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Speech and Debate

Mr. Beerman’s Speech and Debate Syllabus CVHS

Room 8201

Welcome to Speech and Debate!

Effective communication skills are the key to developing citizens who think critically and empathetically.

The goal of this class is to improve a student’s oral and written communication, as well as active listening and research skills.

Public speaking is listed as a top terror for many individuals. This class will help you banish any lingering fears about speaking in front of a group. And you’ll have a lot of fun along the way!

Note: This class includes varsity members of the competitive speech and debate team, potential new members of the speech and debate team, and students who are taking the class for personal growth. This diversity requires that assignments and grading be measured by:

Effort and participation—Speech and Debate does NOT always include major amounts of homework. But it DOES include and necessitate active engagement in the classroom environment every single day.

Development and mastery of effective argumentation, research, and speech construction: Part of this class includes learning about what makes an effective argument, how to construct an organized speech, and how to research and cite your sources correctly. This can be considered the “writing and research” portion of the class and it should feel like you’re overlapping with your English class at times.

Growth and mastery of communication skills: This portion of your grade assesses you as an oral communicator. How do effectively you orally present your ideas? How thoughtfully do you actively listen to those of others?

Classroom Policies

In speech and debate, I ask my students to challenge themselves...and to step out of their own comfort zones. Successful students need to be willing to use tools like flipgrid and zoom breakout rooms to engage with their peers for practice and debates. It is critical that my online classroom is a safe space for everyone. My students must agree to support each other, encourage each other, and keep the classroom respectful and safe at all times.

Grading Policies

Most assignments are graded on a 5-point scale.

5 -Student work and participation demonstrates excellent effort to master a skill and use constructive feedback to improve performance.
4 -Student work and participation demonstrate effort to master a skill and some effort to use constructive feedback to improve performance.
3 -Student work demonstrates completion of a skill.
2 --Student work does not demonstrate completion of a skill.
1 – Student work lacks effort and the work is missing major components!
0 – Did you ever attend class?

I will not accept late assignments
You may request an extension via email.  Note, extension requests are NOT automatically approved.


  • Analysis
  • Research
  • Preparation/Rehearsal
  • Performance/Presentation


An Unexcused failure to attend a performance/presentation = a zero for the assignment
All unexcused Tardies will result in -3 points taken from participation


Students should have a folder, spiral notebook, or section of a binder to keep their speech and debate handouts and notes.
Students should bring their chromebooks when the teacher requests for research or to access google classroom.