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2024 Summer School Registration Information


Option 1. GUSD/CVHS Summer School


Monday June 10th -Tuesday, July 16th

Semester 1 classes: June 10th-June26th (no school June 19th)

Semester 2 classes: June 27th-July 16th (no school July 4th and 5th)


Bell Schedule:

8:30 am-1:45 pm (snack break 10:55-11:15):  Regular Full Day classes

          Special classes:

8:30 am-10:55 am OR 11:20 am-1:45 pm:  College Writing Class (seniors only)

2:00 pm-4:25 pm:  APEX class (11th/12th grade credit recovery only)

1:15 pm-5:45 pm:  Biotechnology class (Academy students only)


GUSD/CVHS is only offering in-person summer school on the CVHS campus. Daily attendance is extremely important.  1 day is equivalent to approximately 1 week of the normal school year. Students who are absent more than 3 days will be dropped and will not receive any credit for the course.


All summer school registration forms are posted to CVHS Counseling Google Classrooms for current students.

If you are not a current Rosemont or CVHS student, you must complete the GUSD/CV enrollment process prior to registering for summer classes. If you are applying for a permit to attend CVHS, your permit must be approved by GUSD before enrolling in any summer courses. Please email the CV counselor assigned to the student’s last name for any questions or concerns.


Important Dates:

Tuesday, February 13th- Summer Registration begins for all summer courses and programs. Registration forms are posted to CVHS Counseling Google classrooms.

Friday, March 29th – Deadline for Priority enrollment for CVHS Summer School and deadline to request approval for courses outside of GUSD.

After April 1st- CVHS Summer registration and enrollment will be pending available space. Remedial courses will be approved, as needed, based on final spring semester grades.


Other (non-GUSD) Summer School options

CV will consider requests for other summer options. Please review the summer registration form and information below to choose the option best suited for your student.

ANY summer school course taken outside of GUSD must be pre-approved by the CVHS counselor or it will not be placed on the CVHS transcript. A maximum of 15 credits may be earned in summer school.


Option 2. Glendale Community College-Student Success Center- 100% online, independent study, self-paced courses

  • Dates of GCC-SSC summer session: June 17th-August 2nd, 2024
  • Flexible hours, independent pacingStudents should expect to work a minimum of 4-6 hours per day to complete required assignments. Once the course is completed, the student does not need to stay enrolled.
  • Website:
  • Course Offerings that CVHS Counselors will approve at GCC-SSC:
    • Grade 9: Health
    • Grade 10: World History 1-2*
    • Grade 11: U. S. History 1-2*
    • Grade 12: American Government and/or Economics*
    • Any remedial/credit recovery courses for grades 10-12 

*Students requesting 2 semester courses with GCC-SSC must complete one of the semesters prior to July 13th in order to have time to complete the second course.

  • Enrollment Procedures: 
    • Step 1: Complete the 2024 Summer request form located in the CV Google Classroom indicating GCC-SSC as your desired summer program.
    • Step 2: Submit the GCC-SSC registration form (signed by student and parent) to the CV Counseling office to obtain the CV Counselor approval signature.
      • GCC-SSC forms are available in the CV Counseling office or Click HERE to Download- after 2/21)
      • List personal student email (not GUSD student email) on page 2
      • Rosemont students may submit the forms to the Rosemont counseling office and Rosemont will forward to CVHS.
    • Step 3: Counselors will forward the completed form to 
    • Step 4: GCC-SSC will process the forms and schedule a mandatory virtual orientation session sometime between March- May to confirm enrollment. 



Option 3. Any other outside program (OFL/OFY July Intersession, Mission Academy, LCEF, UC Scout, APEX Learning, BYU independent study, etc.)

  • *Non-GUSD programs will only be posted to your GUSD transcript if your course has been pre-approved by your CV Counselor.
  • The school must be UC/CSU A-G approved and WASC accredited. 
  • Search for your school's A-G course list at:
  • If you are interested in participating in athletics in college, verify the program has also  been approved by the NCAA at:    
  • You will receive an email from your CV Counselor if your request is approved. Do not register or pay for outside programs without prior approval.
  • Once you have been granted approval, you must register directly with the approved program and submit an official transcript to CV at the completion of the course.


CVHS will collaborate with GCC-Student Success Center and OFL/OFY July Intersession to obtain summer transcripts for students taking classes with those schools. Students taking classes at any other approved school are responsible for submitting official transcripts to the CVHS registrar at the end of summer.