584-588


    Work on Study Guide – Do Units 5,6,7 (Follow directions: write your answers on separate sheet)

    Study for Finals – Finals on Tuesday, June 4 (P4), Wednesday, June 6 (P6)

    Read Eyeball Dissection – Dissection on Friday; wear shoes


    Day Friday, May 31

    In class:

    Lab Activity: Eyeball Dissection


    Finish Eyeball Dissection Lab Report; due on Monday/Tuesday

    Study for Finals – Finals on Tuesday, June 4 (P4), Wednesday, June 6 (P6)

    Work on Study Guide – Finish Unit 5 - Unit 6 (Follow directions: write your answers on separate sheet)


    Week 20 Sem 2 2024 Packet – due on Monday/Tuesday, June 3/4

    Annotated, answered Unit 8.1.1 pgs 523-528 3 pts

    Annotated, answered Unit 8.1.2 8.1.3 pgs 529-532, 533-536 3 pts

    Annotated, answered Unit 8.1.4 pgs 537-542 3 pts

    Annotated, answered Unit 8.2.1 8.2.2 pgs 547-554 3 pts

    Annotated, answered Unit 8.2.3 pgs 555-556 3 pts

    Total Points =   15 pts


Aug-Dec 2023 Assignments

  • Please click here to see the course syllabus.
  • 08/28/202308/28/2023

    M   -   P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th - P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F - P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, August 28


    In class:

    Quiz on Graphing

    Scientific Method

    Correct Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 2 pgs 10-13

    Due today: M&M Graphing Lab



    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 3 Analyzing Population pgs 14-20

    Review M&M Activity

    Due on Wed 8/30 – Week 2 packet



    Day 2 Wednesday, August 30


    In class:

    Review Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1-3 to prepare for Quiz – Quiz on Friday, Sept 1

    -Biosphere, Characteristics of Life, Interactions in Ecosystem

    Correct Unit 1 Lesson 1 assignments

    Lab Activity on: Aspirin Lab – to review Experimental Variables Lab Report

    Due on today– Weeks 2 packet



    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 2 Explore 1 Analyzing Population pgs 25-29

    Study for Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1-3 for Quiz; Quiz on Friday 9/1

    Answer questions on Experimental Variables (handout)



    Day 2 Friday, Sept 1


    In Class

    Quiz on Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1-3 today

    Review Lesson 2 Explore 1 Analyzing Population and correct answers

    Collect and Analyze Data from Aspirin Lab



    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 2 Explore 2 Population Growth pgs 32-34

    Aspirin Lab – Lab Report due on Tuesday, 9/5

    Edpuzzle: Logistic Curve, take notes to turn in on Tuesday, 9/5



    Week 2 Sem 1 2022 TLE Packet


    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1 pgs 2, 5-9 WB 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 2 pgs 10-13 WB 5 pts

  • 08/21/202308/21/2023

    M     -   P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th - P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F - P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Monday, Aug 21


    In class:

    Review annotating article and Evidence Notebook

    CW: Scientific Inquiry – What do Scientists Do? – do pgs 27-30

    Due today: Landscaping to Save Water worksheet; half-sheet parent/student info



    Complete Scientific Inquiry – due on Wed 8/23

    Study for Safety Test, read WB XIV-XVI; Test on Wed 8/23

    Unit 1 Lesson 1 – Life in Earth System Predict: Read, annotate, and answer questions (RAAQ) on pg 2 WB


    Day 2 Wednesday, August 23


    In class:

    Safety Test – today

    Go over Scientific Inquiry

    Due today: Scientific Inquiry Activity pgs 27-30

    Lecture on Graphing and Analyzing Scientific Data – take notes



    Complete on Graphing and Analyzing Scientific notes – due on Fri 8/25

    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1 pgs 6-9 WB


    Day 3 Friday, August 25


    In class:

    Go over on Graphing and Analyzing Scientific Data

    CW: M&M Graphing and Analyzing Scientific Data

    Due today: Graphing and Analyzing Scientific Data notes



    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 2, 1.1.2 pgs 10-13 WB

    Complete M&M Graphing and Analyzing Scientific Data Activity – due on Monday 8/28

  • 08/15/202308/15/2023

    Day 1 Wednesday, August 16


    In class:

    Rules and Policies



    Sign up for Google Classroom, Edpuzzle, and Quizizz

    Read Lab Safety and Lab Symbols – pages XIV-XVI

    Lab Safety Test on Wednesday, 8/23

    Bring notebook for evidence notebook and journals on Monday


    Day 2 Friday, August 18


    In class:

    Go over the workbook, annotating, CER, and Lab Safety.



    Read pages xii-xiii on Claims, Evidence, and Reasoning in your TLE workbook and construct your own argument.

    Read handout on Scientific Method

    Lab Safety Test on Wednesday, 8/23

  • Week 9 Oct 9-13, 2023 TLE Agenda

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7

    W PSAT 8:30 am - 12:20 pm

    Day 1 Tuesday, Oct 10

    In class:

    Macromolecules/Organic Compounds – take notes

    Due today: Photosynthesis Lab and Chromatography Lab



    Read Organic Lab – Lab on Friday; wear shoes

    Week 8 Packet – due on Fri, 10/13

    Day 2 Wednesday - NO CLASS

    PSAT – 10th and 11th graders only; 9th graders stay home

    Day 3 Friday, Oct 13

    In class:

    Finish Macromolecules/Organic Compounds notes

    Lab Activity: Organic Lab (wear shoes)


    Finish Organic Lab report – answer all analysis questions

    Study macromolecules notes

    Quiz on Macromolecules on Monday


    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN and in pen.

    Don't forget to write in your evidence notebook.


    Week 8 Oct 2 – Oct 6 Packet List – due on Friday, Oct 13, 2023

    Photosynthesis worksheet 5 pts    



  • M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, Oct 16

    In Class:

    Review Macromolecules

    Quiz on Macromolecules – review your notes

    Due today: Evidence Notebook



    Complete HASPI Macromolecules and Digestion; finish review questions. Write answers on separate sheet.

    Due on Wednesday – Macromolecules notes and answer to the review questions of HASPI Macromolecules

    Read Organic Lab – Lab on Wednesday; wear shoes


    Day 2 Wednesday, Oct 18

    In Class

    Organic Lab

    Due today: Week 9 Packet - HASPI Macromolecules and Digestion review and notes


    Finish Organic Lab, answer analysis question – due on Monday, Oct 23

    Study for Test – Test on Macromolecules and Digestion and Organic Lab on Friday, Oct 20


    Day 3 Friday, Oct 20

    In Class:

    Macromolecules Test

    Start Unit 2.2 Expl 1 Cellular Respiration


    R,A,A,Q Unit 2.2.1 Cellular Respiration pgs 111-115

    Finish Organic Lab, answer analysis question – due on Monday, Oct 23


    Week 9 Packet – due Wednesday, Oct 17

    Macromolecules notes 10 pts

    Macromolecules and Digestion review questions answered in pen; include questions 5  pts

    Total = 15 pts -

  • M/W P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7

    Friday No School


    Day 1 Tuesday

    In class:

    Go over Organic Lab – Due on today

    Unit 2.2 Engage: Observation of a Candle – answer worksheet, pg 1

    Unit 2.2.1 Cellular Respiration

    Due Thursday: Week 10 Packet


    Finish Unit 2.2.1-2.2.2 Cellular Respiration pgs 111-115

    RAAQ Unit 2.2.2 pgs 119-123

    Do CR review questions, handout pgs 1 &2, 4, and 6 (also read documents in GC to answer questions)

    Read Cellular Respiration Lab


    Day 2 Thursday

    In class:

    Review Cellular Respiration, correct assignments Unit 2.2.1-2.2.2

    Lab Activity: Cellular Respiration Lab

    Finish CR worksheet handout pgs 8 and 10. See GC documents to help answer


    Finish Cellular Respiration Lab – due on Wed, 11/1

    Finish CR worksheets pgs 1,2,4,6,8,10

    Quiz on Cellular Respiration Unit 2.2-1-2.2.3 on Mon 10/31


    Week 10 10/16-10/20 Packet List – due Thurs, 10/26

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 2.2.1 pgs 111-115 5 pts



  • M/W P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7

    F P1-P7 Shakeout Assembly Schedule


    Day 1 Tuesday, Oct 31

    In Class

    Review Cellular Respiration and Fermentation

    Correct Handout pgs 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

    Lab Activity: Cellular Respiration Lab

    Week 11 Packet due on Thursday – CR handout pgs 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8


    RAAQ pgs 114-123, pgs 126, 128, 127

    Do Checkpoints pgs 129-130

    Read Thing Explainer pgs 132-136 and do practice and review pg 137-138

    Unit 2.2 Cellular Respiration Test on Friday 11/2

    Work on Unit 2 Performance Task pg 136 – due on Mon 11/6

    Study for Test on Unit 2: PS and CR on Fri 11/3– MCQ and Essay included


    Day 2 Thursday, Nov 2

    In Class

    Go over Cellular Respiration Lab, complete lab analysis – due on Mon, 11/ 6

    Correct Handout pgs 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 – due today, Thurs

    Work on Unit 2 Performance Task pg 136 – due on Mon 11/6

    Due today: Week 11 packet - CR handout pgs 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8


    RAAQ pgs 114-123, pgs 126, 128, 127

    Do Checkpoints pgs 129-130

    Read Thing Explainer pgs 132-136 and do practice and review pg 137-138

    Unit 2.2 Cellular Respiration Test on Friday 11/2

    Work on Unit 2 Performance Task pg 136 – due on Mon 11/6

    Study for Test on Unit 2: PS and CR on Wed 11/2– MCQ and Essay included


    Day 3 Friday, Nov 3

    In Class

    Unit 2 Test – MC and Essay


    Unit 2 Performance Task pg 136 – due on Mon 11/6

    RAAQ Unit 3.1 Energy and Matter in the Ecosystem pgs 143-147


    Week 11 Oct 23-Oct 27, 2023 – due Thursday, Nov 2

    Annotate and questions answered Cellular Respiration Handouts pgs 1,2,4,6,8,10 12 pts

  • M/W P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7

    Friday – Veteran's Day, No School


    Day 1 Tuesday, 11/7

    In Class:

    Unit 2 Performance Task – presentations begin today

    Review Unit 3.1 R,A,A,Q Ch Energy and Matter and Flow of Energy pgs 143-147

    Due today: Unit 2 Performance Task pg 136 – please upload a copy in GC; presentations begin on Wednesday


    Finish Pogil Ecological Pyramids – due on Thurs 11/9

    R,A,A,Q Unit 3.1.2 Distribution of Energy pgs 148-153

    Week 12 Packet – due on Thurs 11/9


    Day 2 Thursday, 11/9

    In Class:

    Work on Pogil Ecological Pyramids

    Due today: Week 12 Packet


    Finish Pogil Ecological Pyramids

    RAAQ Unit 3.2.2 Modeling the Carbon Cycle pgs 167-168

    Read Biological Magnification Lab – Lab on Wed, 11/15


    Week 12 Packet – Due on Thursday, 11/9

    Annotated and questions answered pgs 114-123, pgs 126, 128, 127 10 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 129-130 2 pts

    Annotated Thing Explainer pgs 132-136 2 pts

    Practice and review pgs 137-138 4 pts

    Total = 18 pts


  • M Banking Day, P1-P7

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday 11/13

    In Class:

    Go over Unit 3.2.2 Modeling the Carbon Cycle; correct assignments

    Go over Ecological Pyramid

    Due today: Ecological Pyramid and Pogil Energy Transfer

    Continue with UNIT 2 PT presentations


    R,A,A,Q  Unit 3.3 Cycling of Matter – Carbon and Nitrogen

    Read Biological Magnification – Lab on Wed 11/15

    Quiz on Unit 3.1-3.3 Fri 11/17

    Week 13 Packet – due on Wed 11/15


    Day 2 Wednesday 11/15

    In Class:

    Lab Activity today: Biological Magnification

    Due today: Week 13 Packet


    Study Quiz on Unit 3.1-3.3 Fri 11/17

    Finish Biological Magnification Lab report – Lab report due on Mon 11/27

    Read Unit 4.1 pgs 192-197 Fossils (to get ready for Fossils Activity)

    RAAQ Unit 4.1.3 Evidence by Fossil Record pgs 199-200


    Day 3 Friday 11/17

    In Class:

    Go over Biological Magnification

    Correct all Unit 3 assignments

    Quiz on Unit 3.1-3.3 Ecosystems: Energy and Matter


    Finish Biological Magnification Lab report – Lab report due on Mon 11/27

    Read Unit 4.1 pgs 192-197 Fossils (to get ready for Fossils Activity)

    RAAQ Unit 4.1.3 Data Analysis of Rock Age pg 206-207


    Week 13 Packet – Due on Wenesday, 11/15

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 3.1 pgs 143-147 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 3.2 pgs 148-153 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered pgs 167-168 2 pts

    Total = 12 pts

  • Thanksgiving Week – No School


    Reminder: Read Unit 4.1 pgs 192-197 Fossils (to get ready for Fossils Activity)

    RAAQ Unit 4.1.3 Data Analysis of Rock Age pgs 206-207


    Week 14 Sem 1 Packet List – due on Wednesday, Nov 29

    Week 15 – Thanksgiving Break, No packet

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 3.2.1 pgs 159-166 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 3.2.2 pgs 167-168 2 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 3.2.3 pgs 171-174 3 pts

    Total = 10 pts


    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


  • M Banking Day, P1-P7

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday 11/27

    In Class:

    Unit 4.1.1-4.1.3 pgs 192-200 Fossils (to get ready for Fossils Activity on Wed)

    Due today: Bioaccumulation Lab report (if you didn't turn it in on Fri 11/17)


    Week 14 Packet – due on Wed 11/29

    Read Fossils Activity Hand out – lab on Wed 11/29

    RAAQ Unit 4.1.3 Data Analysis of Rock Age pgs 206-207


    Day 2 Wednesday 11/29

    In Class:

    Lab Activity today: Fossils

    Due today: Week 14 Packet


    Finish Fossils Lab Activity – due on Fri 12/1

    Read Dating Fossils Activity – activity on Fri 12/1

    Read Unit 4.2.1 Lines of Evolution pg 211-215


    Day 3 Friday 12/1

    In Class:

    Activity today - Dating Fossils

    Due today: Fossils Lab

    Go over Unit 4.2 Evidence of Evolution and correct Unit 4 assignments


    Finish Dating Fossils Activity –due on Mon 12/4

    RAAQ Unit 4.2.2 Evidence of Evolution pg 216-219

    RAAQ Unit 4.2.3 Cladogram pg 220-225


    Week 14 Sem 1 Packet List – due on Wednesday, Nov 29

    Week 15 – Thanksgiving Break, No packet

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 3.2.1 pgs 159-166 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 3.2.2 pgs 167-168 2 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 3.2.3 pgs 171-174 3 pts

    Total = 10 pts

  • M –  Banking Day, P1-P7

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday 12/4

    In Class:

    Due today: Radioactive Dating Lab

    Unit 4.2.1 Evidence of Evolution and Work on 4.2 Expl 1 Notes – Anatomical Evidence

    Evidence of Evolution handout notes pgs 1-5


    RAAQ and Complete Unit 4.2.2-4.2.3 assignments

    Quiz on Thursday 4.1-4.2

    Week 16 packet – due on Wed, 12/6

    Start working on Study Guide – to study for finals


    Day 2 Wednesday 12/6

    In Class:

    Go over Unit 4.2 Lines of Evidence

    Pogil: Evidence for Evolution

    Due today: Week 16 Packet


    Finish 4.2 Expl 1-2 Notes, pgs 1-3 (handout)

    RAAQ 4.2.3 Cladogram and Do Checkpoints pgs 225-226

    Work on Study Guide


    Day 3 Friday 12/8

    In Class:

    Correct Unit 4.2-4.3 and Quiz 4.1-4.2

    Complete notes on Evidence of Evolution – Handout pgs 8-9 Molecular Biology


    Complete all notes – use to study for Unit 4 Test

    RAAQ Unit 4.3.1 pgs 227-230 and RAAQ Unit 4.3.2 pgs 231-236

    Work on Study Guide

    Study for Finals, Units 1-4

    Finals: P4 Tuesday 12/19

    P6 Wednesday 12/20


    Week 16 Sem 1 Packet List – due on Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.1.1-4.1.2 pgs 191-198 5 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.1.3 pgs 199-208 5 pts

      Total = 10 pts   

Jan-June 2023 Assignments

  • 06/05/202306/05/2023

    M Finals in P1, P2

    Review in P3, P4


    T Finals in P3, P4

    Review in P5, P6


    W Finals in P5, P6




    Monday, June 5


    Finals in Per 1


    Turn in Study Guide and Bio Folder



    Tuesday, June 6


    Finals in Per 3


    Turn in Study Guide and Bio Folder


    Have a Great Summer Vacation!

  • 05/29/202305/29/2023

    M Memorial Day Holiday

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Tuesday, 5/30


    In class:

    Due today: Week 20 Packet

    Activity: Finish Renewable Energy worksheets




    Study for Finals – Finals on Monday, June 5 (P1), Tuesday, June 6 (P3)

    Work on Study Guide – Do Units 5,6,7 (Follow directions: write your answers on separate sheet)

    Read Eyeball Dissection – Dissection on Thursday; wear shoes



    Day Thursday, June 6/1


    In class:

    Lab Activity: Eyeball Dissection



    Study for Finals – Finals on Monday, June 5 (P1), Tuesday, June 6 (P3)

    Work on Study Guide – Do Unit 7 and Unit 8 (Follow directions: write your answers on separate sheet)

    Finish Eyeball Dissection Lab Report; due on Finals day





    Week 20 Sem 2 2023 Packet – due on Finals Day, Monday, June 5 (P1), Tuesday, June 6 (P3)


    Annotated, answered Unit 8.3.1 Engineering Solutions pgs 569-576 3 pts

    Annotated, answered Unit 8.3.3 Reducing Impacts on Land pgs 577-580 (skip 8.3.2) 3 pts

    Annotated, answered Unit 8.3.4 Human Impacts on Water pgs 584-588 3 pts

    Read and Annotate Careers in Engineering pgs 589-590   2 pts

    Do checkpoints pgs 591-592 2 pts

    Total Points =   10pts

  • 05/22/202305/22/2023

    M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Monday, May 22


    Group presentations today on Human Impact Project



    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.3.1 Engineering Solutions pgs 569-576

    Week 18 Packet – due on Tue 5/23

    Quiz on Unit 8.2 on Thurs, 5/25



    Day 2 Tuesday, May 23


    Continue with Group Presentations on Human Impact Project

    Due today: Week 19 Packet

    Go over Unit 8.3.1 Engineering Solutions and correct HW



    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.3.3 Reducing Impacts on Land pgs 577-580 (skip 8.3.3)

    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.3.4 Human Impacts on Water pgs 584-588



    Day 3 Thursday, May 25


    Quiz on Unit 8.2 Human Impact

    Activity on Human Impacts on Biodiversity and Careers on Engineering



    R,A,A,Q Careers in Engineering pgs 589-590

    Do checkpoints pgs 591-592

    Quiz Unit 8.3 on Tues 5.30

    Week 20 Packet due on Tues 5/30






    Week 19 Packet – due Tuesday 5/23


    Annotated, answered questions Unit 8.2.1-8.2.2 pgs 547-554 6 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 8.2.3 pgs 555-556 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 8.2.4-8.2.5 pgs 557-564 6 pts

    Do Checkpoints pgs 567-568 3 pts

    Total = 18 pts

  • 05/15/202305/15/2023

    M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Monday, May 15


    Go over Unit 8.1.3-8.1.4 Effect of Climate Change

    Quiz on Unit 8.1.3-8.1.4  



    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.2.3 Introduced Species pgs 555-556

    Week 18 Packet – due on Tue 5/16



    Day 2 Tuesday, May 16


    Unit 8.2.1-8.2.3 Human Population and Habitat Loss, correct HW

    Activity: Read and annotate Human Population Article and answer worksheet –due today

    Due today: Week 18 Packet



    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.2.4-8.2.5 Overharvesting Species pgs 557-559, Extinction of Species pgs 560-564



    Day 3 Thursday, May 18


    Go over Overharvesting species and Extinction of Species and correct HW

    Activity: Human Impact Report – group research, due on Monday, May 22



    Read the Value of Non-native species pgs 565-566

    Do Checkpoints pgs 567-568

    Quiz on Tues on Unit 8.2.1-8.2.5

    Week 19 Packet due on Tues 5/23




    Week 18 Packet – due Tuesday 5/16


    Annotated, answered questions Unit 8.1.1-8.1.2 pgs 523-532 6 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 8.1.3-8.1.4 pgs 533-542 6 pts

                Total = 12 pts

  • 05/08/202305/08/2023

    M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, May 8


    Due today: Homeostasis Lab

    Start Unit 8.1 Humans and Climate Change

    Due today: Homeostasis and Diagnostic Lab Questions 



    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.1.1 – 8.1.2 Earth's Energy and Climate pgs 523-532

    Week 17 Packet – due on Tue 5/9

    Quiz on Thursday – Unit 8.1.1-8.1.3 Climate Change



    Day 2 Tuesday, May 9


    Unit 8.1.1-8.1.2 Earth's Climate and Climate, correct HW

    Due today: Week 17 Packet



    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.1.3 – 8.1.4 Climate Change and Effects of Climate Change pgs 533-542



    Day 3 Thursday, May 11


    Go over Unit 8.1.3 – 8.1.4 Climate Change and Effects of Climate Change, correct HW

    Quiz today – Unit 8.1.1-8.1.3 Climate Change



    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.2.1-8.2.2 Human Impacts on Biodiversity and Habitat Loss pgs 547-554


    Week 17 Packet – due Tuesday 5/9


    Do Checkpoints pgs 509-510 4 pts

  • 05/01/202305/01/2023

    M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Monday, May 1


    Go over Homeostasis and Homeostasis Lab

    Correct Unit 7.3.1 Mechanisms of Homeostasis pgs 489-495, pgs 496-506



    Finish Unit 7.3.1 Mechanisms of Homeostasis pgs 489-495, pgs 496-506

    Read Haspi Homeostasis and Diagnostic Lab – Lab on Tues 5/2

    Week 16 Packet – due on Tue 5/2

    Quiz on Thursday – Unit 7.3 Homeostasis


    Day 2 Tuesday, May 2


    Lab Activity: Homeostasis and Diagnostic Lab

    Due today - Week 16 Packet



    Answer Homeostasis and Diagnostic Lab Questions – complete lab report, due Mon 5/8

    Do Checkpoints pg 509-510

    Study for a quiz – Unit 7.3 quiz on Thurs 5/4


    Day 3 Thursday, May 4


    Go over Homeostasis and Diagnostic Lab – Post lab

    Unit 7.3 Homeostasis Test



    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.1 Ecosystem Stability pgs 519-528

    Homeostasis and Diagnostic Lab Questions – complete lab report, due Mon 5/8



    Week 16 Packet – due Tuesday 5/2


    Annotated, answered questions Unit 7.2.4 Cell Theory pgs 453-460 4 pts

    Do Checkpoints pgs 461-462 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 7.3 Homeostasis pgs 489-495, pgs 496-506 8 pts

    Total = 15 pts

  • 04/24/202304/24/2023

    Monday – No School

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/25


    In class:

    Due today: Mitosis Lab

    Quiz on Unit 6.3 Animal Behavior

    Go over Cancer worksheet – due on Thurs



    Week 16 Packet – due n Thurs, 4/26

    R,A,A,Q Unit 7.2.3 Factors affecting Cell Growth pgs 451-454 and 7.2.4 Cell Theory pgs 453-460

    Do Checkpoints pgs 461-462

    R,A,A,Q Unit 7.3 Homeostasis pgs 490-505



    Day 2 Thursday 4/27


    In class:

    Go Cells

    Unit 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 Mechanisms of Homeostasis pgs 489-495, pgs 496-506



    Finish Unit 7.3.1 Mechanisms of Homeostasis pgs 489-495, pgs 496-506

    Read Homeostasis and Diagnostic Lab – Lab on Tues 5/2



    Week 15 Sem 2 2023 Packet – due on Thursday, April 26


    Annotated, answered questions Unit 7.1 pgs 442-445, 450-454 5 pts

    Cancer worksheet 3 pts

              Total pts = 8 pts

  • 04/17/202304/17/2023

    M/W P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7  Open House

    Fri P1-P7 (Minimum Day)



    Day 1 Monday, 4/17


    In class:

    Review and Correct Unit 6.3 Explore Animal 1, 2, 3 assignments

    Go over Animal Behavior Lab - Due today

    Start Unit 7.1 Structure and Function in Living Things

    Also due today: Patterns of Natural Selection with graph



    Due Tues, 4/18 – Week 15 Packet

    Quiz on Ch 6.3.1-6.3.3 on Friday

    R,A,A,Q Unit 7.1  pgs 442-445, 450-454 Mitosis and Cell Cycle and Cells



    Day 2 Wednesday, 4/19

    In class:

    Go over Unit 7.1 Mitosis and Cell Cycle, correct assignments

    Pre-lab to get ready for Mitosis Lab on Thursday

    Week 13 Packet – due today



    Read Mitosis Lab for Friday, 4/21

    R,A,A,Q Unit 7.2 Cells to Body Systems pgs 474-483

    Read Mitosis Lab – Lab on Friday, 4/21

    Quiz on Unit 6.3 Animal Behavior on Friday, 4/21


    Day 3 Friday, 4/21 Min Day


    In class:

    Quiz on Unit 6.3 Animal Behavior

    Lab Activity: Mitosis (may do it on Wednesday instead)



    Finish Mitosis Lab – lab report due on Mon 4/24

    R,A,A,Q Unit 7.3 Homeostasis pgs 490-505



    Week 14 Sem 2 2023 Packet – due on Wednesday 4/19


    Annotated, answered questions Unit 6.3 Explore 1 pgs 413-418 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 6.3 Explore 2 and 3 pgs 419-425 6 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 427-428 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 7 pgs 438-440 3 pts        

    Total pts = 15 pts

  • 04/10/202304/10/2023

    Mon P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Monday, 4/10


    In class:

    Review Unit 6.2 Expl 5 Mechanisms of Speciation and checkpoints pg 411

    Unit 6.3 Animal Behavior – pre lab



    R,A,A,Q Unit 6.3 Explore 1 Adaptive Value of Behavior pgs 413-418

    Read Animal Behavior Lab – Lab on Tues; BRING PILL BUGS

    Week 13 Packet – due Tue, 4/11

    Worksheets Genetic Drift and Speciation – due Tue 4/11



    Day 2 Tuesday, 4/11


    In class:

    Review Unit 6.3 Explore 1 Adaptive Value of Behavior pgs 413-418

    Lab Activity: Animal Behavior Lab with Pill Bugs



    R,A,A,Q Unit 6.3 Explore 2 and 3  Social Interactions and Learned Behaviors pgs 419-425

    Graph Animal Lab data - lab report due on Mon 4/17



    Day 3 Thursday, 4/13


    In class:

    Work Animal Behavior Lab – finish lab report

    Activity: HHMI How Animals use sound to communicate – go to Google Classroom



    Finish HHMI Use sound to communicate

    Finish Animal Lab – lab report due on Mon 4/17

    Do Checkpoints pgs 427-428

    R,A,A,Q Unit 7 Structure and Function in Living Things pgs 438-440




    Week 13 Sem 2 2023 Packet – due on Tuesday 4/11


    Annotated, answered questions Unit 6.2 Explore 3 and 4 pgs pgs 399-403 6 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 6.2 Explore 5 pgs 404-407, pg 410 5 pts

    Checkpoints pg 411-412 5 pts

            Total pts = 16 pts

  • 04/03/202304/03/2023

    Mon P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Monday, 4/3


    In class:

    Review Unit 6.2 Evolution of Population Explore 1 and 2 pgs 389-395, 396—398

    Selection of Peppered Moths – pg 395

    Continue student presentations of Genetic Mutation Project



    Finish Unit 6.2 Explore 3 and 4 Selection in Peppered Moth pgs 399-403

    Week 12 Packet – due Tue, 4/4

    Quiz on Unit 6.1 Explore 1-4 -6.2 Explore 1-2, Thurs 4/6


    Day 2 Tuesday, 4/4


    In class:

    Review Unit 6.2 Explore 3 and 4 Selection in Peppered Moth pgs 399-403

    Finish student presentations of Genetic Mutation Project



    R,A,A,Q  Unit 6.2 Explore 5 Mechanisms of Speciation pgs 404-407, pg 410

    Do Checkpoints pg 411-412

    Quiz on Unit 6.1 Explore 1-4 -6.2 Explore 1-2, Thurs 4/6



    Day 3 Thursday, 4/6


    In class:

    Review Unit 6.2 Evolution of Population Explore 1-3 and correct assignments

    Today: Quiz on Unit 6.2 Explore 1-2



    R,A,A,Q  Unit 6. 3 Explore 1 Evolution of Behavior pgs 413-418

    Edpuzzle: Anole Lizard Evolution – due on Mon, 4/10 @ 8 am




    Week 12 Sem 2 2023 Packet – due on Tuesday 4/4


    Annotated, answered questions Unit 6.2 Explore 1 and 2 pgs 389-395, 396-398 6 pts

    Selection of Peppered Moths – pg 395 2 pts

            Total pts = 8  pts

  • 03/27/202303/27/2023

    Mon P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Monday, 3/27


    In class:

    Review 6.1 Explore 2 pgs 378-380 and 6.1 Explore 3 pgs-381-384

    Go over CCR5 Protein Mutation pgs 385-386

    Due today: Pogil Activity Genetic Mutations



    Finish Pogil Activity: Genetic Mutations – due on Tue 3/28

    Finish Genetic Mutations Brochure – due on Tue 3/28

    R,A,A,Q  Unit 6.2 Evolution of Population Explore 1 and 2 pgs 389-395, 396--398

    Do Selection of Peppered Moths – pg 395


    Tuesday, 3/28


    In class:

    Due today: Genetic Mutation Brochure Project – presentations begin today

    Overview Unit 6.2 Evolution of Population Explore 1



    R,A,A,Q  Unit 6.2 Explore 3 and 4 Selection in Peppered Moth pgs 399-403

    Quiz on Unit 6.2 Explore 1-2 on Thurs, 3/30



    Day 3 Thursday, 3/30


    In class:

    Continue Genetic Mutation Brochure Project presentations

    Go over Unit 6.2 Evolution of Population Explore 1-3 and correct assignments

    Today: Quiz on Unit 6.2 Explore 1-2



    R,A,A,Q  Unit 6.2 Evolution of Population Explore 4 and 5 Gene Flow pgs 401-407

    Edpuzzle: Anole Lizard Evolution – due on Friday



    Week 11 Sem 2 2023 Packet – due on Tuesday, 4/4/23


    Annotated, answered questions 6.1 Explore 1 pgs 368-378  3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions 6.1 Explore 2 pgs 378-380 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions 6.1 Explore 3 pgs-381-384 3 pts

    Do Data Analysis on CCR5 Protein Mutation pgs 385-386 2 pts

    Do Checkpoints pgs 387-388 2 pts

            Total pts = 13 pts

  • 03/20/202303/20/2023

    Monday – Professional Development; no students

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    In class: Tuesday, 3/21


    Unit 6.1 Explore 1 Mutation and Diversity

    CW: R,A,A,Q 6.1 Explore 1 pgs 368-377



    R,A,A,Q 6.1 Explore 1 pgs 368-378 and 6.1 Explore 2 pgs 378-380

    Pogil Activity: Genetic Mutations – due on Monday, 3/27




    Day 2 Thursday, 3/23


    In class:

    Finish 6.1 Explore 1 pgs 368-378

    R,A,A,Q 6.1 Explore 2 pgs 378-380 and 6.2 Explore 3 pgs-381-384

    Do Data Analysis on CCR5 Protein Mutation pgs 385-386

    Pogil Activity: Genetic Mutations – due on Monday, 3/27



    Do Checkpoints pgs 387-388

    Study for Quiz – quiz on Tuesday 3/28



    R,A,A,Q  Unit 6.2 Explore 3 and 4 Selection in Peppered Moth Explore 3 pgs 399-403

    Finish Gizmos: Selection of Peppered Moths – due Tue 3/28

    Quiz on 6.1 Explore 1-3

    Finish Karyotype to Diagnose Chromosomal Disorder – due on Tues 3/28

    Finish Genetic Mutations Brochure – due on Tue 3/28




    Week 10 Sem 2 2023 Packet – due on Tuesday, 3/21/23


    Got Lactase Video Notes – questions completely answered  5 pts

  • 03/13/202303/13/2023

    Spring Break – No school!


    Enjoy your break!



    Due on Tuesday 3/21

    Regulation of Lactase Gene – watch HHMI Video and answer questions in complete sentences

    HHMI Got Lactase Video:

  • 03/06/202303/06/2023

    M/W  P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7

    Fri P1-P7  (minimum day)



    Day 1 Monday, 3/6


    In class:

    Review Unit 5.5 Expl 1, 2 Gene Expression in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes; correct assignments

    Finish Performance Task pg 364 (remember to write down 5 guiding questions)



    Finish Group Project: Performance Test – Genetic Mutation Phenylketonuria pg 364, due on Wed 3/8

    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.5 Expl 3 Factors that Influence Gene Expression pgs 346-348

    Due on Wed – Week 8 Packet



    Day 2 Wednesday, 3/8


    In class:

    Go over Unit 5.5 Expl 3 Factors that Influence Gene Expression and correct assignments

    Performance Task – Genetic Mutation PKU, presentations begin today



    Review Unit 5.5.1-5.5.3 Gene Expression Study for quiz on Friday



    Day 3 Friday, 3/10


    In class:

    Quiz on Unit 5.5.1-5.5.3 Gene Expression

    Finish Presentations of Performance Task – Genetic Mutation PKU



    Regulation of Lactase Gene – watch HHMI Video and answer questions in complete sentences

    HHMI Got Lactase Video:




    Week 8 Sem 2 2023 Packet – Due on Wednesday, 3/8


    Annotated, answered questions Unit 5.5.1 Gene Expression pgs 337-341 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 5.5.2 Translation pgs 342-345  3 pts

     Total Points =   6 pts

  • 02/27/202302/27/2023

    M  P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Monday, 2/27


    In class:

    Group work – Performance Task pg 364 (remember to write down 5 guiding questions)



    Group Project: Performance Test – Genetic Mutation Phenylketonuria pg 364, due on Tue 3/7

    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.5 Expl 1 Gene Expression pgs 337-341

    Due on Thurs – Evidence Notebook, 5.3.1-5.3.4 and 5.4.1-5.4.4



    Day 2 Tuesday, 2/28


    In class:

    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.5 Expl 2 Gene Regulation pgs 342-345

    Performance Task – Genetic Mutation PKU pgs 364



    Finish R,A,A,Q Unit 5.5 Expl 2 Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes

    Finish PT Genetic Mutation Phenylketonuria pgs 364, due on Tue 3/7

    Due on Thurs – Evidence Notebook, 5.3.1-5.3.4 and 5.4.1-5.4.4



    Day 3 Thursday, 3/2


    In class:

    Due today: Evidence Notebook, 5.3.1-5.3.4 and 5.4.1-5.4.4

    Review Gene Regulation and correct assignments

    CW: Regulation of Lactase Gene – watch HHMI Video and answer questions in complete sentences

    HHMI Got Lactase Video:



    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.5 Expl 3 Factors that influence Gene Expression pg 342-348

    Continue to work on Performance Task: PKU – due on Tue 3/7 Presentations begin




    Week 7 Sem 2 2023 Packet – Due on Thursday, 3/2


    Annotated, answered questions Unit 5.4.3 Transcription pgs 328-329 2 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 5.4.4 Translation pgs 330-332  2 pts

    Read and Annotated Loss of Function Mutations pgs 333-334 2 pts

      Total Points =   6 pts


    Due today: Thurs, 3/2 – Evidence Notebook, 5.3.1-5.3.4 and 5.4.1-5.4.4

  • 02/20/202302/20/2023

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Tuesday, Feb 21


    In class:

    Review Unit 5.4.3 Transcription pgs 328-329

    Review Unit 5.4.4 Translation pgs 330-332

    Activity: Finish Protein Synthesis Interactive on Translation



    Unit 5.4.3 Modeling Protein Synthesis on pg 325, do #1 only and use chart to translate codon to AA

    Do Evidence Notebook Unit 5.3.1-5.3.4 – due on Thursday, 3/2

    Quiz on Transcription and Translation on Thurs, Feb 22



    Day 2 Thursday, Feb 23

    Quiz on Transcription and Translation today

    Activity: Protein Synthesis Worksheet: Decoding - DNA-RNA-polypeptide (AA)



    Finish Protein Synthesis Worksheet- due on Mon 2/28

    R,A,A,Q Loss of Function Mutations pgs 333-334

    Do Evidence Notebook Unit 5.4.1-5.4.4 - due on Thursday, 3/2

    For Monday and Tuesday: Work on Unit 5 Performance Task: Investigating Phenylketonuria pg 364




    Week 6 Sem 2 Packet – Due on Thursday, 2/23


    Checkpoints pgs 315-316 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions 5.4.1 Protein Synthesis pgs 318-324 5 pts  Total = 8 pts

  • 02/13/202302/13/2023

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 2/14


    In class:

    Correct Checkpoints pgs 315-316

    Unit 5.4.1 Stages of Protein Synthesis – do Protein Synthesis Interactive

    Due today: DNA Structure POGIL, Strawberry DNA Lab report

    Due on Thursday, 2/16 – Week 5 Packet



    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.4.1 Protein Synthesis pgs 318-324

    Due on Thursday: Week 5 Packet

    Study for 5.3 Test – DNA structure and function Test on Thursday, 2/16

    Week 5 Packet – due on Thursday, 2/16



    Day 2 Thursday, 2/16


    In class:

    Unit 5.3 Test – DNA structure and function Test

    Review Unit 5.4.1 Protein Synthesis, correct HW

    Unit 5.4.3 Transcription (skip 5.4.2) – do Transcription worksheet, due today

    Due today: Week 5 Packet



    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.4.3 Transcription (skip 5.4.2) pgs 328-329

    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.4.4 Translation pgs 330-332

    Study for Unit 5.4 Test – Thursday 2/23





    Week 5 Sem 2 Packet – Due on Thursday, 2/16


    Annotated, answered questions 5.3.1 Explore 1 DNA Function pgs 297-302 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions 5.3.2 DNA Structure pgs 302-305; skip Explore 3 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions 5.3.4 DNA Replication pgs 308-311 3 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 315-316 3 pts

                   Total = 12 pts

  • 02/06/202302/06/2023

    M P1, P3, P5, P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, 2/6


    In class:

    Go over Unit 5.2.3 Punnett Squares worksheets, and Punnett Squares

    Unit 5.3 Explore 1 DNA Function



    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.3.1 Explore 1 DNA Function pgs 297-302

    Read Strawberry Lab in GC– Lab on Tues (bring strawberries)

    Due on Tuesday: Week 4 Packet, Punnett Squares worksheets, and Punnett Squares



    Day 2 Tuesday, 2/7


    In class:

    Review Unit 5.3.1 DNA Function, correct HW

    Unit 5.3.2 DNA Structure

    DNA Structure Pogil Activity – due on Tue 2/14

    Lab Activity: Strawberry DNA Lab, report due on Tue 2/14



    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.3 Explore 2 DNA Structure pgs 302-305; skip Explore 3

    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.3 Explore 4 DNA Replication pgs 308-311

    Complete Strawberry DNA Lab report– due on Tues 2/14



    Day 3 Thursday, 2/9


    In class:

    Quiz on Unit 5.2.3 Punnett Squares and 5.3.1 DNA Function

    Review 5.3 Explore 3 and 4 DNA Structure and Replication, correct HW

    Finish DNA Structure Pogil Activity – due on Tue 2/14



    Do Checkpoints pgs 315-316

    Finish Strawbery DNA Lab report – due on Tue 2/14

    Finish DNA Structure Pogil Activity – due on Tue 2/14

    Unit 5.3 Test – Thurs, 2/16




    Week 4 Sem 2 Packet – Due on Tuesday, 2/7


    Annotated, answered questions 5.2.1 Mendel and Heredity pgs 275-279 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions 5.2.2 Genes, Alleles, and Traits pgs 280-283 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions 5.2.3 Traits and Probability pgs 284-287, 291-292 5 pts

    Total = 11 pts

  • 01/30/202301/30/2023

    M P1-P7  Banking Day

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Monday, Jan 30


    In class:

    Go over Unit 5.2.1 Process of Meiosis

    Due today: Meiosis Activity and Meiosis Pogil



    Finish 5.1.3 pgs Meiosis and Genetic Variation pgs 269-272

    Do Checkpoints pgs 273-274

    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 5.2.1 Mendel and Heredity pgs 275-279


    Day 2 Tuesday, Jan 31


    In class:

    Correct 5.1.3 and 5.2.1 Mendel and Heredity

    CW: 5.2.1 Worksheet pgs 276-279 #1-2 and Determining a Genotype #3-4



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – 5.2.2 Genes, Alleles, and Traits pgs 280-283

    Complete 5.2.1 Worksheet #1-4 – due on Thurs 2/3

    Quiz on Thurs - 5.2 Explore 1 and 5.2.2



    Day 3 Thursday, Feb 2


    In class:

    Go over Unit 5.1.2-5.2.2 and correct assignments

    Go over Traits and Probability and Punnett Squares

    CW: Work on Worksheet 5.2.2 #5-8

    Quiz today



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – 5.1.3 Traits and Probability pgs 284-287, 291-292

    Complete the Worksheet 5.2.1-5.2.3 #1-8




    Week 3 Sem 2 2023 Packet List- due on Monday, 1/30


    Annotated, answered embedded questions Unit 5.1.1 pgs 259-262 5 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions Unit 5.1.2 pgs 263-265 5 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions Unit 5.1.3 pgs 275-279 5 pts

    Total  15 pts

  • 01/23/202301/23/2023

    M P1-P7  Banking Day

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Monday, Jan 23


    In class:

    Go over Unit 5 Mechanisms of Inheritance

    Discuss Chromosome structure and function



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 5.1 Explore 1 Meiosis pgs 259-262

    Handout 5.1 Lesson 1 Questions - Answer questions in complete sentences


    Day 2 Tuesday, Jan 24


    In class:

    Unit 5.1 Meiosis

    Activity: Pogil: Meiosis



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – 5.1 Explore 2 Process of Meiosis pgs 263-265

    Complete Pogil: Meiosis – due on Mon, 1/30

    Quiz on Friday - 5.1 Explore 1 and vocab



    Day 3 Thursday, Jan 26


    In class:

    Go over Unit 5.1 Explore 1-2 and correct assignments

    Meiosis Activity

    Quiz today



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – 5.1 Explore 3 Meiosis and Genetic Variation

    Complete Meiosis Activity – due on Mon 1/30

    Complete Pogil: Meiosis – due on Mon 1/30




    Week 2 Sem 2 2023 Packet List- due on Monday, 1/30


    Annotated, answered embedded questions pgs 206-207, 208 5 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 209-210 5 pts

    Total  10 pts

  • 01/16/202301/16/2023


    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F  P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Tuesday, 1/17


    In class:

    Review and Correct Unit 4.1.2 -4.1.3 pgs 196-198, 4.1.3 pgs 199-202, 203-205

    CW: Data Analysis: The Absolute Age of Rocks – pgs 206-207, 208


    HW:  Do Checkpoints pgs 209-210

      Do Evidence Notebook Unit 4.1-2-4.1.3



    Day 2 Thursday, 1/19 (Map Testing)


    In class:

    Review and correct The Absolute Age of Rocks – pgs 206-207, 208 and checkpoints pgs 209-210

    CW: Relative Dating Activity


    HW: Finish Relative Dating Activity – due Mon 1/23

    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 5 - pgs 255-256

    Do vocab page 257-258

    Edpuzzle: Meiosis




    Week 1 Sem 2 2023 Packet Lis- due on Thursday, 1/19


    Annotated, answered embedded questions Unit 4.1.2 pgs 196-198 5 pts

    Do vocab pgs 189-190 5 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions – Unit 4.1.3 pgs 199-202 2 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions – Unit 4.1.3 pgs 203-205 3 pts

    Total  15 pts



    Schedule on Thursday, January 19th


    Period 1                           8:30-9:43

    Period 3 - MAP Testing 9:50-11:03    Group 1- Odd ending # classes

    Snack                              11:03-11:18

    Period 3 - MAP Testing  11:25-12:38   Group 2- Even ending # classes  

    Lunch                              12:38-1:08

    Period 5                           1:18-2:31

    Period 7                           2:38-3:30

  • 01/09/202301/09/2023

    M P1-P7  Banking Day

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Monday, Jan 9


    In class:

    Go over Unit 4.1.2 Geologic Time Scale

    Remember: The Fossil Record



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 4.1.2 pgs 196-198

    Do vocab page 189-190

    Review and Remember: Unit 4.1.1 The Fossil Record pgs 192-195



    Day 2 Tuesday, Jan 10


    In class:

    Unit 4.1.2 Geologic Time Scale

    Activity: Plate Tectonics



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 4.1.3 History of Life on Earth pgs 199-202

    Complete Plate Tectonics Activity – Due on Monday, 1/16

    Quiz on Thursday – 4.1.2-4.1.2



    Day 3 Thursday, Jan 12


    In class:

    Go over Unit 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 Geologic Time Scale and History of Life on Earth

    Quiz today



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 4.1.3 cont'd pgs 203-205

    Complete Plate Tectonics Activity – Due on Monday, 1/16

  • 12/19/202212/19/2022

    Monday P1, P2 Final Exam, P3-P4 - review

    Tuesday P3, P4  Final Exam, P5-P6 - review

    Wednesday P5, P6 Final exam

    Thursday No school




    Finals Schedule:  Monday, Dec 19 – Per 1 TLE 8:30 – 10:10 am

    Tuesday, Dec 20 – Per 3 TLE 8:30 – 10:10 am






    Living Earth Finals Sem 1

    What do I need to bring to class on Finals Day?




    • Living Earth Semester 1 Study Guide– answers should be stapled with the questions on top. (FOLLOW DIRECTIONS!)
    • Living Earth Final Help Sheet - 1 sheet, one side only
    • Living Earth Folder – should contain all your graded assignments (weekly packets, lab reports, etc), arranged in the order as in the review sheet.


    Please remember to bring all the above materials with you to class on the day of the final exam including pencils and erasers. Good Luck!


    Finals Schedule:  Monday, Dec 19 – Per 1 TLE

    Tuesday, Dec 20 – Per 3 TLE

    Happy Holidays

  • 12/12/202212/12/2022

    Monday P1– P7 regular schedule

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7 Final exam in P7



    Day 1 Monday, 12/12


    In class:

    Unit 4.3.1-4.3.2 Theory of Natural Selection and correct assignments

    Due today: Week 17 Packet and Unit 4.1 Notes pgs 1-9

    Work on 4.3 notes



    R,A,A,Q Unit 4.3.3 Principles of Natural Selection pgs 237-241

    Study for Finals, Chapters 1-5 – Finals on Tuesday

    Finish Study Guide for Finals


    Day 2 Tuesday 12/13


    In class:

    Go over Unit 4.3.3 Principles of Natural Selection

    HHMI Stickleback Video –answer questions

    Work on 4.3 notes



    Complete 4.3 notes

    Quiz on Thursday

    Finish Study Guide for Finals



    Day 3 Thursday 12/15


    In class:

    Quiz on Unit 4.3 Natural Selection



    Quiz on Thursday

    Finish Study Guide for Finals

    Finals:  P1 and P2 – Monday, Dec 19

    P3 and P4 – Tuesday, Dec 20



    Week 17 Packet – due on Monday, 12/12


    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.2.3 pgs 220-224 5 pts

    Do Checkpoints pgs 225-226 5 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.3.1 pgs 227-230 5 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.3.2 pgs 231-236 5 pts

    Total = 20 pt

  • 12/05/202212/05/2022

    M –  Banking Day, P1-P7

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday 12/5


    In Class:

    Finish Radioactive Dating Lab – collect data and determine date of fossils – due Thurs, 12/8

    Finish Evidence of Evolution handout notes pgs 1-5



    Finish Radioactive Dating Lab– due Thurs, 12/8 and Complete Unit 4.2.2-4.4.3 assignments

    Quiz on Thursday 4.1-4.2

    Week 16 – due on Thurs, 12/8

    Start working on Study Guide – to study for finals


    Day 2 Tuesday 12/6


    In Class:

    Go over Unit 4.2 Lines of Evidence

    Work on 4.2 Expl 1 Notes – Anatomical Evidence

    Pogil: Evidence for Evolution



    Finish 4.2 Expl 1-2 Notes, pgs 1-3 (handout)

    RAAQ 4.2.3 Cladogram and Do Checkpoints pgs 225-226

    Work on Study Guide


    Day 3 Thursday 12/8


    In Class:

    Due today: Week 16 Packet

    Correct Unit 4.2-4.3  and Quiz 4.1-4.2

    Complete notes on Evidence of Evolution – Handout pgs 8-9 Molecular Biology



    Complete all notes – use to study for Unit 4 Test

    RAAQ Unit 4.3.1 pgs 227-230 and RAAQ Unit 4.3.2 pgs 231-236

    Work on Study Guide

    Study for Finals, Unit 1-5

    Finals: P1 Monday 2/19

    P 3 Tuesday 2/20



    Week 16 Sem 1 Packet List – due on Thursday, Dec. 8, 2022


    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.2.1 pgs 211-215 5 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.2.2 pgs 216-219 5 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.2.3 pgs 220-225   5 pts

         Total = 15 pts   

  • 11/28/202211/28/2022

    M  Banking Day, P1-P7

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F  P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday 11/28


    In Class:

    Fossil Activity

    Due today: Bioaccumulation Lab report



    Week 14 Packet – due on Tue 11/29; packet list is in GC

    Finish Fossils Activity – due on Thursday

    Do Data Activity pg 206-208


    Day 2 Tuesday 11/29


    In Class:

    Lab Activity today: Dating Fossils

    Due today: Week 14 Packet



    Finish Fossils Activity – due on Thurs 12/1

    Dating Fossils Activity – due on Mon 12/5

    Read Unit 4.2.1 pgs 192-197 Lines of Evolution pg 211-215


    Day 3 Thursday 12/1


    In Class:

    Due today: Fossils Activity

    Go over Unit 4.2 Evidence of Evolution and correct Unit 4 assignments



    Finish Dating Fossils Activity –due on Mon 12/4

    RAAQ Unit 4.2.2 Evidence of Evolution pg 216-219

    RAAQ Unit 4.2.3 Cladogram pg 220-225




    Week 14 Sem 1 Packet List – due on Tuesday, Nov 29

    Week 15 – Thanksgiving Break, No packet


    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.1 pgs 192-197 Fossils  5 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.1.3 Fossil Record pgs 199-200 10 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.1.3 Data Analysis pgs 206-207  5 pts

           Total = 20 pts   

  • 11/21/202211/21/2022

    Reminder:  Finish Biological Magnification Lab report – Lab report due on Mon 11/28

    Read Unit 4.1 pgs 192-197 Fossils (to get ready for Fossils Activity)

    RAAQ Unit 4.1.3 Data Analysis of Rock Age pgs 206-207




    Week 14 Sem 1 Packet List – due on Tuesday, Nov 29


    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.1 pgs 192-197 Fossils  5 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.1.3 Fossil Record pgs 199-200 10 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.1.3 Data Analysis pgs 206-207  5 pts

           Total = 20 pts   



    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

  • 11/14/202211/14/2022

    M  Banking Day, P1-P7

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F  P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday 11/14


    In Class:

    Go over Unit 3.3 Cycling of Matter – Carbon and Nitrogen; correct assignments

    Continue with UNIT 4 PT presentations



    Read Biological Magnification – Lab on Tues 11/15

    Quiz on Unit 3.1-3.2 Thurs 11/17

    Week 13 Packet – due on Tue 11/14; packet list is in GC


    Day 2 Tuesday 11/15


    In Class:

    Finish all Unit 2 PT presentations

    Lab Activity today: Biological Magnification

    Due today: Week 13 Packet



    Study for Unit 3.1-3.2 Quiz for Thurs 11/17

    Finish Biological Magnification Lab report – Lab report due on Mon 11/28

    Read Unit 4.1 pgs 192-197 Fossils (to get ready for Fossils Activity)

    RAAQ Unit 4.1.3 Evidence by Fossil Record pg  199-200


    Day 3 Thursday 11/17


    In Class:

    Go over Biological Magnification

    Correct all Unit 3 assignments

    Quiz Unit 3.1-3.2 Cycling of Matter



    Finish Biological Magnification Lab report – Lab report due on Mon 11/28

    Read Unit 4.1 pgs 192-197 Fossils (to get ready for Fossils Activity)

    RAAQ Unit 4.1.3 Data Analysis of Rock Age pg 206-207


    Week 13 Packet – Due on Tuesday, 11/15


    Annotated and questions answered Unit 3.1 pgs 143-147 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 3.2 pgs 148-153 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered pgs 167-168 2 pts


    Total = 18 pts

  • 11/07/202211/07/2022

    M/W  P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th  P2, P4, P6, P7

    Friday – Veteran's Day, No School




    Day 1 Monday 11/7


    In Class:

    CW: Work on Pogil Ecological Pyramids

    When done, finish Unit 3.1 R,A,A,Q Ch Energy and Matter and Flow of Energy pgs 143-147, and Unit 3.1.2 Distribution of Energy pgs 148-153

    Due today: Unit 2 Performance Task pg 136 – please upload a copy in GC; presentations begin on Wednesday



    Finish Pogil Ecological Pyramids – due on Wed 11/9

    Finish Unit 3.1 R,A,A,Q pgs 143-147, and pgs 148-153

    Week 12 Packet – due on Wed 11/9



    Day 2 Wednesday 11/9


    In Class:

    Unit 2 Performance Task – presentations begin today

    Due today: Week 12 Packet



    RAAQ Unit 3.2.2 Modeling the Carbon Cycle pgs 167-168

    Read Biological Magnification Lab – Lab on Monday



    Week 12 Packet – Due on Wednesday, 11/9


    Annotated and questions answered pgs 114-123, pgs 126, 128, 127 10 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 129-130 2 pts

    Annotated Thing Explainer pgs 132-136  2 pts

    Practice and review pgs 137-138 4 pts

    Total = 18 pts

  • 10/31/202210/31/2022

    M/W  P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th  P2, P4, P6, P7

    F P1-P7 Shakeout Assembly Schedule



    Day 1 Monday


    In Class

    Review Cellular Respiration and Fermentation

    Correct Handout pgs 1,2,4,6,8,10 – due today

    CW: RAAQ pgs 114-123, pgs 126, 128, 127



    Do Checkpoints pgs 129-130

    Read Thing Explainer pgs 132-136 and do practice and review pg 137-138

    Unit 2.2 Cellular Respiration Test on Wed 11/2

    Work on Unit 2 Performance Task pg 136 – due on Mon 11/7

    Test on Unit 2: PS and CR – Essay included


    Day 2 Wednesday


    In Class

    Correct assignments

    Unit 2 Test – MC and Essay

    Activity: Set up Fermentation Lab



    Work on Unit 2 Performance Task pg 136 – due on Mon 11/7

    Read Fermentation Lab, answer review questions



    Day 3 Friday


    In Class

    Finish Fermentation Lab

    Unit 2 Performance Task – due on Mon 11/7



    Unit 2 Performance Task pg 136 – due on Mon 11/7

    RAAQ Unit 3.1 Energy and Matter in the Ecosystem pgs 143-147

  • 10/24/202210/24/2022

    M/W  P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th  P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday


    In class:

    Go over Chromatography Lab and Photosynthesis Lab – Due on Wed 10/26

    Quiz on Unit 2.1.1-2.1.3

    Unit 2.2 Engage: Observation of a Candle – answer worksheet, pg 1

    Due today: Week 12 Packet



    Finish Chromatography Lab and Photosynthesis Lab – Due on Wed 10/26

    Finish Unit 2.2.1-2.2.2 Cellular Respiration pgs 111-115

    RAAQ Unit 2.2.2 pgs 119-123

    Do CR review questions, handout pgs 1 &2, 4, and 6 (also read documents in GC to answer questions)

    Read Cellular Respiration Lab



    Day 2 Wednesday


    In class:

    Review Cellular Respiration, correct assignments Unit 2.2.1-2.2.3

    Lab Activity: Cellular Respiration Lab

    Finish CR worksheet handout pgs 8 and 10. See GC documents to help answer

    Due today: Chromatography Lab and Photosynthesis Lab



    Finish Cellular Respiration Lab – due on Tues, 11/1

    Finish CR worksheets pgs 1,2,4,6,8,10

    Quiz on Cellular Respiration Unit 2.2-1-2.2.3 on Mon 10/31


    Week 10 10/17-10/21 Packet List – due Monday, 10/24


    Annotated and questions answered Unit 2.2.1 pgs 111-115 10 pts

  • 10/17/202210/17/2022

    M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday


    In Class:

    Go over Chromatography to Separate Pigments Lab

    Go over Light Reactions and Calvin Cycle in Photosynthesis

    Correct 2.1.3 HW pgs 101-104 and checkpoints pgs 109-110



    Evidence Notebook, finish all from Unit 2.1.1-2.1.3 - due on Tuesday

    Quiz on Tues 2.1.1-2.1.2 Photosynthesis



    Day 2 Tuesday


    In Class

    Quiz on Unit 2.1.1-2.1.2 Photosynthesis

    Edpuzzle: A Blooming History: Photosynthesis – answer questions in complete sentences in black ink



    Finish video questions: A Blooming History: Photosynthesis – due on Thurs 10/20

    Read Photosynthesis Lab – answer prelab questions, Lab on Thurs, 10/20, bring spinach leaves



    Day 3 Thursday


    In Class:

    Photosynthetic Lab – collect data and graph data, answer analysis question, due Tues 10/25



    RAAQ Unit 2.2.1 Cellular Respiration pgs 111-115

    Quiz on Unit 2.1.1 to 2.1.3 Photosynthesis - Monday 10/24


    Week 9 Oct 10-Oct 14 Packet List – due Monday, Oct 17


    Annotated and questions answered 2.1 Explore 3, pgs 101- 108 10 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 109-110    5 pts

          Total =  15 pts    

  • 10/10/202210/10/2022

    M  P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7

    W PSAT 8:30 am - 12:57 pm

    F P1-P7 Minimum Day


    Day 1 Monday, Oct 10


    In class:

    Unit 2.1.2 Photosynthesis, correct assignment

    HHMI Photosynthesis Simulation – complete worksheet in Google Classroom, due on Friday, Oct 14

    Due today: Organic Lab and Macromolecules worksheet



    Finish HHMI Photosynthesis Simulation – due on Friday, Oct 14

    Read Chromatography Lab – will do this quick lab on Friday

    EP: Spinach Leaf Photosynthesis Lab Walk-through – due on Monday, Oct 17


    Day 2 Wednesday - NO CLASS





    Day 3 Friday, Oct 14 Minimum Day


    In class:

    Set up Chromatography Lab – to separate pigments in spinach leaves, due on Monday Oct 17

    Pre-Lab for Photosynthesis Lab – Lab on Monday

    Due today: HHMI Photosynthesis Lab simulation



    Read Photosynthesis Lab – Lab on Monday; bring spinach for your experiment

    Finish/Review pgs 101-110 – just answer the questions; no need to make a model, you can sketch them instead




    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN and in pen.

    Don't forget to write in your evidence notebook.


    Week 8 Oct 4 – Oct 10 Packet List – due on Monday, Oct 10


    Annotated and questions answered 2.1 Explore 2, pgs 96-100 5 pts

         Total =  5 pts    

  • 10/03/202210/03/2022

    M P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F  P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, Oct 3


    In class:

    Correct Unit 2.1-1 Carbon in Living Things, pgs 92-95

    More on Carbon-based molecule, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids



    Finish macromolecules notes, use information on macromolecules in GC

    Read Organic Lab (go to GC) – lab on Tuesday; WEAR SHOES


    Day 2 Tuesday, Oct 4


    In class:

    Organic Macromolecules Lab today



    Finish Organic Lab –complete analysis questions

    Finish all assignments Unit 2.1.2 Matter and Energy

    Quiz on Macromolecules on Thursday


    Day 3 Thursday, Oct 6


    In class:

    Go over Organic Lab – Lab report with lab analysis is due on Mon 10/10

    Lecture on Unit 2.1.2 Matter and Energy in Photosynthesis and correct HW

    Quiz today on Macromolecules



    Review Unit 2.1.3 Photosynthesis pgs 101-106 and finish all assignments

    Do Checkpoints pgs 109-110

    Organic Lab – Lab report with lab analysis is due on Mon 10/10




    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN and in pen.

    Don't forget to write in your evidence notebook.


    Week 7 Sept 26-30 Packet List – due on Monday, 10/3


    Annotated and questions answered Unit 2 Lesson 1 Explore 1, pgs 89-94 5 pts

  • 09/26/202209/26/2022

    M P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F  P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, Sept 26


    In class:

    Unit 1 Performance Task Analyzing Red Squirrel Populations – presentations begin today



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 2 Lesson 1 Explore 2, Matter and Energy in Photosynthesis pgs 96-100

    Finish Vocab pg 88 and photosynthesis vocab chart

    Week 6 Packet – due on Tues 9/27



    Day 2 Tuesday, Sept 27


    In class:

    Unit 1 Performance Task Analyzing Red Squirrel Populations –  continue presentations

    Engage: The Martian Activity – watch video clip and answer questions

    Activity: Where does a potato plant's mass come from? – answer questions- due Thurs 9/29

    Due today: Week 6 Packet



    Finish The Martian Activity and Potato Plant's mass – due on Thurs 9/29

    Read, annotate, and answer analyze questions Model Reactions in Photosynthesis, pgs 101-105 - you can watch a video to help you



    Day 3 Thursday, Sept 29


    In class:

    Go over Carbon and Living Things - correct Unit 2 Lesson 1 Explore 1-2 assignments

    Due today: Where Mass of plant come from Activity

    Activity: HHMI Photosynthesis Interactive (handout)



    Complete HHMI Photosynthesis Interactive Activity

    Do Modeling Biochemical Compounds pgs 106-107 – you can draw instead of building the model

    Photosynthesis Lab on Tuesday

    Quiz on Tuesday on Unit 2.1.1-2.1.2




    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN in black or blue ink.



    Week 6 Sept 19-Sept 23 Packet List – due on Tuesday, 9/27


    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1 Lesson 4 Explore 3, pgs 71-72 5 pts

    Annotated Thing Explainer pgs 78-81 2 pts

    Unit 1 Practice and Review – pg 83-84 3 pts

    Total = 10 pts

  • 09/19/202209/19/2022

    W P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F  P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, Sept 19


    In class:

    Go over Lesson 4 Explore 1 and 2 Engineering in Science, correct all assignments

    CW: Lesson 4 Explore 3 Burrowing Owl, pgs 71-72

    Due on Tuesday: Week 5 Packet



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 4 Explore 3, pgs 71-72

    Read Thing Explainer pgs 78-81

    Do Unit 1 Practice and Review – pg 83-84

    Continue to work on Group Research: Unit Performance Task – due on Thurs, 9/22; presentations begin today

    Unit 1 Exam on Thurs, 9/22 (MC and Essay questions)



    Day 2 Tuesday, Sept 20


    In class:

    Due today: Week 5 packet

    Go over Lesson 4 Explore 3 Burrowing Owl, pgs 71-72

    More on Careers in Engineering

    Group work on Unit Performance Task – Analyzing Red Squirrel Population pg 82



    Finish Unit Performance Task – Analyzing Red Squirrel Population – presentations begin on Thursday

    Study for Unit 1 Exam – exam on Thurs, 9/22


    Day 3 Thursday, Sept 22


    In class:

    Unit 1 Test – Multiple Choice Questions and Short Answers

    Due today: Unit 1 Performance Task on Red Squirrels – Presentations begin today



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 2 Lesson 1 pgs 86-87, define Vocab words

    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 2 Lesson 1 Explore 1 Photosynthesis pgs 89-95

    Edpuzzle: Photosynthesis – due Tuesday, 9/27




    Week 5 Sept 12-Sept 16 Packet List – due on Tuesday, Sept 20


    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1 Lesson 3 Explore 2, pgs 53-56 5 pts

    Do Checkpoints pgs 57-58 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Lesson 4 Explore 1, pgs 59-63 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Lesson 4 Explore 2, pgs 64-70 5 pts

    Do Checkpoints – pgs 75-77 5 pts

                                              Total = 25 pts   

  • 09/12/202209/12/2022

    M         P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/Th    P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F     P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday Sept 12



    In class:

    Go over 1.3 Explore 1 Disturbances pgs 43-48 and Explore 2 Stability and Changes in Ecosystems

    Introduce 1.3 Explore 2 Succession

    Group Activity – Modeling Carrying Capacity, pg 38-39 – due on Thursday, 9/15

    Due today: Week 4 Packet and Evidence Notebook



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Lesson 3 Explore 2, pgs 53-56

    Do Checkpoints pg 57-58

    Quiz on Unit 1 Lesson 3 Explore 1-3 Thursday, 9/15

    Group Research: Unit Performance Task – due on Thursday, 9/22



    Day 2 Tuesday, Sept 13


    In class:

    Group Activity – Pogil: Succession

    Group work on Unit Performance Task – Analyzing Red Squirrel Pop pg 82– due Thursday, 9/22



    Do Lesson Self Check on pg 56 – write in your Evidence Notebook

    Read, annotate, and answer questions Lesson 4 Explore 1, pgs 59-63

    Quiz on 1.3 Explore 1-2 – Thursday, 9/15


    Day 3 Thursday, Sept 15


    In class:

    Quiz on Unit 1 Lesson 3 Explore 1-2

    Go over Lesson 4 Explore 1, pgs 59-63

    Group work on Unit Performance Task – Analyzing Red Squirrel Population pg 82



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Lesson 4 Explore 2 Engineering in Science, pgs 64-70

    Do Checkpoints – pg 75-77

    Unit 1 Test – on Thursday, 9/22

    Group work on Unit Performance Task – Analyzing Red Squirrel Pop pg 82 – due Thursday, 9/22



    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN and in pen.

    Remember to do your Evidence Notebook.



    Week 5 Sept 13-Sept 17 Packet List


    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1 Lesson 3 Explore 2, pgs 53-56              5 pts

    Do Checkpoints pg 57-58                                                                                            5 pts               

    Annotated and questions answered Lesson 4 Explore 1, pgs 59-63                         5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Lesson 4 Explore 2, pgs 64-70                         5 pts

    Do Checkpoints – pg 75-77                                                                                         5 pts

                                                                                                                                  Total = 25 pts  

  • 09/05/202209/05/2022

    T/Th  P1, P3, P5, P7

    W P2, P4, P6, P7

    F P1-P7 (Minimum Day)


    Day 1 Tuesday, Sept 6


    In class:

    Go over Lesson 2 Explore 1 and 2 Questions – populations curves: exponential, logistic, carrying capacity

    Group Activity – Pogil on Population Growth

    Video: How did we get so big?

    Due Thursday: Week 3 Packet



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Lesson 2 Explore 3, pgs 35-37

    Remember: write in your Evidence Notebook

    Finish Pogil on Population Growth, due on Thursday, 9/8

    Quiz on Unit 1 Lesson 2 Explore 1-3 on Friday, 9/9



    Day 2 Thursday, Sept 8


    In class:

    Review Carrying Capacity and correct Unit 1.2 Explore 3 HW

    Group Activity Modeling Carrying Capacity, pgs 38-39

    Start Unit 1 Lesson 3 Explore 1 Changes in Ecosystem

    Due today: Week 3 Packet



    Do Checkpoints pgs 41-42

    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 1.3 Exploration 1 Disturbances in Ecosystems pgs 43-48

    Edpuzzle – Natural Wildfires – watch the video, take notes - due 9/13

    Week 4 packet due on Tuesday, 9/13

    Quiz on Unit 1 Lesson 2 Explore 1-3 on Friday, 9/9



    Day 3 Friday, Sept 9


    In class:

    Quiz on Unit 1 Lesson 2 Explore 1-3 – today



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 1.3 Exploration 2 Stability in Ecosystems pgs 49-52

    Week 4 packet due on Tuesday, 9/13





    Refer to the handout for your annotations.

    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN.



    Week 3 Aug 29-Sept 2 Packet List


    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1  pgs 14-20, pgs 23-24 8 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1 Lesson 2 Explore 1  pgs 25-29 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1 Lesson 2 Explore 2  pgs 32-34 5 pts

    Total = 18 pts


    Week 4 Sept 5-Sept 9 Packet List


    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1. 2 Engage/Explore 3 pgs 35-37, 41-42 8 pts

    Modeling Carrying Capacity pgs 38-39 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1. 3 Engage/Explore 1 pgs 43-48  5 pts

    Edpuzzle Natural Wildfires watch video, take notes 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1.3 Exploration 2 pgs 49-52 5 pts

                                                Total = 28 pts   

  • 08/29/202208/29/2022

    M     -   P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th - P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F - P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Monday, August 29


    In class:

    Quiz on Graphing

    Scientific Method

    Correct Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1



    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 3 Analyzing Population pgs 25-29

    Read Oreo Lab; Lab on Tuesday

    Due on Tuesday, 8/30: M&M Graphing Lab


    Day 2 Tuesday, August 30


    In class:

    Review Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1-3 to prepare for Quiz – Quiz on Thursday on

    -Biosphere, Characteristics of Life, Interactions in Ecosystem

    Correct Unit 1 Lesson 1 assignments

    Lab Activity: Oreo Lab – Lab Report due on Tuesday, 9/6



    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 2 Explore 1 Analyzing Population pgs 25-29

    Study for Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1-3 for Quiz; Quiz on Thursday 9/1

    Work on Oreo Lab (graph data and answer questions)


    Day 2 Thursday, Sept 1


    In Class

    Quiz on Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1-3 today

    Review Lesson 2 Explore 1 Analyzing Population and correct answers

    Review Oreo Lab



    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 2 Explore 2 Population Growth pgs 32-34

    Oreo Lab – Lab Report due on Tuesday, 9/6

    Edpuzzle: Logistic Curve, take notes to turn in on Tuesday, 9/6


    Week 2 Sem 1 2022 TLE Packet


    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1 pgs 6-9 WB 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 2 pgs 10-13 WB 5 pts

  • 08/22/202208/22/2022

    M     -   P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/Th - P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F - P2, P4, P6, P7




    Day 1 Monday, Aug 22


    In class:

    Go over annotating article, SEEI, and evidence notebook, and Evidence Notebook

    Review Scientific Method



    Study for Safety Test, read WB XIV-XVI; Test on Th 8/25

    Unit 1 Lesson 1 – Life in Earth System Predict: Read, annotate, and answer question on pg 2 WB

    Do Driving Questions #1-4, create a KWL chart in your journal notebook

    K-what you know; W-what you want to know; L-what you learned

    Answer can you explain it? pg 5



    Day 2 Tuesday, August 23


    In class:

    Class Activity on Graphing and Analyzing Scientific Data

    Unit 1 Lesson 1 – Life in Earth System

    Correct Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1 questions, KWL



    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1 pgs 6-9

    Complete on Graphing and Analyzing Scientific Data – due on Tue



    Day 3 Thursday, August 25


    In class:

    Go over on Graphing and Analyzing Scientific Data; due today

    Correct Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1 questions, pgs 6-9

    Introduce Explore 2, 1.1.2 Biosphere

    Lab Safety Test today



    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 2, 1.1.2 pgs 10-13

  • 08/15/202208/15/2022

    Day 1 Wednesday, August 17


    In class:

    Rules and Policies



    Sign up for Google Classroom, Edpuzzle, and Quizizz

    Read handout on annotating and SEEI

    Bring notebook for evidence notebook and journals on Tuesday


    Day 2 Thursday, August 18


    In class:

    Go over annotating, and SEEI,



    Read pages xii-xiii on Claims, Evidence, and Reasoning in your TLE workbook and construct your own argument.

    Read Lab Safety and Lab Symbols – pages XIV-XVI

    Lab Safety Test on Thursday 8/25

Jan-June 2022 Assignments

  • 06/13/202206/13/2022

    M P2, P4, P6


    Monday, 6/13 Last day of School



    Bring to class: Completed Study Guide

    Help Sheet

    TLE Folder with all your HW assignments

  • 06/06/202206/06/2022

    M P1, P3, P5, P7

    T P2, P4, P6, P7, Senior Finals

    W P1, P3, P5, P7

    Th P1- P6, Finals in P7 

    F P1, P3, P5



    Day 1 Tuesday, 6/7


    In class: 

    Eye dissection



    Study for Finals – Finals on Monday, June 13

    Work on Study Guide – Finish Ch 5 to Ch 8 (Follow directions: write your answers on separate sheet)

    Finish Eyeball Dissection – Lab Report due on Thursday, June 9



    Day 2 Thursday, 6/9


    In class:

    Due: Eyeball Dissection Lab Report



    Study for Finals – Finals on Monday, June 13

    Work on Study Guide – Finish Ch 5 to Ch 8 (Follow directions: write your answers on separate sheet)

    Bring Textbook on Finals Day

  • 05/30/202205/30/2022

    M Memorial Day Holiday 

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 5/31


    In class: 

    Due today: Unit 8 Performance Task – Malformed Frogs on pg 298 – presentations begin today

    Group Presentations on Malformed Frogs




    Study for Finals – Finals on Monday, June 13

    Work on Study Guide – Do Ch 5 and Ch 6 (Follow directions: write your answers on separate sheet)

    Read Eyeball Dissection – Dissection on Friday



    Day Friday, June 6/3


    In class:

    Lab Activity: Eyeball Dissection



    Study for Finals – Finals on Monday, June 13

    Work on Study Guide – Do Ch 6 and Ch 7 (Follow directions: write your answers on separate sheet)

    Finish Eyeball Dissection Lab Report



    Week 20 Sem 2 2022 Packet – due on Wednesday 6/1


    Annotated, answered pgs 584-588 and  pgs 589-590 5 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 591-592, read pg 593 5 pts

    Read and Annotate Thing Explainer pgs 594-597 2 pts

    Do Practice Review pgs 599-600 3 pts

    Total Points =   15 pts

  • 05/23/202205/23/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 5/24


    In class: 

    Go over 8.3.1-8.3.2 Engineering Solutions– correct HW assignments 

    Continue with Chasing Coral – answer questions



    R, A, A, Q Unit 8.3.4 Human Impacts on Water pgs 584-588 and Careers in Engineering pgss 589-590

    Work on Unit 8 Performance Task – Malformed Frogs on pg 298 – due on Mon, 5/27

    Unit 8 Test on Friday, 5/27



    Day Wednesday, 5/25


    In class:

    Careers in Engineering

    Work on Performance Task



    Do Checkpoints pgs 591-592, read pg 593

    Read and Annotate Thing Explainer pgs 594-597

    Do Practice Review pgs 599-600



    Day 3 Friday, 5/27


    In class:

    Correct all 8.3 assignments

    Unit 8 Test

    Work on Unit 8 Performance Task – Malformed Frogs on pg 298 – due on Mon, 5/27 



    Finish Unit 8 Performance Task – Malformed Frogs, pg 598 – due on Mon and presentations begin today



    Week 19 Sem 2 2022 Packet – due on Wednesday 6/1


    Annotated, answered Unit 8.2.3 – 8.2.4 pgs 555-559 6 pts

    Annotated, answered Unit 8.2.5 pgs 560-566               5 pts 

    Checkpoints pgs 567-568 3 pts

    Annotated, answered Unit 8.3.1 – 8.3.2 pgs 569-580 6 pts

    Total Points =   20 pts

  • 05/16/202205/16/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 5/17


    In class: 

    Unit 8.2.1-8.2.2 Building Wildlife Corridors – correct HW assignments 

    Continue with Chasing Coral – answer questions

    Quiz on Unit 8.2.1-8.2.4 -  Fri, 5/20



    R, A, A, Q Unit 8.2.3 – 8.2.4 Introduced Species and Overhunting pgs 555-559

    Quiz on Friday on 8.1.1 - 8.1.4



    Day Wednesday, 5/18


    In class:

    Review Unit 8.2.3 – 8.2.4 Invasive Species and Overhunting



    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.2.5 Extinction of Species pgs 560-566

    Do Checkpoints pgs 567-568

    Quiz on Unit 8.2.1-8.2.4 -  Fri, 5/20



    Day 3 Friday, 5/20


    In class:

    Review Unit 8.2.4 – 8.2.5 Overhunting and Extinction of Specie

    Finish Chasing Coral Movie – complete worksheet

    Quiz on Unit 8.2.1-8.2.4 -  Fri, 5/20



    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.3.1 – 8.3.2 Engineering Solutions pgs 569-580



    Week 17 Sem 2 2022 Packet – due on Wednesday 5/11


    Annotated, answered Unit 8.1.2 Climate Change pgs 529-532 5 pts

    Annotated, answered Unit 8.1.3 – 8.1.4 pgs. 533-544             10 pts 

    Checkpoints pgs 545-546 5 pts

    Annotated, answered Unit 8.2.1 – 8.2.2 pgs 547-554 10 pts

    Total Points =   30  pts

  • 05/09/202205/09/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 5/10


    In class: 

    Continue with Unit 7 Performance Task on Identifying Cancerous Cells

    Unit 8 Ecosystems – correct HW assignments 8.1.1 -8.1.2 Ecosystems



    R, A, A, Q Unit 8.1.3 Climate Change pgs 529-532

    Quiz on Friday on 8.1.1 - 8.1.4



    Day Wednesday, 5/11


    In class:

    Unit 8.1.3 Climate Change – correct HW

    Video:  Chasing Coral, part 1



    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.1.3 – 8.1.4  Effects of Global Climate Change pgs. 537-544

    Do Checkpoints pgs 545-546

    Quiz on Friday on 8.1.1 - 8.1.4



    Day 3 Friday, 5/13


    In class:

    Go over Unit 8.1.3 and 8.1.4 Effects of Global Climate Change

    Quiz on on 8.1.1 - 8.1.4 today

    Video:  Chasing Coral, part 2



    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.2.1 – 8.2.2 Building Wildlife Corridors pgs 553-554




    Week 17 Sem 2 2022 Packet – due on Wednesday 5/11


    Annotated, answered Unit 8.1.1pgs 520-522 and do Vocab words 8 pts

    Annotated, answered pgs 524-528 5 pts

    Annotated, answered Unit 8.1.2 and 8.1.3 pgs 529-536 8 pts


    Total Points =   21 pts

  • 05/02/202205/02/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 5/3


    In class: 

    Review Unit 7.3 Homeostasis and correct assignments

    Work on Unit 7 Performance Task on Identifying Cancerous Cel



    Complete Week 16 packet – due Wed 5/4

    Unit 7 Performance Task on Identifying Cancerous Cells – due Wed 5/4

    Study for Unit 7 Test - Unit 7 Test – Wed 5/4



    Day Wednesday, 5/4


    In class:

    Unit 7 Test – today

    Week 16 packet due today

    Work on Unit Performance Task due today – presentations begin on Friday



    Read Unit 8 Ecosystem pgs 520-522 and do Vocab words

    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.1.1 Human Impacts pgs 524-528



    Day 3 Friday, 5/6


    In class:

    Unit Performance Task– presentations begin today

    Unit 8 Ecosystem: Human Impacts



    R,A,A,Q Unit 8.1.2 and 8.1.3 Climate Change pgs 529-536



    Week 16 Sem 2 2022 Packet – due on Wednesday 5/4


    Annotated, answered pg 503-508 5 pts

    Checkpoints pg 509-511 5 pts

    Read and Annotate Thing Explainer pg 512-515 5 pts

    Do Unit Practice and Review pgs 517-518 3 pts

    Total Points =   18 pts

  • 04/25/202204/25/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/26


    In class: 

    Review Unit 7.2.3 Homeostasis

    Go over Cell Membrane worksheets, correct Body Systems

    Begin Ch 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 Mechanisms of Homeostasis 



    Read 7.3.3 pg 503-508 and do Checkpoints pg 509-511

    Unit Performance Task pg 516 – due Wed 5/4

    Unit 7 Test – Wed 5/4



    Day Wednesday, 4/27


    In class:

    Review 7.3.2 – 7.3.3 and correct assignments

    Activity: Gizmos: Homeostasis – due Fri 4/29

    Work on Unit Performance Task pg 516 – Wed due 5/4



    Complete Gizmos: Homeostasis

    Unit 7 Test – Wed 5/4


    Day 3 Friday, 4/29


    In class:

    Review 7.3.2

    Due today: Gizmos: Homeostasis

    Work on Unit 7 Performance Task



    Finish Unit Performance Task – due Wed 5/4

    Read and Annotate Thing Explainer pg 512-515

    Do Unit Practice and Review pgs 517-518

    Unit 7 Test – Wed 5/4

  • 04/18/202204/18/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 


    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/19


    In class: 

    Review Unit 7.2 Cells Explore 1 and 2 Cells and Cell Membrane

    Due today: Microscope Lab



    R,A,A,Q  Unit 7.2 Explore 3 Body Systems pgs 474-479

    Do Worksheet on Cell Membrane – due on Fri 4/22

    Week 14 Packet – due on Wed 4/20


    Day Wednesday, 4/20


    In class:

    Unit 7.2 Human Body Systems and Cell Differentiation

    Correct Assignments



    R,A,A,Q Unit 7.2 Explore 4 Cell Differentiation pg 480-486

    Do Checkpoints pgs 487-488

    Finish Cell Membrane worksheet – due on Fri, 4/22


    Day 3 Friday, 4/22


    In class:

    Due today: Cell Membrane Worksheet

    Activity: Gizmos - Cells



    R,A,A,Q  Unit 7.3 Explore 1 and 2 Homeostasis pgs 489-502

    Quiz on Unit 7.2 Explore 1-4 Mon 4/25


    Week 14 Sem 2 2022 Packet – due on Wednesday 4/27


    Annotated, answered Unit 7.1 Expl 1 & 2 pgs 441-450 5 pts

    Annotated, answered Unit 7.1 Expl 3 & 4 pgs 451-460 5 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 461-462 3 pts

    Cells worksheet 5 pts

    Total Points =   18 pts

  • 04/11/202204/11/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/12


    In class: 

    Unit 7 Mitosis and Cell Cycle Explore 1 and 2 pgs 441-450

    CW: The Cell Cycle worksheet

    Activity: Mitosis Lab



    R,A,A,Q  Unit 7.1 Explore 3 pgs 451-454 and Explore 4 pgs 455-460

    Finish Mitosis Lab – Lab Report due on Fri, 4/15

    Quiz on Unit 7.1 Expore 1-4 – Fri, 4/15


    Day Wednesday, 4/13


    In class:

    Correct Unit 7.1 Explore 3 pgs 451-454 and Explore 4 pgs 455-460

    CW: The Cell Theory Worksheet

    EP: Hela Cells – due today in class

    EP: Why we haven't cured Cancer – due today in class



    Do Checkpoints pgs 461-462

    Read Microscope Lab – Lab on Fri, 4/15

    Quiz on Unit 7.1 Explre 1-4 – Fri 4/15


    Day 3 Friday, 4/15


    In class:

    Correct all Unit 7.1 assignments – Quiz today

    Due today: Mitosis Lab

    Lab Activity: Microscope Lab



    R,A,A,Q  Unit 7.2 Explore 1 and 2 Cells to Body Systems pgs 463-473

    Finish Microscope Lab report – due Tues, 4/19

    Do Cells and Cell Membrane Worksheets – due Wed, 4/20


    Week 13 Sem 2 2022 Packet – due on Wednesday 4/13


    Annotated Unit Connection and Thing Explainer pg 429-433 5 pts

    Do Unit 6 Practice Review pgs 435-436 3 pts

    Annotated, answered Unit 7.1.1 pgs 438-440 and define Vocab 5 pts

    Annotated, answered Unit 7.1.2 pgs 441-445; pgs 448-450 5 pts

    Total Points =   18 pts

  • 04/04/202204/04/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 4/5


    In class: 

    Go over Unit 6.3 Explore 1-3 Adaptive Behavior and correct HW pgs 415-426

    Correct Checkpoints pgs 427-428

    Prelab Animal Behavior using Pill bugs – lab on Wednesday, 4/6



    Read and annotate Unit Connection pg 429

    Read and annotate Thing Explainer pgs 430-433

    Unit Practice Review pgs 435-436

    Unit 6 (6.1-6.3) Exam – Friday, 4/8

    Read Animal Behavior Lab and bring 20 Pill bugs/group on Wednesday, 4/6, for our lab!



    Day Wednesday, 4/6


    In class:

    Animal Behavior Lab using Pill bugs – collect and analyze data – lab report due on Tuesday, 4/12



    Study for Unit 6 Exam – Exam on Friday, 4/8

    Finish Animal Lab report – due Tuesday, 4/12

    R,A,A,Q Unit 7 pg 438-440 and define Vocab



    Day 3 Friday, 4/8


    In class:

    Unit 6 (6.1-6.3) Exam

    Activity: Mitosis EP – due today



    R,A,A,Q  Unit 7.1 Mitosis and Cell Cycle pgs 441-445; pgs 448-450

    Finish Animal Lab report – due Tuesday, 4/12



    Week 12 Sem 2 2022 Packet – due on Wednesday 4/6


    Annotated, answered Unit 6.2 Explore 4 and 5 pgs 401-407 5 pts

    Hands-on Activity – Anole Lizard Evolution pgs 408-409 10 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 410-412 3 pts

    Annotated, answered Unit 6.3 Explore 1-3 pgs 413-42610 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 427-428 3 pts

    Total Points =   31 pts

  • 03/28/202203/28/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 


    Day 1 Tuesday, 3/29


    In class: 

    Unit 6.2 Explore 3 and 4 Effects of Gene Flow and go over Evolution worksheets

    Due today: Gizmos: Selection, Week 11 Packet, Evolution worksheets (3 sheets)

    Also due today: Unit 5 Evidence Notebook



    R,A,A,Q  Unit 6.2 Evolution of Population Explore 4 and 5 Gene Flow pgs 401-407

    Quiz on Unit 6.2 Explore 1-5 on Friday, 4/1


    Day  Wednesday, 3/30


    In class:

    Go over Unit 6.2 Evolution of Population Explore 4 and 5, correct assignments

    Hands-on Activity – Hands-on Activity – Anole Lizard Evolution



    Hands-on Activity – Hands-on Activity – Anole Lizard Evolution

    Edpuzzle: Anole Lizard Evolution – due on Friday

    Do Checkpoints pgs 410-412



    Day 3 Friday, 4/1


    In class:

    Go over Anole Lizard Evolution

    Quiz on Unit 6.2 Explore 1-5



    R,A,A,Q  Unit 6.3 Explore 1 and 2 Adaptive Behavior pgs 415-418 do

    Read Animal Behavior Lab and bring 20 pill bugs/group next Tuesday for our lab!



    Week 11 Sem 2 2022 Packet – due on Wednesday 3/30


    Annotated, answered Unit 6.2 Explore 1 and 2 pgs 389-395, 396--398 6 pts

    Annotated, answered Unit 6.2 Explore 3 and 4 pgs 399-403 6 pts


    Total Points =   12 pts

  • 03/21/202203/21/2022

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7 

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Wednesday, 3/23


    In class: 


    Go over Karyotyping

    Student presentations – genetic mutations

    Unit 6.2 Evolution of Population 

    Due today: Karyotype Lab, Week 9 Packet, Brochure on Genetic Mutations



    R,A,A,Q  Unit 6.2 Evolution of Population Explore 1 and 2 pgs 389-395, 396--398



    Day 2 Friday, 3/25


    In class:

    Go over Unit 6.2 Selection in Peppered Moths Explore 1 and 2, correct assignments

    Gizmos: Mutations and Selection



    R,A,A,Q  Unit 6.2 Explore 3 and 4 Selection in Peppered Moth Explore 3 pgs 399-403

    Finish Gizmos: Mutations and Selection – due Tue 3/29



    Week 9 Sem 2 2022 Packet – due on Wednesday 3/23


    Annotated, answered Unit 6.1 Explore 2 pgs 378-380 3 pts

    Annotated, answered Unit 6.1 Explore 3 pgs 381-384 3 pts

    Data Analysis on CCR5 on pgs 385-386 3 pts

    Do Checkpoints pgs 387-388 5 pts

    Total Points =   14 pts

  • 03/14/202203/14/2022

    Just a friendly remember:

    HASPI Karyotype to Diagnose Chromosomal Disorder – due on Wednesday 3/23

    Research a Genetic Mutation and Create a Brochure – due on Wednesday 3/23


    Week 9 Sem 2 2022 Packet – due on Wednesday 3/23

    Annotated, answered Unit 6.1 Explore 2 pgs 378-380                                            3 pts

    Annotated, answered Unit 6.1 Explore 3 pgs 381-384                                            3 pts

    Data Analysis on CCR5 on pgs 385-386                                                                             3 pts

    Do Checkpoints pgs 387-388                                                                                                  5 pts

                                                                                                                                  Total Points =   14 pts



  • 03/07/202203/07/2022

    M/W P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7 

    Fri P2, P4, P6, P7 


    Day 1 Tuesday, 3/8


    In class: 


    Unit 6.1 Explore 1 Mutation and Diversity

    CW: R,A,A,Q 6.1 Explore 2 pgs 378-380

    Continue with group presentations on PKU



    R,A,A,Q 6.1 Explore 3 pgs 381-384

    Go over mutations worksheet – due today

    Quiz on 6.1 Explore 1-3 on Fri 3/11

    Project: Research a Genetic Mutation and Create a Brochure – due Tue, 3/22


    Day 2 Thursday, 3/10


    In class:

    Review 6.1 Explore 1-3, correct assignments

    Activity: HASPI Karyotype to Diagnose Chromosomal Disorder – due on Tues 3/22

    Data Analysis on CCR5 on pgs 385-386



    Do Checkpoints pgs 387-388

    Study for Quiz – quiz on Fri 3/11

    Work on Genetic Mutations Brochure


    Day 3 Friday, 3/11


    In class:

    Quiz on 6.1 Explore 1-3

    Finish Karyotype to Diagnose Chromosomal Disorder – due on Tues 3/22



    Finish Genetic Mutations Brochure – due on Tue 3/22


    Week 8 Sem 2 2022 Packet


    Annotated Thing Explainer pgs 360-363 5 pts

    Practice Review pgs 365-366 3 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 6.1 Explore 1 pgs 367-377 5 pts

    Do Vocab pgs 369-370 5 pts

    Total Points =   18 pts

  • 02/28/202202/28/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W P1-P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Tuesday, 3/1


    In class: 


    Get Ready for Unit 5 Test

    R,A,A,Q Thing Explainer pgs 360-363 Thing Explainer

    Do Practice Review pgs 365-366




    Study for Unit 5.1-5.5 Exam on Friday, 3/4

    Finish Performance Task: PKU – due on 3/1 Presentations begin


    Day 2 Wednesday, 3/2


    In class:

    Performance Task – Genetic Mutation PKY pg 364, presentations begin today



    Study for Unit 5 Exam; Exam on Friday 3/4



    Day 3 Friday, 3/4


    In class:

    Unit 5 Exam today

    Continue with Performance Task: PKU presentations



    R,A,A,Q Unit 6.1 Explore 1 pgs 367-377

    Do Vocab pgs 369-370


    Week 7 Sem 2 2022 Packet


    Annotated, answered questions Unit 5.5 Expl 3 pgs 347-348 5 pts

    Annotated, answered questions Unit 5.5 Expl 4 pgs 349-356 5 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 357-358 5 pts

    Total Points =   15 pts

  • 02/21/202202/21/2022

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7 


    Day 1 Wednesday, 2/23


    In class: 


    Review Unit 5.5 Expl 1 Gene Expression and Regulation, correct assignments

    CW: R,A,A,Q Unit 5.5 Expl 2 Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes

    Due today – Gizmos: Protein Synthesis




    Finish R,A,A,Q Unit 5.5 Expl 2 Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes

    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.5 Expl 3 Factors that influence Gene Expression pg 342-348

    Continue to work on Performance Task: PKU – due on 3/1 Presentations begin


    Day 2 Friday, 2/25


    In class:


    Correct 5.5 Expl 1-3 assignments 

    Introduce 5.5 Expl 4 Genetic Engineering; discuss CRISPR

    Group Project: Performance Task – Genetic Mutation Phenylketonuria pg 364, due on Tue 3/1



    R,A,A,Q 5.5 Expl 4 Gene Expression pgs 349-356

    Do Checkpoints pgs 357-358

    Finish Group Project: Performance Task – Genetic Mutation Phenylketonuria pg 364, due on Tue 3/1


    Week 6 Sem 2 2022 Packet


    Gizmos: Protein Synthesis 10 pts

    Annotated, answered questions 5.5 Expl 1 pgs 337-346   5 pts

      Total = 15 pts



    Name______________________________________________ Per______    Date_____________



    Week 6 Sem 2 2022 Packet

    Gizmos: Protein Synthesis 10 pts

    Annotated, answered questions 5.5 Expl 1 pgs 337-346   5 pts

      Total = 15 pts




    Name______________________________________________ Per______    Date_____________



    Week 6 Sem 2 2022 Packet

    Gizmos: Protein Synthesis 10 pts

    Annotated, answered questions 5.5 Expl 1 pgs 337-346   5 pts

      Total = 15 pts



    Name______________________________________________ Per______    Date_____________



    Week 6 Sem 2 2022 Packet

    Gizmos: Protein Synthesis 10 pts

    Annotated, answered questions 5.5 Expl 1 pgs 337-346   5 pts

      Total = 15 pts



    Name______________________________________________ Per______    Date_____________



    Week 6 Sem 2 2022 Packet

    Gizmos: Protein Synthesis 10 pts

    Annotated, answered questions 5.5 Expl 1 pgs 337-346   5 pts

      Total = 15 pts



    Name______________________________________________ Per______    Date_____________


    Week 6 Sem 2 2022 Packet

    Gizmos: Protein Synthesis 10 pts

    Annotated, answered questions 5.5 Expl 1 pgs 337-346   5 pts

      Total = 15 pts

  • 02/14/202202/14/2022

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7 



    Day 1 Wednesday, 2/16


    In class: 

    Review and correct assignments Unit 5.4 Expl 1-4 Transcription, Translation, and Mutations

    CW: Translation and Mutations

    Finish Gizmos: RNA and Protein Synthesis –due on Friday 2/18

    Due on Friday – Week 5 packet



    Finish Gizmos: RNA and Protein Synthesis –due on Friday 2/18

    Finish worksheets on mutations

    Quiz on Unit 5.4 Exp 1-4, Friday 2/18



    Day 2 Friday, 2/18


    In class:

    Week 5 packet due

    Correct all assignments on mutations

    Group Project: Performance Test – Genetic Mutation Phenylketonuria pg 364, due on Tue 3/1



    Group Project: Performance Test – Genetic Mutation Phenylketonuria pg 364, due on Tue 3/1

    R,A,A,Q 5.5 Expl 1 Gene Expression pgs 337-346

  • 02/07/202202/07/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W P1, P3, P5, P7 (Banking Day)

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7 


    Day 1 Tuesday, 2/8


    In class: 

    Due today: Week 4 Packet, Strawberry DNA Lab Analysis, Gizmos:DNA Replication

    5.3 Expl 3-4 Quiz

    Unit 5.4 Explore 1 Protein Synthesis



    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.4 Expl 1 Explore 1 Protein Synthesis, pgs 317-324


    Day 2 Wednesday, 2/9


    In class:

    Review 5.4 Expl 1 Explore 1 Protein Synthesis, pgs 317-324, correct HW assignments

    Activity: Protein Synthesis



    R,A,A,Q 5.4 Expl 2 Modeling Protein Synthesis Mutations pgs 325-227


    Day 3 Friday, 2/11


    In class:

    Quiz on 5.4 Expl 1-2

    Review 5.4 Expl 2 Modeling Protein Synthesis, correct HW assignments

    R,A,A,Q 5.4 Expl 3 Transcription pgs 328-329

    Activity: Mutations


    Finish 5.4 Expl 2 Modeling Practice pgs

    R,A,A,Q 5.4 Expl 3 Transcription pgs 328-329 and Expl 4 Translation pgs 330-334

    Do Checkpoints pgs 335-336


    Week 3 Sem 2 Packet – must be corrected

    Annotated, answered questions 5.3 Explore 4 pgs 308-311; 5 pts

    Strawberry Lab Analysis pgs 312-314 3 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 315-316 5 pts

    Total = 13 pts

  • 01/31/202201/31/2022

    M/W P1, P3, P5, P7

    T/Th P2, P4, P6, P7 (Thursday - Open House)

    F P1, P3, P5, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 2/1


    In class: 

    Due today: Week 3 Packet, Punnett Squares worksheets, and Baby Face Lab

    Unit 5.3 Explore 1 and 2 DNA Structure and Function

    Gizmos Activity: DNA Replication



    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.3 Explore 4 DNA Replication pgs 308-311; skip Explore 3

    Read Strawberry Lab pg 312 – Lab on Thurs (bring strawberries)

    Complete Gizmos Activity: DNA Replication – due on Fri @ 8 am

    Day 2 Thursday, 2/3 (Open House)


    In class:

    Review 5.3 Explore 4 DNA Replication, correct HW

    Lab Activity: Strawberry DNA Lab



    Do Checkpoints pgs 315-316

    Finish Gizmos: DNA Replication – due on Tue 2/8 

    Complete Strawberry DNA Lab Analysis, pgs 315-316 – due on Tues 2/8


    Week 3 Sem 2 Packet – must be corrected


    Annotated, answered questions 5.2 pgs 284-292 5 pts

    Annotated Careers in Science pgs 293-294 2 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 295-296 5 pts

    Annotated, answered questions – 5.3 Explore 1 & 2 pgs 297-305 5 pts

    Total = 17 pts


    Punnett Squares Assignments – will be different packet and due on Tuesday, 2/1

  • 01/24/202201/24/2022

    M/T P1, P3, P5, P7

    W Banking Day P1-P7

    Th/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, 1/25


    In class: 

    Review Unit 5.2 Explore 1 & 2, correct assignments

    Work on Punnett Squares

    Due today: Week 2 Packet and Chromatin Structure Activity



    R,A,A,Q Unit 5.2 Explore 3 Traits and Probability, pgs 284-292, Traits and Probability

    Continue working on Punnett Squares worksheet

    Quiz on on Unit 5.2 Explore 1-3 - Fri, 1/28  


    Day 2 Wednesday, 1/26


    In class:

    Review 5.2 Explore 3 Traits and Probability

    Do more Punnett Squares: monohybrid and dihybrid crosses and word genetic word problems.



    R,A,A,Q  Careers in Science pg 293-294

    Do Checkpoints pgs 295-296

    Finish Punnett Squares – due on Fri 1/29 


    Day 3 Friday, 1/28


    In class:

    Review 5.2 Explore 1-3 Mendel, Traits and Probability and correct assignments

    Quiz on 5.2 Explore 1-3



    R,A,A,Q  5.3 Explore 1 & 2 

    Finish all assignments – all due on Tues

    Keep up with your Evidence Notebook  




    Week 2 Sem 2 Packet

    Annotated, answered questions 5.1 Explore 3 pg 271-277 5 pts

    Do Checkpoints pgs 273-274 5 pts

    Annotated, answered questions – 5.2 Explore 1 Mendel pg 275-279 5 pts

    Annotated, answered questions – 5.2 Explore 2 pgs 280-283 5 pts

    Total = 20 pts

  •  01/17/202201/17/2022

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Wednesday, 1/19


    In class: 

    Review Unit 5.1 Explore 2 and correct assignments 

    Lecture on 5.1 Explore 3 Independent Assortment

    CW: 5.1 Explore 3 pg 271-277



    R,A,A,Q Gene duplication and Gene Variation pgs 271-277

    Do Checkpoints pgs 273-274

    Do worksheet on Mendel's Genetics Terminology

    Week 1 Packet – due on Fri



    Day 2 Friday, 1/21


    In class:

    Review 5.1 Explore 3 Independent Assortment

    Go over Terminology and Punnett Squares

    CW: R,A,A,Q 5.2 Explore 1 Mendel pg 275-279 and more practice on Punnett Squares



    R,A,A,Q  5.2 Explore 2 Genes, Alleles, and Traits pgs 280-283

    Practice more on Punnett Squares

    Quiz on Tues - 5.1 Explore 2-3  

  • 01/10/202201/10/2022

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Tuesday, Jan 11


    In class: 

    Go over Unit 5 Mechanisms of Inheritance 

    Discuss Cell Cycle: Meiosis



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 5 - pgs 255-256

    Do vocab page 257-258

    Edpuzzle: Meiosis



    Day 2 Wednesday, Jan 12


    In class:

    Unit 5.1 Meiosis

    Activity: Gizmos Meiosis, do part A



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – 5.1 Explore 1 Meiosis pgs 259-262

    Complete Gizmos: Meiosis A & B

    Quiz on Friday - 5.1 Explore 1 and vocab



    Day 3 Friday, Jan 14


    In class:

    Go over Unit 5.1 Explore 1 and correct assignments

    Complete Gizmos: Meiosis A, B, C

    Quiz today



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – 5.1 Explore 2 Process of Meiosis pgs 263-265

    Complete Gizmos: Meiosis A-C and answer questions, due on Tues, 1/18

Aug-Dec 2021 Assignments

  • 12/13/202112/13/2021

    Monday P1, P3, P5, P7 – regular schedule

    Tuesday P1-P7 Final Exam in P7 only

    Wednesday P1, P3, P5 Final Exam

    Thursday P2, P4, P6 Final Exam

    Friday No School Winter Break Begins



    Day 1 Tuesday, Dec 14 10:54 am -11:30 am


    In class:

    Review for Finals



    Study for Finals, Units 1-4 – Finals on Thursday

    Finish Study Guide for Finals


    Day 2 Thursday, Dec 16 10:24 am – 11:56 am


    Due today: – Study Guide

    Final Exam – Units 1-4

    Happy Holidays

    Enjoy your Winter Break!

  • 12/06/202112/06/2021

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W –  Banking Day, P1-P7

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, Dec 7


    In class:

    Unit 4 Performance Task – presentations begin today

    Due today: Week 16 Packet; Investigating Genetic Diversity Lab

    Upload your Unit 4 Performance Task ppt in GC



    Study for Unit 4 Test – Test on Friday

    Work on Study Guide for finals

    Finals on Tuesday 12/14 and Thursday, 12/16

    Unit 4 Evidence Notebook – due on Friday, 12/10



    Day 2 Wednesday, Dec 8


    In class:

    Unit 4 Performance Task – presentations continue

    Work on Study Guide for finals



    Study for Unit 4 Test – Test on Friday

    Work on Study Guide for finals

    Finals on Tuesday 12/14 and Thursday, 12/16

    Unit 4 Evidence Notebook – due on Friday, 12/10



    Day 3 Friday, Dec 10


    In class:

    Unit 4 Test

    Due today: Unit 4 Evidence Notebook 



    Work on Study Guide for finals

    Finals on Tuesday 12/14 and Thursday, 12/16



    Week 16 Nov 29-Dec 3 Packet List – due on Tuesday, 12/7

    Data Analysis, annotated, and answered questions pgs 243-244 10 pts

    Checkpoint pgs 245-246 and unit connection pg 247 5 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Thing Explainer pgs 248-251 5 pts

     Unit Practice and Review pgs 253-254 5 pts

      Total = 25 pts   

  • 11/29/202111/29/2021

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W –  Banking Day, P1-P7

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, Nov 30


    In class:

    Review Unit 4.3 Explore 1, 2 and 3 Natural Selection

    Sign up for Gizmos Explore Learning Account: Class code is CXKRPH

    Activity: Evolution: Mutation and Selection – due on Fri 12/3

    Due today: Week 14 Packet



    Do Data Analysis and Read, annotate, and answer questions pgs 243-244

    Do Checkpoint pgs 245-246 and unit connection pg 247

    Work on Unit 4 Performance Task pg 252 – due on Mon 12/6

    Work on Biome Bottle – due Dec 8

    Quiz on Friday, Dec 3



    Day 2 Wednesday, Dec 1


    In class:

    Lab Activity: Look for Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria Lab

    Work on Unit 4 Performance Task – pg 252



    Read, annotate, and answer Thing Explainer pgs 248-251

    Do Unit Practice and Review pgs 253-254

    Complete Activity: Evolution: Mutation and Selection – due on Fri 12/3

    Work on Unit 4 Performance Task pg 252 – due on Tues 12/7



    Day 3 Friday, Dec 3


    In class:

    Quiz on Unit 4.3 Explore 1,2,3

    Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria Lab – make observations and look for resistant bacteria

    Work on Unit 4 Performance Task pg 252 – due on Tues 12/7



    Finish Unit 4 Performance Task pg 252 – presentations begin on Tues 12/7

    Bacteria Lab Report – due on Tues 12/7

    Work on your Biome Bottle – due Dec 8

    Unit 4 Exam on Friday 12/10



    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN and in pen.

    Don't forget to write in your evidence notebook.



    Week 14 Nov 22 - Nov 26 Packet List – due on Tuesday, Nov 30


    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.2 Explore 3 pgs 220-2265 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.3 Explore 1 pgs 227-230 10 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.3 Explore 2 pgs 231-236 5 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.3 Explore 3 pgs 237-242 5 pts

      Total = 25 pts   

  • 11/22/202111/22/2021

    Reminder: Please complete HW on pgs 237-242 and CW on pgs 228-230 from Friday 11/19/21 – due on 11/30

        Complete Biome Bottle – Due on 12/6 


    Week 14 Nov 22 - Nov 26 Packet List – due on Tuesday, Nov 30


    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.2 Explore 3 pgs 220-2265 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.3 Explore 1 pgs 227-230 10 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.3 Explore 2 pgs 231-236 5 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.3 Explore 3 pgs 237-242 5 pts

      Total = 25 pts   

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

  • 11/15/202111/15/2021

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W –  Banking Day, P1-P7

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, Nov 16


    In class:

    Review Unit 4.2 Explore 1 and 2 Evidence of Evolution

    Quiz on Unit 4.1 Explore 1-3

    Activity: Pogil Evolution

    Due today: Week 13 Packet; Fossil Lab



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 4.2 Explore 3 pgs 220-226

    Work on Biome Bottle – due Dec 8



    Day 2 Wednesday, Nov 17


    In class:

    Review Unit 4.2 Explore 3 Evidence of Evolution

    CW: Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 4.3 Explore 1 Modeling Natural Selection pgs 227-230



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 4.3 Explore 2 Natural Selection pgs 231-236



    Day 3 Friday, Nov 19


    In class:

    Review Unit 4.3 Explore 1 &2 Natural Selection

    CW: Activity on Natural Selection



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 4.3 Explore 3 Natural Selection pgs 237-242

    Work on your Biome Bottle – due Dec 8




    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN and in pen.

    Don't forget to write in your evidence notebook.



    Week 13 Nov 8 - Nov 12 Packet List – due on Tuesday, Nov 9


    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.1 Expl 2 pgs 196-198; Expl 3 pgs 199-202 5 pts

    Do Data Analysis pgs 206-208 5 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.2 Explore 1 & 2 pgs 211-2195 pts

      Total = 15 pts

  • 11/08/202111/08/2021

    M/W       P1, P3, P5, P7

    Thursday – Veteran's day, No School

    T/F           P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, Nov 9


    In class:

    Unit 3 Performance Task pg 184 – oral presentations begin today; ppt due today in Google Classroom

    Due today: Week 12 Packet



    Work on Biome Bottle – due Dec 8

    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 4.1 Explore 2 pgs 196-198; Explore 3 pgs 199-202

    Do Data Analysis pgs 206-208



    Day 2 Friday, Nov 12


    In class:

    Correct 4.1 Explore 2 & 3 Fossils as Evidence

    Activity: Fossils Lab



    Complete Fossils Lab – due on Tues 11/16

    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 4.2 Explore 1 & 2 pgs 211-219




    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN and in pen.

    Don't forget to write in your evidence notebook.



    Week 12 Nov 8 - Nov 12 Packet List – due on Tuesday, Nov 16


    Annotated Thing Explainer pg 180-183 and practice review pg 185-186                                          5 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 4.1 Evolution pg 187-195                                                   5 pts

                                                                                                                                                                        Total = 10 pts   

  • 11/01/202111/01/2021

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Wednesday, Nov 3


    In class:

    Go over Unit 3.2 Cycling of Matter and Human Impact; correct assignments

    Post-lab - Biomagnification Lab

    Due today: Week 11 packet, Biomagnification Lab

    Unit 3 Performance Task pg 184  – due on Monday, 11/8


    Quiz today



    Work on Unit 3 Performance Task pg 184

    Do Thing Explainer pg 180-183 and practice review pg 185-186

    Unit 3 Exam on Friday, 11/5



    Day 2 Friday, Nov 5


    In class:

    Unit 3 Exam – MC and Essay questions

    Group work on Unit 3 Performance Task, pg 184 



    Finish Unit 3 Performance Task, pg 184 – presentations begin on Monday, 11/8

    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 4.1 Evolution pg 187-195




    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN and in pen.

    Don't forget to write in your evidence notebook.



    Week 11 Oct 25 – Oct 29 Packet List – due on Wednesday, Nov 3


    Annotated and answered questions Unit 3.2 Cycles of Matter pgs 159-168 5 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 3.2 Explore 3 Human Impact pgs 171-173 5 pts

    Careers in Science pgs 174-175 2 pts

    Checkpoint pgs 177-178 3 pts

        Total = 15 pts

  • 10/25/202110/25/2021

    Day 1 Tuesday, Oct 26


    In class:

    30 mins: Work on Energy Transfer Pogil Activity

    60 mins: Create a 3-D Pyramid of Energy, Mass, Numbers

    Due today: Week 10 packet



    Finish 3-D Pyramid – due Friday, 10/29

    Finish Energy Transfer Activity – due Friday, 10/29

    Do Checkpoints pgs 157-158

    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 3.2 Cycles of Matter pgs 159-168



    Day 2 Wednesday, Oct 27 – Banking Day, P1-P7


    In class:

    Work on Nutrient Cycles Pogil Activity – due on Friday, Oct 29



    Finish Nutrient Cycle Activity

    Read Biomagnification Lab – Lab on Fri, 10/29 and answer review questions on separate sheet 



    Day 3 Friday, Oct 29


    In class:

    Biomagnification Lab

    Correct HW assignments

    Due today: 3-D Pyramid, Energy Transfer Pogil, Nutrient Cycles Pogil,



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 3.2 Explore 3 Human Impact pgs 171-173

    Read Careers in Science pgs 174-175

    Do Checkpoint pgs 177-178

    Finish HASPI Biomagnification Lab – Lab on Wednesday, 11/3

    Quiz on Tues, 11/2



    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN and in pen.

    Don't forget to write in your evidence notebook.



    Week 10 Oct 18 – Oct 22 Packet List – due on Tuesday, 10/29


    Annotated and answered questions Unit 3.1 pg 140, Explore 1 pgs 144-147 5 pts

    Annotated and answered questions Unit 3.1 Explore 2 Distribution of Energy pgs 148-153 5 pts

        Total = 10 pts

  • 10/18/202110/18/2021

    M/Th       P1, P3, P5, P7

    W              P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/F           P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, Oct 19


    In class:

    Review Cellular Respiration and CR Lab - correct assignments

    Unit 2 Performance Task group project – presentation begins today

    Due today – Week 9 Packet, Evidence Notebook (Unit 2), Unit 2 Performance Task ppt presentation (please upload in GC)



    Study for Unit 2 Exam – Exam on Wednesday



    Day 2 Wednesday, Oct 20 – Banking Day, P1-P7


    In class:

    Unit 2 Exam – CR and PR



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 3.1 Changes in Ecosystems pg 140, Explore 1 pgs 144-147

    Define vocab pgs 141-142



    Day 3 Friday, Oct 22


    In class:

    Go over Unit 3.1 Changes in Ecosystems, correct assignments



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 3.1 Explore 2 Distribution of Energy pgs 148-153

    Read HASPI Biomagnification Lab – Lab on Tuesday, Oct 26




    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN and in pen.

    Don't forget to write in your evidence notebook.



    Week 9 Oct 11 – Oct 15 Packet List – due on Tuesday, 10/19


    Annotated a Thing Explainer pgs 132-135                           5 pts

    Unit Practice and Review pgs 137-138                                  5 pts

                                                                                                Total = 10 pts   

  • 10/11/202110/11/2021

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W PSAT 08:30 am – 12:52 pm

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, Oct 12


    In class:

    Review Photosynthesis: Light Reactions and Calvin Cycle

    Review Cellular Respiration - correct assignments

    Work on Unit 2 Performance Task group project – if time permits

    Quiz – Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

    Due today – Week 8 Packet, Photosynthesis Lab



    Continue to work on Unit 2 Performance Task

    Read and annotate Thing Explainer pgs 132-135

    Do Unit Practice and Review pgs 137-138

    Read Cellular Respiration Lab – Lab on Friday, 10/15 (wear shoes please)



    Day 2 Wednesday - NO CLASS





    Continue to work on Unit 2 Performance Task

    Read and annotate Thing Explainer pgs 132-135

    Do Unit Practice and Review pgs 137-138

    Read Cellular Respiration Lab – Lab on Friday, 10/15 (wear shoes please)


    Day 3 Friday, Oct 15


    In class:

    Correct Unit 2 assignments

    Lab Activity: Cellular Respiration Lab



    Graph and analyze lab data – Cellular Respiration Lab due on Wed, 10/20

    Finish Group Project Unit 2 Performance Task, pg 136 – due on Tues 10/19, presentations begin on Tuesday

    Unit 2 Exam on Wednesday, 10/20




    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN and in pen.

    Don't forget to write in your evidence notebook.



    Week 8 Oct 4 – Oct 8 Packet List – due on Tuesday, 10/12


    Annotated and questions answered 2.2 Explore 1, pgs 111-114 3 pts

    Annotated and answered questions 2.2 Explore 3, pgs 119-122 3 pts

    Annotated and answered questions 2.2 Explore 4, pgs 123, 126-1285 pts

    Do Checkpoint pgs 129-130; annotated pg 131 4 pts

      Total = 15 pts    

  • 10/04/202110/04/2021

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, Oct 5


    In class:

    Lab Activity – Photosynthesis Lab

    Go over Chromatography Paper

    Due today: Week 7 Packet, Chromatography Paper



    Finish Photosynthesis Lab – answer questions, analyze and graph data – due on Friday, 10/8

    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 2 Lesson 2 Explore 1 pgs 111-114

    Quiz on Wednesday, Oct 6



    Day 2 Wednesday, Oct 6


    In class:

    Go over Photosynthesis Lab and 2.2 Explore 1 Cellular Respiration

    Quiz on 2.1 Photosynthesis, Explore 1-2




    Read, annotate, and answer questions 2.2 Explore 3 Cellular Respiration pgs 119-122

    Skip 2.2 Explore 2

    Finish Photosynthesis Lab – due on Friday, 10/8


    Day 3 Friday, Oct 8


    In class:

    Go over Cellular Respiration

    Correct Unit 2 Lesson 2 assignments

    Activity: Cellular Respiration

    Due today: Photosynthesis Lab



    Read, annotate, and answer questions 2.2 Explore 4 Applications in Wastewater Treatment pgs 123, 124-128

    Do Checkpoints pgs 129-131

    Unit 2.2 Cellular Respiration Quiz – Quiz on Tuesday

    Group Project - Unit 2 Performance Task, pg 136 – due on pg 136




    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN and in pen.

    Don't forget to write in your evidence notebook.



    Week 7 Sept 27-Oct 1 Packet List – due on Tuesday, 10/4


    Annotated and questions answered Unit 2 Lesson 1 Explore 2, pgs 96-100 5 pts

    Photosynthesis vocab chart 2 pts

    Annotated and answered analyze questions Model Reactions in Photosynthesis, pgs 101-105 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Modeling Biochemical Compounds pgs 106-107 3 pts

    Check for Understanding, pgs 109-110 5 pts

                                                      Total = 20 pts    

  • 09/27/202109/27/2021

    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, Sept 28


    In class:

    Engage: The Martian Activity – watch video clip and answer questions, due today

    Activity: Where does a potato plant's mass come from? – answer questions- due Wednesday

    Due today: Week 6 Packet



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 2 Lesson 1 Explore 2, pgs 96-100

    Finish Vocab pg 88 and photosynthesis vocab chart 



    Day 2 Wednesday, Sept 29


    In class:

    Wrap-up: Where Mass of plant come from Activity

    Read Pigments worksheet (handout) and answer questions




    Read, annotate, and answer analyze questions Model Reactions in Photosynthesis, pgs 101-105 - you can watch a video instead

    Read Chromatography Lab – Lab on Friday, bring spinach leaves



    Day 3 Friday, Oct 1


    In class:

    Correct Unit 2 Lesson 1 assignments

    Due today: Where Mass of plant come from Activity

    Lab Activity: Chromatography to separate plant pigments

    Activity: HHMI Photosynthesis Interactive (handout)



    Complete HHMI Photosynthesis Interactive Activity

    Do Modeling Biochemical Compounds pgs 106-107 – you can draw instead of building the model

    Do Lesson Self Check pg 108, write in your evidence notebook

    Check for Understanding, pgs 109-110

    Quiz on Tuesday on Unit




    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN and in pen.



    Week 6 Sept 20-Sept 24 Packet List – due on Tuesday, 9/28


    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1 Lesson 4 Explore 3, pgs 71-72 5 pts

    Annotated Thing Explainer pgs 78-81 2 pts

    Unit 1 Practice and Review – pg 82-84 3 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 2 Lesson 1 pgs 86-87 5 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Unit 2 Lesson 1 Explore 1  pgs 89-95 5 pts

                                              Total = 20 pts    

  • 09/20/202109/20/2021


    M/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/F P2, P4, P6, P7



    Day 1 Tuesday, Sept 21


    In class:

    Go over Lesson 4 Explore 1 and 2 Engineering in Science, correct all assignments

    CW: Lesson 4 Explore 3 Burrowing Owl, pgs 71-72

    Group work on Unit Performance Task – Analyzing Red Squirrel Population pg 82

    Due today: Week 5 Packet



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 4 Explore 3, pgs 71-72

    Read Thing Explainer pgs 78-81

    Do Unit 1 Practice and Review – pg 82-84

    Continue to work on Group Research: Unit Performance Task – due on Friday, 9/24

    Unit 1 Exam on Wednesday (MC and Essay questions)



    Day 2 Wednesday, Sept 22


    In class:

    Unit 1 Test – Multiple Choice Questions and Short Answers



    Finish Group work on Unit Performance Task – Analyzing Red Squirrel Population – presentations begin on Friday

    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 2 Lesson 1 pgs 86-87, define Vocab words

    Edpuzzle: Photosynthesis – due Tuesday, 9/27



    Day 3 Friday, Sept 24


    In class:

    Due today: Unit 1 Performance Task on Red Squirrels Presentations pg 82

    Unit 2 Explore 1 Photosynthesis



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 2 Lesson 1 Explore 1 Photosynthesis pgs 89-95

    Week 6 packet due on Tuesday, 9/27




    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN and in pen.



    Week 5 Sept 13-Sept 17 Packet List – due on Tuesday, 9/21


    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1 Lesson 3 Explore 2, pgs 49-55 5 pts

    Do Checkpoints pg 57-585 pts

    Annotated and questions answered Lesson 4 Explore 1, pgs 59-63 5 pts

    and Careers in Engineering, pgs 73-74 1 pt

    Annotated and questions answered Lesson 4 Explore 2, pgs 64-70 5 pts

    Do Checkpoints – pg 75-77 4 pts

                                              Total = 25 pts    

  • 09/13/202109/13/2021

    M/Th   P1, P3, P5, P7

    W          P1-P7 Banking Day

    T/F        P2, P4, P6, P7


    Day 1 Tuesday, Sept 14


    In class:

    Go over 1.3 Explore 1 Disturbances pgs 43-48

    Introduce 1.3 Explore 2 Succession

    Group Activity – Pogil: Succession

    Due today: Week 4 Packet and Modeling Carrying Capacity, pgs 38-39



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Lesson 3 Explore 2, pgs 49-55

    Due on Friday: Evidence Notebook

    Quiz on Unit 1 Lesson 3 Explore 1-3 Friday

    Group Research: Unit Performance Task – due on Friday, 9/24


    Day 2 Wednesday, Sept 15


    In class:

    Group work on Unit Performance Task – Analyzing Red Squirrel Population pg 82



    Do Lesson Self Check on pg 56 – write in your Evidence Notebook; notebook due on Thursday

    Do Checkpoints pg 57-58

    Read, annotate, and answer questions Lesson 4 Explore 1, pgs 59-63

    Careers in Engineering pg 73-74

    Quiz on Friday 1.3 Explore 1-2


    Day 3 Friday, Sept 17


    In class:

    Due today: Evidence Notebook

    Quiz on Unit 1 Lesson 3 Explore 1-2

    Go over Lesson Explore 1, pgs 59-63

    Group work on Unit Performance Task – Analyzing Red Squirrel Population pg 82



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Lesson 4 Explore 2 Engineering in Science, pgs 64-70

    Do Checkpoints – pg 75-77

    Unit 1 Test – on Wednesday, Sept 22




    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN and in pen.


    Week 5 Sept 13-Sept 17 Packet List


    Annotated and questions answered Unit 1 Lesson 3 Explore 2, pgs 49-55                             5 pts

    Do Checkpoints pg 57-58                                                                                                              5 pts                  

    Annotated and questions answered Lesson 4 Explore 1, pgs 59-63                              5 pts

    and Careers in Engineering, pgs 73-74                                                                                                   1 pt

    Annotated and questions answered Lesson 4 Explore 2, pgs 64-70                               5 pts

    Do Checkpoints – pg 75-77                                                                                                           4 pts

                                                                                                                                                   Total = 25 pts   

  • 09/06/202109/06/2021

    T/Th P1, P3, P5, P7

    W/F P2, P4, P6


    Day 1 Wednesday, Sept 8


    In class:

    Go over Lesson 2 Explore 1 and 2 Questions – populations curves: exponential, logistic, carrying capacity

    Turn in Activity on Population today

    Group Activity – Modeling Carrying Capacity, pgs 38-39



    Read, annotate, and answer questions Lesson 2 Explore 3, pgs 35-37, 40-42

    Remember: write in your Evidence Notebook

    Complete Carrying Capacity Activity, pgs 38-39

    Quiz on Unit 1 Lesson 2 Explore 1-3 o Thursday


    Day 2 Friday, Sept 10

    Read, annotate, and answer questions Unit 1.3 Exploration 1 pgs 43-48

    Edpuzzle – Natural Wildfires – watch the video, take notes - due 9/14

    Week 4 packet due on Tuesday, Sept 14



    Refer to the handout for your annotations.

    All notes must be HANDWRITTEN.


    Week 4 Sept6-Sept 10 Packet List


    Unit 1. 2 Engage/Explore 3 notes, annotation, embedded questions pgs 35-37, 40-42    5 pts

    Modeling Carrying Capacity pgs 38-39                                                                                                                  5 pts                                 

    Unit 1. 3 Engage/Explore 1 notes, annotation, embedded questions pgs 43-48                 5 pts

    Edpuzzle Natural Wildfires watch video, take notes                                                                         5 pts

                                                                                                                                                                    Total = 15 pts   

  • 08/30/202108/30/2021

    MWF- Periods 1,3,5,7

    TTh- Periods 2,4,6,7


    Day 1 Tuesday, August 31


    In class:

    Review Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1-3 to prepare for Quiz – Quiz on Thursday on

                  -Biosphere, Characteristics of Life, Interactions in Ecosystem

    Correct Unit 1 Lesson 1 assignments

    Go over Scientific Notation and Aspirin Lab

    Due today: Week 1 and 2 packet



    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 2 Explore 1 Analyzing Population pgs 25-29

    Study for Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1-3 for Quiz; Quiz on Thursday

    Finish Aspirin Lab Report (include: data, logic and post experiment, graph, analysis)– due on Thursday


    Day 2 Thursday, Sept 2


    In Class

    Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1-3 Quiz today

    Review Lesson 2 Explore 1 Analyzing Population and correct answers

    Due today: Aspirin Lab



    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 2 Explore 2 Population Growth pgs 32-34

    Edpuzzle: Logistic Curve, take notes and upload your notes.

  • 08/23/202108/23/2021

    Day 1 Tuesday, Aug 24


    In class:

    Go over annotating article, SEEI, and evidence notebook

    Introduce Unit 1 Lesson 1 – Life in Earth System

    Predict: Read, annotate, and answer question on pg 2 of your workbook

    Do Driving Questions #1-4, create a KWL chart and work with your group

    K-what you know; W-what you want to know; L-what you learned 

    In your evidence (journal) notebook: Answer can you explain it? pg 5



    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1 pgs 6-9


    Day 2 Wednesday, August 25


    In class:

    Correct Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 1 questions

    Introduce Explore 2 The Earth System



    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 2 pgs 10-13



    Day 3 Friday, August 27


    In class:

    Correct Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 2 questions

    Introduce Explore 3 Interactions in Ecosystems

    Read, annotate, and aswer questions on pgs 14-17 and do Data Analysis on Measuring Biodiversity pg 18

    Lab Safety Test today



    Read, annotate, answer questions Unit 1 Lesson 1 Explore 3 pgs 19-22

    Do Checkpoints pgs 23-24

    Do Lesson 1 Terms – Language Development pgs 3-4

  • 08/18/202108/18/2021

    Week 1 Semester 1 August 18-20, 2021 Assignments in TLE


    Day 1 Wednesday, August 18


    In class:

    Rules and Policies



    Sign up for Google Classroom, Edpuzzle, and Quizizz

    Read handout on annotating and SEEI

    Bring notebook for journals on Tuesday


    Day 2 Thursday, August 19


    In class:

    Go over annotating, and SEEI



    Read pages xii-xiii on Claims, Evidence, and Reasoning in your TLE workbook and construct your own argument.

    Read Lab Safety and Lab Symbols – pages XIV-XVI

    Lab Safety Test on Thursday 8/26

Jan-June 2021 Assignments

  • 06/07/202106/07/2021

    Finals Week: we will meet on Monday and Wednesday


    Day 1 Monday, June 7


    Finals Part 1 – Unit 8 Ecosystem Unit Test today



    Day 2 Wednesday, June 9


    Finals Part 2 – Video on Edpuzzle


    Have a great summer!



    Week 22 Packet

    Checkpoint pgs 591-592                                                                                                                                            5 pts    

    Review pgs 594-597                                                                                                                                                    5 pts

    Practice and Review pgs 599-600                                                                                                                           10 pts


                                                                                                                                                                               Total = 20 pts

  • 05/31/202105/31/2021

    Day 1 Monday, May 31


    Memorial Day – No school



    Day 2 Wednesday, June 2


    In class:

    Review Unit 8.3 Explore 1-4 Engineering Solutions and Careers in Engineering

    Continue with presentations on Unit 8 Performance Task on Mutations due to Environmental Factors

    Quiz on Unit 8.3 Explore 1-3  

    Week 21 Packet - due today @ 8 am




    Do Checkpoints pgs 591-592

    Finish Design project – Oral Presentation on Thursday

    Unit 8 Lessons 1-3 – Test on Thursday, June 3



    Day 3 Thursday, June 3


    In Class:

    Review Unit 8.3 Explore 3-4 and correct HW

    Design project – Oral Presentations begin today



    Review pgs 594-597

    Do Practice and Review pgs 599-600

     Study for Unit 8 Test – Monday, June 7



    Week 22 Packet

    Checkpoint pgs 591-592                                                                                                                                            5 pts    

    Review pgs 594-597                                                                                                                                                    5 pts

    Practice and Review pgs 599-600                                                                                                                           10 pts


                                                                                                                                                                                Total = 20 pts

  • 05/24/202105/24/2021

    Day 1 Monday, May 24


    In class:

    Review Unit 8.3 Explore 1-2 Engineering Solutions

    Unit 8 Performance Task on Mutations due to Environmental Factors – due today



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 8.3 Explore 4 Human Impacts on Water pgs 584-585

    Unit 8.3 Explore 1-3 quiz on Thursday

    Week 20 Packet - due Wednesday @ 8 am



    Day 2 Wednesday, 26



    Read Careers in Engineering – pgs 589-590

    Continue to work on Design Project pgs 580-581



    Day 3 Thursday, May 27


    In Class:

    Review Unit 8.3 Explore 3-4 and correct HW

    Quiz on Unit 8.3 Explore 1-3 today

    Finish Presentations on Unit 8 Performance Task



    Finish Engineering Lab: Designing a green roof pgs 581-583

    Study for Quiz on Unit 8.3



    Week 21 Packet

    Annotated, answered embedded questions – Unit 8.3 Explore 4 pgs 584-585                                    5 pts    

    Annotated, answered embedded questions -  Unit 8.3 Engineering Designs  pgs 589-590                 5 pts

    Engineering Lab: Designing a green roof pgs 581-583                                                                                     10 pts


                                                                                                                                                                                Total = 20 pts

  • 05/17/202105/17/2021

    Day 1 Monday, May 17


    In class:

    Review Unit 8.2 Explore 3 &4 Climate Change and Quiz today

    Go over Unit 8 Performance Task on Mutations due to Environmental Factors

    Week 19 Packet - due Wednesday @ 8 am



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 8.3 Explore 1 Engineering Solutions pgs 569-575

    Unit 8.3 Explore 1-2 quiz on Thursday

    Continue to work on Unit 8 Performance Task



    Day 2 Wednesday, May 19


    In Class:

    Go over Unit 8.3 Explore 1 and correct HW

    Work on Unit 8 Performance Task



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 8.3 Explore 2 Reducing Impacts pgs 577-580

    Continue to work on Unit 8 Performance Task



    Day 3 Thursday, May 20


    In Class:

    Review Unit 8.3 Explore 2 and correct HW

    Quiz on Unit 8.3 Explore 3 today

    Work on Unit 8 Performance Task



    Do Engineering Lab: Designing a green roof pgs 581-583

    Finish Unit 8 Performance Task – due on Monday, May 24th @ 8am



    Week 20 Packet

    Annotated, answered embedded questions – Unit 8.3 Explore 1 pgs 569-575                                    5 pts    

    Annotated, answered embedded questions -  Unit 8.3 Explore 2 pgs 577-580                                   5 pts

    Engineering Lab: Designing a green roof pgs 581-583                                                                                     5 pts


                                                                                                                                                                                Total = 15 pts

  • 05/10/202105/10/2021

    Day 1 Monday, May 10


    In class:

    Review Unit 8.1 Explore 3 &4 Climate Change

    Unit 8.1 Explore 3& 4 Quiz – today on Quizziz

    Finish Unit 6 Performance Task on Genetic Diversity presentations

    Week 18 Packet - due Wednesday @ 8 am



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 8.2 Explore 1 Human Population Growth pgs 547-550

    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 8.2 Explore 2 Habitat Loss pgs 551-554

    Unit 8.1 Explore 1-4 Test on Thursday



    Day 2 Wednesday, May 12



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 8.2 Explore 3 Introduced Species pgs 555-556

    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 8.2 Explore 4 Overharvesting pgs 557-559

    EP: Invasive Species



    Day 3 Thursday, May 13


    In Class:

    Review Unit 8.2 Explore 1-4 and correct HW

    Unit 8.2 Explore 1-4 Test on Thursday



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 8.2 Explore 5 Extinction of Specie pgs 560-566

    Do Checkpoints pgs 567-568

    Ch 8.2 Test Explore 1-5 on Wednesday



    Week 19 Packet

    Annotated, answered embedded questions – Unit 8.2 Explore 1 pgs 547-550                                    5 pts    

    Annotated, answered embedded questions -  Unit 8.2 Explore 2 pgs 551-554                                   5 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions -  Unit 8.2 Explore 3 pgs 555-556                                    5 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions -  Unit 8.2 Explore 4 pgs 557-559                                    5 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions -  Unit 8.2 Explore 5 pgs 560-566                                    5 pts

    Do Checkpoints on pgs 545-546                                                                                                                              5 pts    

                                                                                                                                                                                Total = 30 pts

  • 05/03/202105/03/2021

    Day 1 Monday, May 3


    In class:

    Review Unit 6.3 Explore 3 Learned Behavior

    Unit 6 Test – today on Quizziz

    Week 17 Packet - due Wednesday @ 8 am



    Finish Unit 6 Performance Task on Genetic Diversity in Cheetahs pg 434 – due on Wed 5/5

    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 8.1 Ecosystems and Human Impacts pgs 520-522, define vocab words and pgs 523 and 528; skip 524-527

    Quiz on Thursday – Unit 8.1 Explore 1-3


    Day 2 Wednesday, May 5


    In class:

    Due today: Unit 6 Packet and Unit 6 Peformance Task – presentations begin today

    Go over Unit 8.1 Explore 1 Human Impacts on Climates



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 8.1 Explore 2 Human Impacts pgs 531-532

    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 8.1 Explore 3 Climate Change pgs 533-536


    Day 3 Thursday, May 6


    In Class:

    Continue Unit 6 Performance Task Presentation

    Review Unit 8.1 Explore 2-3 Human Impacts and correct HW

    Quiz on Unit 8.1 Explore 1-3



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 8.1 Explore 4 Global Climate Change pgs 537-544

    Do Checkpoints pgs 545-546; Read only pgs 430-433

    Ch 8.1 Test Explore 1-4 on Monday


    Week 18 Packet

    Annotated, answered embedded questions – Unit 8.1 Explore 1 pgs 520-522, 523 and 528         10 pts 

    Annotated, answered embedded questions -  Unit 8.1 Explore 2 pgs 531-532                                   5 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions -  Unit 8.1 Explore 3 pgs 533-536                                    5 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions -  Unit 8.1 Explore 4 pgs 537-544                                    5 pts

    Do Checkpoints on pgs 545-546                                                                                                                              5 pts    

                                                                                                                                                                                Total = 30 pts

  • 04/26/202104/26/2021

    Day 1 Monday, April 26


    In class:

    Review Unit 6.3 Explore 1 Adaptive Value of Behavior pgs 413-418

    Unit 6.2 Test - Essay only

    Week 16 Packet - due Wednesday @ 8 am



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 6.3 Explore 2 Social Interactions pg 419-422

    Work on Unit 6 Performance Task on Genetic Diversity in Cheetahs pg 434 – due on Wed 5/3

    Edpuzzle: Animal Behavior - due Wed, 4/21 @ 8am

    Quiz on Thursday – Unit 6.3 Explore 1-3



    Day 2 Wednesday, April 28



    Work on Unit 6 Performance Task on Genetic Diversity in Cheetahs pg 434 – due on Wed 5/3

    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 6.3 Explore 3 Learned Behavior pgs 423-424

    Read and write in evidence notebook – pgs 425-426



    Day 3 Thursday, April 29


    In Class:

    Review Unit 6.3 Explore 2-3 Animal Behavior: Social and Learned and correct HW

    Quiz on Unit 6.3 Explore 1-3



    Do Checkpoints pgs 427-428; Read only pgs 430-433

    Do Practice and Review pgs 435-436

    Work on Unit 6 Performance Task on Genetic Diversity in Cheetahs pg 434 – due on Wed 5/3

    Unit 6 Exam on Monday



    Week 17 Packet


    Annotated, answered embedded questions – Unit 6.3 Explore 1  pgs 413-418                           5 pts    

    Annotated, answered embedded questions -  Unit 6.3 Explore 2 pgs 419-422                     5 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions -  Unit 6.3 Explore 3 pgs 423-424                      5 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 427-428                                                                                                                            5 pts

    Practice and Review pgs 435-436                                                                                                             5 pts                  

                                                                                                                                                                  Total = 25 pts

  • 04/19/202104/19/2021

    Day 1 Monday, April 19


    In class:

    Review Unit 6.2 Explore 4 Effects of Mutations

    Week 15 Packet - due Wednesday @ 8 am



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 6.2 Explore 5 pgs 404-407

    Edpuzzle: Gene Flow - due Wed, 4/21 @ 8am

    Quiz on Thursday – Unit 6.2 Explore 3-5



    Day 2 Wednesday, April 21 (Asynchronous only)


    Due today: Gizmos: Mutation and Selection



    Hands on Activity – Investigating Evolution in an Anole Population pgs 408-409

    Edpuzzle: Anole Evolution due Thursday, 4/22 @ 8 am




    Day 3 Thursday, April 22


    In Class:

    Review Unit 6.2 Explore 4 and 5 Gene Flow

    Quiz on Unit 6.2 Explore 4-5



    Review Unit 6.2 Explore 1-5, Test on Monday

    Do Checkpoints pgs 410-412

    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 6.3 Adaptive Value of Behavior pgs 413-418



    Week 16 Packet


    Annotated, answered embedded questions – Unit 6.2 Explore 5 pgs 404-407                    5 pts  

    Annotated, answered embedded questions - Unit 6.2 Hands on Activity pgs 408-409     5 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 410-412                                                                                                    5 pts                                                                                      

                                                                                                                                        Total = 15 pts

  • 04/12/202104/12/2021

    Day 1 Monday, April 12


    In class:

    Review Unit 6.1 Explore 3 Effects of Mutations

    Week 14 Packet - due Monday @ 8 am


    HW: Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 6.2 Explore 1 Evolution of Pop pgs 389-395

    Edpuzzle: Population Genetics due Wed, 4/14 @ 8am

    Quiz on Thursday – Unit 6.2 Explore 1-3



    Day 2 Wednesday, April 14



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 6.2 Explore 2 and 3 Selection pgs 396-400

    Edpuzzle: Selection due Thursday, 4/15 @ 8am



    Day 3 Thursday, April 15


    In Class:

    Review Unit 6.2 Explore 1-3 Evolution of Population

    Quiz on Unit 6.2 Explore 1-3



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 6.2 Explore 4 Effects of Gene Flow pgs 401-403

    Gizmos Activity - Evolution: Mutation and Selection due on Wednesday, 4/21 @ 8 am



    Week 14 Packet


    Annotated, answered embedded questions – Unit 6.2 Explore 1 pgs 389-395                    5 pts  

    Annotated, answered embedded questions - Unit 6.2 Explore 2 and 3 pgs 396-400         10 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions – Unit 6.2 Explore 4 pgs 401-403                    5 pts                                                                                      

                                                                                                                                        Total = 20 pts

  • 04/05/202104/05/2021

    Day 1 Monday, April 5


    In class:

    Due today: Unit 5 Performance Task, PKU – Group Presentations


    HW: Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 6.1 Explore 1 Gene Mutations pgs 372-377

    Edpuzzle: Gene Mutations due Wed, 4/7 @ 8am

    Quiz on Thursday – Unit 6.1 Explore 1-2



    Day 2 Wednesday, April 7


    In Class:

    Continue Unit 5 Performance Task, PKU – Group Presentations

    Review Unit 6.1 Explore 1 Gene Mutations pgs 372-377

    Quiz on Unit 6.1 Explore 1-2



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 6.1 Explore 2 Chromosomal Mutations pgs 378-380

    Edpuzzle: Chromosomal Mutations due Wed, 4/8 @ 8am



    Day 3 Thursday, April 8


    In Class:

    Review Unit 6.1 Explore 2-3 Chromosomal Mutations and Effects of Mutations

    Quiz on Unit 6.1 Explore 1-2



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 6.1 Explore 3 Effects of Mutations pgs 381-386

    Do checkpoints pgs 387-388



    Week 14 Packet


    Annotated, answered embedded questions – Unit 6.1 Explore 1  pgs 372-377                           5 pts    

    Annotated, answered embedded questions -  Unit 6.1 Explore 2 pgs 378-380                      5 pts

    Checkpoints 387-388                                                                                                                                    5 pts


                                                                                                                                                                  Total = 15 pts

  • 03/29/202103/29/2021

    Day 1 Monday, Mar 29


    In class:

    Review and correct Unit 5.5 Explore 2 Gene Expression: Eukaryotic vs. Prokaryotic

    Go over Unit 5.5 Explore 3 Factors that influence Gene Expression

    Due today: DNA, Protein, Sickle Cell Activity


    HW: Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 5.5 Explore 3 pgs 346-348

    Unit Performance Task, Group Project – Investigating Phenylketonuria, pg 364

    Quiz on Thursday – Unit 5.5, Explore 1-5



    Day 2 Wednesday, Mar 31


    No Class:



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 5.5 Explore 4 Manipulating Genes pg 349 and CRISPR pg 356

    Work on your Unit Performance Task – pg 364

    Edpuzzle: Genetic Engineering and CRISPR



    Day 3 Thursday, April 1


    In Class:

    Review Unit 5.5 Explore 3 and 4 Gen Engireering and CRISPR and correct assignment

    Quiz on Unit 5.5 Explore 1-4



    Do checkpoints pg 357-358

    Read Thing Explainer and do Practice and Review pgs 365-366

    Finish Unit Performance Task – due on Monday, 4/5



    Week 13 Packet


    Annotated, answered embedded questions – Unit 5.5 Explore 3 pgs 346-348                      5 pts    

    Annotated, answered embedded questions -  Unit 5.5 Explore 4 pg 349 and pg 356           5 pts

    Checkpoints pg 357-358                                                                                                                              5 pts

    Practice and Review pgs 365-366                                                                                                             5 pts


                                                                                                                                                                  Total = 20 pts

  • 03/22/202103/22/2021

    Day 1 Wednesday, Mar 24


    In class:

    Review and correct Unit 5.4 Explore 4 Translation assignment

    Go over Unit 5.5 Explore 1 Gene Expression


    HW: Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 5.5 Explore 1 pgs 327-341

    Edpuzzle: Gene Regulation and Operons – due Thurs, Mar 25 @ 8 am


    Day 2 Thursday, Mar 25


    In Class:

    Review Unit 5.5 Explore 1 Gene Expression and correct assignment

    Go over Unit 5.5 Explore 2 Eukaryotic Gene Expression



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – Unit 5.5 Explore 2 Expression pgs 342-345



    Week 11 Packet


    Annotated, answered embedded questions – Unit 5.5 Explore 1 pgs 327-341                    5 pts   

    Annotated, answered embedded questions -  Unit 5.5 Explore 2 Expression pgs 342-345 5 pts


                                                                                                                                        Total = 10 pts

  • 03/08/202103/08/2021

    Day 1 Monday, Mar 8


    In class:

    Correct Unit 5.4 Explore 1 assignment

    Go over Unit 5.4 Explore Protein Synthesis


    HW: Do Unit 5.4 Explore 2 Modeling Protein Synthesis and Mutations, pgs 325-327

    Due on Wednesday – Strawberry DNA Isolation Lab done at home (make sure to take pictures of you)



    Day 2 Wednesday, Mar 10


    In Class:

    No meeting today



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – 5.4 Explore 3 Transcription pgs 328-329



    Day 3 Thursday, Mar 11


    In class:

    Go over Transcription and Translation

    Correct assignments 5.4 Explore 2 and 3



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 5.4 Explore 4 Translation - pgs 330-334

    Do Checkpoints pgs 335-336

    Do Gizmos Lab Simulation RNA and Protein Synthesis – due Tuesday, March 23



    Week 10 Packet


    5.4 Explore 2 Modeling Protein Synthesis and Mutations, pgs 325-327                                                          5 pts    

    Annotated, answered embedded questions – 5.4 Explore 3 Transcription pgs 328-329                    5 pts    

    Annotated, answered embedded questions - Unit 5.4 Explore 4 Translation - pgs 330-334         5 pts

    Do Checkpoints pgs 335-336                                                                                                                                     5 pts


                                                                                                                                                                                Total = 20 pts


  • 03/01/202103/01/2021

    Day 1 Monday, Mar 1


    In class:


    Correct assignment on dihybrid crosses

    Go over Unit 5.3 Explore 1 & 2

    Due today: Gizmos: Building DNA and Week 8 Packet


    HW: Do Unit 5.3 Explore 3 Modeling DNA, answer #1-4 pg 307

    Quiz on Unit 5.3 Explore 1-4 on Thursday

    March 4: Meet with your counselor



    Day 2 Wednesday, Mar 2


    In Class:

    Go over 5.3 Explore 4 DNA Replication, pgs 308-310



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – 5.3 Explore 4 DNA Replication, pgs 308-311

    Do Checkpoints pgs 314-316



    Day 3 Thursday, Mar 4


    In class:


    Counselor Day – you need to meet with your counselor today

    Unit 5.3 Explore 1-4 Quiz today




    Hands-on Lab: Strawberry DNA Extraction Lab pgs 312-313 – do this at home; due 3/10

    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 5.4 Explore 1 - pgs 317-324



    Week 9 Packet


    Unit 5.3 Explore 3 Modeling DNA, answer #1-4 pg 307                                                                    5 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions – 5.3 Explore 4 DNA Replication, pgs 308-311           5 pts   

    Do Checkpoints pgs 314-316                                                                                                              5 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions - Unit 5.4 Explore 1 - pgs 317-324                              5 pts

                                                                                                                                                    Total = 20 pts

  • 02/22/202102/22/2021

    Day 1 Monday, Feb 22


    In class:

    Go over Unit 5.2 Explore 3 and correct assignment

    Go over monohybrid and dihybrid crosses

    Week 7 Packet due today

    Quiz today on Unit 5.2


    HW: Bioman Activity: do more practice on monohybrid and dihybrid crosses

    EP: Pedigrees



    Day 2 Wednesday, Feb 24



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – 5.3 Explore 1 DNA Function pg 297-301

    Quiz on Thursday – monohybrid and dihybrid crosses

    EP: DNA Structure and Function



    Day 3 Thursday, Feb 25


    In class:

    Go over monohybrid and dihybrid crosses; Quiz today on crosses

    Go over Unit 5.3 Explore 1 DNA Structure and Function and correct assignments



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 5.3 Explore 2 - pgs 302-305

    Gizmos: Building DNA – due Monday, March 1


    Week 8 Packet


    Annotated, answered embedded questions – 5.3 Explore 1 pgs 297-301              5 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions - 5.3 Explore 2 - pgs 302-305              5 pts

                                                                                                                                     Total = 10 pts

  • 02/15/202102/15/2021

    Day 1 Wednesday, Feb 17


    In class:

    Go over Unit 5.1 Explore 3 and correct assignment

    Continue Unit 7 Group Project Presentation

    Week 6 Packet due today

    Due today: Gizmos: Meiosis A-C




    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – 5.2 Explore 1&2 Mendel pgs 275-279, 280-283

    Quiz on Thursday, Feb 11 - 5.2 Explore 1 & 2

    EP Mendel Inheritance



    Day 2 Thursday, Feb 18


    In class:

    Go over Unit 5.2 Explore 1&2 and correct assignments

    Quiz today



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 5.2 Explore 3 - pgs 284-294

    Do checkpoints pgs 295-296

    Quiz on Monday on 5.2 Explore 1-3



    Week 7 Packet


    Annotated, answered embedded questions – 5.2 Explore 1  pgs 275-279               5 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions - 5.2 Explore 2 - pgs 280-283   5 pts

    Annotated, answered embedded questions - 5.2 Explore 3 - pgs 284-294   5 pts

    Checkpoints pgs 295-296                                                                                       5 pts

                                                                                                                                         Total = 20 pts

  • 02/08/202102/08/2021

    Day 1 Wednesday, Feb 10


    In class:

    Go over Unit 7 Essay Test today, Unit 5.1 Explore 1

    Continue Group Presentations on Unit 7 Performance Task



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions – 5.1 Explore 2 Process of Meiosis pgs 263-265

    Complete Gizmos: Meiosis A & B

    Quiz on Thursday, Feb 11 - 5.1 Explore 1 & 2




    Day 2 Thursday, Feb 11


    In class:

    Go over Unit 5.1 Explore 2 and correct assignments

    Continue Group Presentations on Unit 7 Performance Task

    Quiz today



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 5.1 Genetic Variation Explore 3 - pgs 269-272

    Do checkpoints pgs 273-274

    Quiz next Wednesday, 2/17, on 5.1 Explore 1-3

    Complete Gizmos: Meiosis, part C – Activities A, B, C – Due next Wednesday, 2/17

  • 02/01/202102/01/2021

    Day 1 Monday, Feb 1


    In class:

    Review Unit 7; correct all assignments

    Unit Performance Task – work with your group

    Due today: Week 4 Packet



    Study for Unit 7 Exam - Unit 7 Test on Wednesday, Feb 3

    Work on your Unit Performance Task



    Day 2 Wednesday, Feb 3


    In class:

    Unit 7 Test today

    Work on Unit Performance Task



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions - pgs 255-256

    Do vocab pag 257-258

    Edpuzzle: Meiosis



    Day 3 Thursday, Feb 4


    In class:

    Group Project Presentation – Unit Performance Task



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 5.1 Explore 1 Meiosis- pgs 259-262

    Gizmos Lab Activity – Meiosis (do only activities A-C)

  • 01/25/202101/25/2021

    Day 1 Monday, Jan 25


    In class:


    Review 7.3 Explore 2 Homeostasis in the body; correct hw

    Review Gizmos: Microscopes and Cell Types

    Due today: Week 3 Packet



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 7.3 Explore 3 pgs 503-508

    Do checkpoints pgs 509-511

    Lab Activity: Gizmos: Homeostasis

    Quiz on Thursday - Explore 2 and Explore 3

    Unit 7 Test on Wednesday, Feb 3



    Day 2 Wednesday, Jan 27



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions - Thing Explainer pgs 512-515

    Finish Gizmos Activity: Homeostasis – due Friday, Jan 29

    Quiz on Thursday - Explore 2 and Explore 3

    Unit 7 Test on Wednesday, Feb 3



    Day 3 Thursday, Jan 28


    In class:


    Review 7.3 Explore 3 - Homeostasis in Humans and Plants; correct hw

    Discuss Group Project – Unit Performance Task on pgs 516




    Unit Performance Task on pgs 516 – Group project due on Thursday, Feb 4

    Study for Unit 7 Test – Test on Wednesday, Feb 3

    Do Unit Practice and Review pgs 517-518

  • 01/18/202101/18/2021

    Day 1 Wednesday, Jan 20


    In class:


    Review The Cell Theory, cancer, apoptosis; correct hw

    Due: Week 1-2 packet

    Lab Activity: Gizmos: Cell Types using the Microscope

    Do pgs 487-488



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 7.3 Exploration 1 pgs 489-491, 493-495

    Edpuzzle – Homeostasis; watch, answer questions and take notes

    Lab Activity: Gizmos: Cell Types using the Microscope

    Quiz on Thursday



    Day 2 Thursday, Jan 21


    In class:


    Review Homeostasis, correct hw

    Unit 7. 3 Explore 2 Homeostasis in the Human Body, pgs 496-500

    Quiz on Cell Theory, Homeostasis



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions on Homeostasis in the Human Body, pgs 496-500

    Edpuzzle –  +/- Feedback; watch, answer questions and take notes

    Finish Gizmos Activity: Cell Types using the Microscope – due Friday, 8 am

  • 01/11/202101/11/2021

    Day 1 Monday, Jan 11


    In class:


    Review Cell Division and Cell Cycle, correct hw

    Unit 7.1 Explore 1 Mitosis pgs 444-445



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 7.1 Exploration 2 pgs 444-445

    Edpuzzle – Mitosis and Cytokinesis by Amoeba Sisters; watch, answer questions and take notes

    Quiz on Wednesday



    Day 2 Monday, Jan 13


    In class:


    Review Mitosis and Cytokinesis, correct hw

    Unit 7.1 Explore 2 Mitosis pgs 444-445

    Quiz on Cell Cycle



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions on Asexual Reproduction pgs 448-450

    Edpuzzle – Binary Fission by Amoeba Sisters; watch, answer questions and take notes

    Gizmos Activity: Cell Division

    Quiz on Friday



    Day 3 Friday, Jan 15


    In class:


    Review Binary Fission, correct hw

    Unit 7.1 Explore 2 Binary Fission pgs 448-450

    Quiz on Asexual Reproduction



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 7.1 Exploration 2 pgs 451-454

    Complete the Gizmos Activity on Cell Division

  • 01/04/202101/04/2021

    Day 1 Thursday, Jan 7


    In class:


    Unit 7.1 Structure and Function in Living Things pg 437-438



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 7.1 Exploration 1 pg 441-444

    Edpuzzle – The Cell Cycle; watch and take notes

    Complete Vocab/Language Development pgs 439-440

Aug-Dec 2020 Assignments

  • 12/07/202012/07/2020

    Day 32 Monday, Dec 7


    In class:

    Review Unit 4:3 Explore 2 Natural Selection pgs 231-236

    Correct assignments and take quiz

    Checking on Bottle Biome – due on Thursday; include a page with the questions from pg 140 and your answers. Include pictures of you holding your Bottle Biome



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 4:3 Exploration 3 pgs 237-242

    Watch the Evolution of Bacteria and read article on Bacteria Mega Plate, annotate, take notes, and upload notes.

    Study for Unit 4 Exam (25 MC questions)– exam on Thursday, Dec 11

    Study for Finals – use Semester 1 Final Exam Guide to get ready; Final exam will be on Monday, Dec 14 @ 9 am



    Day 33 Wednesday, Dec 9


    In class:

    Review Unit 4:3 Exploration 3 pgs 237-242 and correct assignments

    Classwork – Data Analysis: Antibiotic pg 243



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions pgs 244-246

    Read Thing Explainer pgs 248-249, 251, 253-254

    Unit 4 Exam on Thursday

    Study for finals – use Semester 1 Final Exam Guide to get ready; Final exam will be on Monday, Dec 14 @ 9am


    Day 34 Thursday, Dec 11


    In class:

    Unit 4 Exam today (25 MC questions)

    Bottle Biome –include a page with the questions from pg 140 and your answers. Include pictures of you holding your Bottle Biome



    Study for finals – use Semester 1 Final Exam Guide to get ready; Final exam will be on Monday, Dec 14 @ 9am

    You can bring one sheet of notes to use during finals

  • 11/30/202011/30/2020

    Day 29 Monday, Nov30


    In class:

    Due today: Week 14 packet, Gizmos Natural Selection

    Review Unit 4 Lesson 2 Exploration 2 -  Molecular and Genetics Evidence pgs 216-219



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 4 Lesson 2 Exploration 3 pgs 220-222, 224-226

    Read, annotate only pg 223

    Edpuzzle – Classification by Amoeba Sisters (cladogram) – due Tuesday, Dec 1 @ 8 am

    Study for a quiz on Thursday – Unit 4 Lesson 1



    Day 30 Wednesday, Dec 2




    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 4 Lesson 3 Explore 1 pgs 227-230

    Edpuzzle – Natural Selection on Bacteria – due on Thursday, Dec 3 @ 8 am



    Day 31 Thursday, Dec 3


    In class:

    Review 4.3 Exploration 1 Natural Selection and correct assignments

    4.3 Exploration 2 – Theory of Natural Selection and Artificial Selection

    Quiz on Unit 4 Lesson 1



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 4: Explore 2 pgs 231-236

    Quiz on Tuesday

    Edpuzzle – The Beak of the Finch and Natural Selection and Sexual Selection due on Friday, Dec 4 @ 5 pm

  • 11/16/202011/16/2020

    Day 26 Monday, Nov16


    In class:

    Continue presentations on Analyzing Water Pollution

    Unit 4 Lesson 1 Exploration 1-  Fossil Record



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 4 Lesson 1 pg 191-197

    Edpuzzle – Crash Course Evolution



    Day 27 Wednesday, Nov 17


    In class:

    Review Fossils – as evidence of evolution

    Unit 4 Lesson 1 Exploration 2 – Evidence of Evolution




    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 4: Explore 1 pg 211-215

    Edpuzzle – Evidence of Evolution



    Day 28 Thursday, Nov 19


    In class:

    Review Lines of Evidence of Evolution

    Exploration 2 – Molecular and Genetic Evidence



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 4: Explore 2  pg 216-222

    Gizmos Simulation – Natural Selection

  • 11/09/202011/09/2020

    Day 24 Monday, Nov 9


    In class:

    Review Unit 3 Cycling of Matter

    Break out room to work with your group on your Performance Task

    Due today: Week 12 packet and Water Cycle Gizmos

    Unit 3 Essay – 5 questions



    Study for Unit 3 Exam – MC only on Thursday 11/12

    Finish Performance Task: Analyzing Water Pollution – Ppt presentation on Thursday 11/12


    Day 25 Thursday, Nov 12


    In class:

    Performance Task: Analyzing Water Pollution

    Unit 3 Exam – in class



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Unit 4: Explore 1 pg 188

    Do Vocab pg 189-190

  • 11/02/202011/02/2020

    Day 21 Monday, Nov 2


    In class:

    Unit 3 Lesson 2 Matter Cycles Through Ecosystems Exploration 1

    Go over Water, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Carbon Cycles



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions pg 159-166

    Edpuzzle – Nitrogen Cycle, Phosphorous Cycle

    Gizmos Activity – Water Cycle due Mon 11/9; go to

    Click on google doc link for worksheet on Water Cycle

    Don't forget to complete the quiz at the end


    Day 22 Wednesday, Nov 4



    Exploration 2 Modeling the Carbon Cycle

    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions pg 167-168

    Complete Gizmos Activity – Water Cycle due Mon 11/9; go to

    Click on google doc link for worksheet on Water Cycle

    Don't forget to complete the quiz at the end


    Day 23 Thursday, Nov 5


    In class:

    Unit 3 Exploration 3 Human Impact

    Air pollution, Climate Change, Agricultural Runoff, Mining Runoff



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions pg 171-176

    Do Checkpoints pg 177-179 and do Review Thing Explainer pg 180-186

    Do Unit Performance Task – Group Project: Analyzing Water Pollution pg 184 due Thursday, Nov 12

  • 10/26/202010/26/2020

    Day 18 Monday, Oct 26


    In class:

    Unit 3 Energy and Matter in Ecosystems Exploration 1

    Go over Food Chains and Food Webs



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions pg 144 –147

    Edpuzzle – Food Chains


    Day 19 Wednesday, Oct 28


    In class:

    Start Unit 3 Energy and Matter in Ecosystem Exploration 2

    Energy Pyramid, Biomass Pyramid, Pyramid of Numbers

    Energy Calculations pg 149




    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions pg 148–153

    Gizmos Activity – Food Chain due Mon 11/2; go to

    Click on google doc link for worksheet on Food Chain

    Don't forget to complete the quiz at the end


    Day 20 Thursday, Oct 29


    In class:

    Continue Unit 3 Exploration 2 Energy and Matter in Ecosystem

    Biological magnification (Biomagnification)



    Modeling Biomagnification (do at home with a group through Zoom) pg 154-155 – due Monday 11/2

    Do Lesson Check and Checkpoints pg 156-158

    Complete Gizmos Activity – Food Chain due Mon 11/2

    Click on google doc link for worksheet on Food Chain

    Don't forget to complete the quiz at the end

  • 10/19/202010/19/2020

    Day 16 Monday, Oct 19


    In class:

    Review Unit 2 Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

    Continue with Carbon Sink Presentations

    Gizmos Activity – Cellular Respiration due Mon 10/19

    Unit 2 Exam – Essay part in class

    No Week 9 packet due



    Study for Unit 2 Exam MC – Exam on Quizziz

    Answer Predict and driving questions -read Unit 3 pg 140


    Day 17 Thursday, Oct 22


    In class:

    Start Unit 3 Energy and Matter in Ecosystem



    Do Unit 3 Project pg 140 – Build a Bottle Biome pg 140

    Do vocab list on pg 142-142

  • 10/12/202010/12/2020

    Day 13 Monday, Oct 15


    In class:

    Review Unit 2 Thing Explainer - read and annotate pgs 132-135

    Due today – Photosynthesis Lab



    Do Unit Task Performance pg 136 – do research individually, record, and share on Thursday


    Day 14 Wednesday, Oct 14



    Review Unit 2 – Unit 2 Exam on Monday 10/19

    Continue Unit Task Performance Research pg 136

    Finish Cellular Respiration Lab Report due Friday 10/16

    Gizmos Activity – Cellular Respiration due Mon 10/19


    Day 15 Thursday, Oct 16


    In class:

    Due today – Cellular Respiration Cabbage Juice Lab

    Present Unit Performance Task Research – work in Breakout Rooms to create a model



    Unit 2 Exam on Monday, 10/19 – MC and Essay questions

    Group project ppt presentation on Monday – presentation of your group's findings and model

  • 10/05/202010/05/2020

    Day 10 Monday, Oct 5


    In class:

    Review Unit 2.1 Exploration 1-3 Photosynthesis

    Go over homework assignments

    Due today – Week 7 packet

    Questions on Haspi Photosynthesis Lab – Lab report due Monday, Oct 12

    Unit 2.2 Exploration 1 Overview of Cellular Respiration



    Read, annotate, and answer embedded questions Exploration 1 pg 112-115

    Read, annotate, and answer embedded questions Exploration 2 pg 117-118

    Edpuzzle – Glycolysis; watch, take notes, and upload notes.



    Day 11 Wednesday, Oct 7


    In class:

    Unit 2.2 Exploration 3 more on Cellular Respiration



    Read, annotate, and answer embedded questions pg 119-122

    Read Cellular Respiration Lab, this can be done at home using red cabbage juice– Lab report due on 10/16

    Edpuzzle –Krebs Cycle; watch, take notes, and upload notes.


    Day 12 Thursday, Oct 9


    In class:

    Unit 2 Lesson 3 Exploration 4 pg 123, 126-130

    Review Cellular Respiration: ETC



    Read, annotate, and answer Predict and Driving Questions on pgs 127-128 and pg 129-130

    Edpuzzle: Waste Water Treatment

    Unit 2 Exam on Thursday, 10/14

  • 09/28/202009/28/2020

    Day 10 Monday, Sept 28


    In class:

    Review Unit 2.1 Exploration 2 Light and Photosynthesis - Overview

    Go over homework assignments

    Due today – Week 6 packet

    Quiz on Unit 2 intro



    Read, annotate, and answer embedded questions pg 96-100

    Edpuzzle – Light reactions; watch, take notes, and answer Analyze questions 1-3 on pg 104


    Wednesday, Sept 30


    In class:

     Review Unit 2.1 Exploration 3 Stages of Photosynthesis



    Read, annotate, and answer embedded questions pg 101-107

    Read Photosynthesis Lab  and answer review questions– Demo Lab on Thursday/you perform it at home

    Edpuzzle – Calvin Cycle: watch, take notes, and answer Analyze questions 1-3 and draw conclusions (CER) pg 105


    Day 11 Thursday, Oct 1


    In class:

    Unit 2 Lesson 1 Exploration 3 - continued

    Review Light Reactions and Calvin Cycle

    Labster Activity: Photosynthesis, make sure to take screen shots of your scores and answer questions in your notebook.

    Do self-check on pg 109



    Read, annotate, and answer Predict and Driving Questions on pgs 109-110

    Do Photosynthesis Lab at home and answer Haspi Lab Analysis questions

  • 09/21/202009/21/2020

    Day 10 Monday, Sept 21


    In class:

    Review Unit 1.4 Exploration 1,2,3

    Continue with Career Exploration presentations

    Due today – Week 5 packet list



    Do Analyzing Squirrel Population Activity on pg 82 – due on Thursday

    Do Practice and Review pgs 83-84 – to get ready for Unit 1 test

    Unit 1 Test on Wednesday, anytime from 1-3:30 pm on


    Day 11 Thursday, Sept 24


    In class:

    Unit 2 Lesson 1 Exploration 1

    Read, annotate, and answer Predict and Driving Questions on pgs 85-86

    Complete vocab on pgs 87-88 – use textbook to complete chart



    Read, annotate, answer embedded questions Ch 2.1 pgs 89-95

    Photosynthesis – Khan Academy

  • 09/14/202009/14/2020

    Day 7 Sept 14


    Unit 1 Lesson 4 Exploration 1 (TB pgs 59-63)

    • Read and annotate the text
    • Take notes on the information in the text and videos.
    • Answer the embedded questions
    • Remember to write in your evidence notebook
    • Read Careers in Engineering pg 73-74
    • Read and annotate the text
    • Answer the embedded questions



    Find a career in environmental engineering (ex. Water treatment engineer, Wind turbine engineer, etc) and make a powerpoint 5-slide presentation on career that you find interesting. Presentations will be on Friday, Sept 18. Explore careers on


    Career Exploration: Environmental Engineering

    Ex. Water remediation


    Day 8 Sept 16


    Unit 1 Lesson 4 Exploration 2 Engineering Design Process (TB pgs 64-72)

    • Read and annotate the text
    • Answer the embedded questions
    • Remember to write in your evidence notebook



    Continue to work on your Career Exploration in Environmental Engineering


    Day 9 Sept 18


    In class:

    Student presentations on Careers in Engineering

    Limit presentation to 5-slides



    Engineering Activity: Building a Habitat for Burrowing Owls

    • Read and annotate the text
    • Answer the embedded questions
    • Remember to write in your evidence notebook
    • Complete Edpuzzle – Habitat for Burrowing Owls
  • 09/10/202009/10/2020

    Day 5 Wednesday Sept 9


    Remember to join us using Clever.


    In class:

    Review Unit 1 Lesson 2 to prepare for Quiz - Review notes, Study Guide

    Review 1.2 Exploration 3 (self-correct answers) – Breakout rooms to help each other

    • Unit 1.2 quiz (time limit-5 minutes)
    • We will be using Quizizz on – please make sure you created an account


    Unit 1 Lesson 3 Engage (TB p. 43)

    • Read and annotate the text
    • Answer the Predict question


    Asynchronous and Homework assignments


    Unit 1 Lesson 3 Exploration 1 (TB p. 44-48)

    • Read and annotate the text
    • Take notes on the information in the text and videos.
    • Answer the embedded questions
    • Remember to write in your evidence notebook
    • CompleteEdpuzzle – Natural Wildfires
    • Labster Activity on Spatial Ecology and Biodiversity – answer questions in your notebook

    Log in (via Google or by registering), and will have unlimited free access to the simulations thereafter.


    Day 6 Thursday, Sept 10

    Unit 1.3 Exploration 2 (TB p. 49-58)

    • Read and annotate the text
    • Take notes on the information in the text and videos.
    • Answer the embedded questions
    • Complete the two EdPuzzles: Primary Succession and Secondary Succession



    **** Assignments will be due at the end of the week, Friday, Sept 11 by 3 pm. We will upload a copy of all your Lesson 3 assignments. Please make sure to look at the list.



    • Refer to the “Reading With Your Pen” handout for your annotations.
    • All notes must be HANDWRITTEN.
  • 09/03/202009/04/2020

    In class today:


    Review 1:2 Analyzing Populations

    Share answers with group in breakout rooms

    1:2 Quiz



    Complete Calculating Population Size pg 29


    Exploration 3 pg 35-40; skip pg 38-39

    • Read and annotate the text
    • Take notes and answer embedded question
    • Do Data Analysis: Moose-Wolf Interactions on Isle Royale pg 34
    • Check Your Understanding pg 41-42
    • Watch Edpuzzle on Limiting Factor – take notes and upload notes by 3:00 pm today, 9/3
    • Watch Edpuzzle on Carrying Capacity – take notes and upload notes by 3:00 pm today, 9/3



    Complete Population Limiting Factors Activity – due on Tuesday, Sept 8. (Google Classroom)



    Due this Friday at 3 pm (please take a picture and upload)


    Unit 1 Lesson 2 Engage/Exploration 1 (TB p. 25-28) annotated, questions answered - 10 pts

    Unit 1 Lesson 2 Engage/ Exploration 2 (TB p.32-34) annotated, questions answered - 10 pts

    Calculating Population Size pg 29                                    - 5 pts

    Moose-Wolf Interactions on Isle Royale pg 34            - 5 pts

    Check Your Understanding pg 41-42                              - 10 pts

    EdPuzzle notes  on all 4                                                       - 10 pts


    Total points ----------- 50 pts

  • 08/31/202008/31/2020

    Remember to join us using Clever.


    In class:

    Review Unit 1 Lesson 1 to prepare for Quiz - Review notes, Study Guide

    Review Exploration 3 (self-correct answers) – Breakout rooms to help each other

    • Unit 1 Lesson 1 quiz (time limit-5 minutes)
    • We will be using Quizizz on – please make sure you created an account


    Unit 1 Lesson 2 Engage (TB p. 25)

    • Read and annotate the text
    • Answer the Predict question


    Asynchronous and Homework assignments


    Unit 1 Lesson 2 Exploration 1 (TB p. 26-28)

    • Read and annotate the text
    • Take notes on the information in the text and videos.
    • Answer the embedded questions/math problems

    After completing Exploration 1 (end of p. 28

    **Skip TB p. 29-31 – Problem Solving & Hands-On Lab**


    Exploration 2 (TB p. 32-34)

    • Read and annotate the text
    • Take notes on the information in the text and videos.
    • Answer the embedded questions
    • After finishing p. 34 (end of Exploration 2), complete the TWO EdPuzzles

    “Exponential Growth” AND “Logistic Growth”

    After completing Exploration 2 (end of p. 34)


    **** Assignments will be due at the end of the week. We will upload a copy of all your Lesson 2 assignments.



    • Refer to the “Reading With Your Pen” handout for your annotations.
    • All notes must be HANDWRITTEN.
  • 08/22/202008/24/2020

    Week of August 24, 2020 Unit 1 Living Systems

    Unit 1: Lesson 1-Life in the Earth System (pg 1-24) System

                Engage: Can You Explain It? Make a claim in you evidence notebook

                Language Development

    Explore/Explain 1: Systems and System Models

                CCC: Systems and System Models

    Explore/Explain 2: The Earth System

    Explore/Explain 3: Interactions in Ecosystems

  • 08/19/202008/19/2020

    Aug 19