Leaving Campus
Should a student become ill and need to leave campus, parent permission, or others designated by the parent, is obtained by telephone before students may leave campus. It is vital, therefore, that all changes of home or work telephone numbers be provided to the school as soon as possible.
Students Taking Medication
Students taking medication any time during the 24-hour period should inform the Health Office as to the medication and diagnosis requiring administration. All medications to be taken during school hours are to be kept in the Health Office and the student is required to have a signed medication release form on file. These forms may be obtained from the Health Office.
Injured Students
Students returning to school after injuries which necessitate crutches must have a doctor's note stating specifically that the student may attend school on crutches. Please click LINK for the Re-Admittance of Student Wearing Braces, Casts, Ace Wraps, or using Crutches form. For Students returning to school after being diagnosed with a contagious medical condition must have a doctor's release. All doctors' notes are processed through the Health Office.