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Bilingual Awards: General Info

Thank you for your interest in the Bilingual Awards!

Here's some general info:

Awards are given in students' senior year.
There are two awards, with two different sets of criteria: one from the state and one from the district.
Students can qualify for one or both awards, depending on which criteria they meet. 

Please see my "Bilingual Awards 2023" page for the following:

  • Information on the GUSD Bilingual Competency Award criteria and exam sign-ups.
  • Information on the California State Seal of Biliteracy Award criteria and exam sign-ups. 
  • Information on the GUSD Bilingual Competency Exams.
  • Q & A on the Bilingual Awards and Exams  

There will be two information sessions held on January 11, 2023: 

PLEASE realize that I cannot respond to hundreds of individual emails to answer questions. Please read the information posted, and plan to come to one of the information sessions if you still have questions.  If after that you still have questions, please see me in person in my office in the Career Center. I am generally there Mondays, Tuesdays, and alternate Wednesdays.