
The Falcon is the student-run newspaper at Crescenta Valley High School.

We meet every school day during fifth period to write articles, design pages, and create spreads and senior personals. Our Editorial Board comes up with article topics, edits articles, and creates every page in the issue from start to finish.

If you are interested in joining the Journalism class at CVHS, look out for information on the application in the bulletin near the end of the school year. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are encouraged to apply.

Contact Us

Contact the Falcon at cvhsfalcon.online@gmail.com

We welcome letters and opinions from the student body, faculty, and community. The letters will not be published if they contain libel, obscene language, or plagiarism.

If you are interested in purchasing an ad, please visit our Ad page.

If you are a CVHS student and would like to apply to be in next year’s journalism class, please print and fill out an application. These are due in room 5207 by lunch on February 21.